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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Wilson, Robert Marion
Robert Marion Wilson generally and familiarly known as "Dick" Wilson was born in Cenogordo, Ill., June 2, 1855. His father Isaac Wilson was a native of Ireland.
Mr. Wilson was married Sept. 19, 1884, to Dora F. Henderson, at Vernon, Kansas. To this union were born 4 children, all of whom with
his wife survive him: Vance H. and Neil Wilson of Winslow, Arizona and Lora Bell Beams of Okmulgee, Oklahoma and Alice Roberta of Newton, Kansas.
Mr. Wilson came to Kansas in 1873, and engaged in the cattle business in Chase county for 9 years. In 1887 he came with his family to McPherson county where he engaged in farming for 6 years; but being ambitious for the education of his family, and his farming location being somewhat lacking in this connection, he made some sacrifice for better facilities and located in the city
where his family have continuously resided and were amply compensated by the progress made by their children in the schools.
After coming to the city he was engaged for some time in the purchase of cattle and other stock for the firm of Roseberg & Lloyd, and later conducted a feed store. He served in public capacity during most of the years of his residence in the city, serving as constable and as under sheriff for some time, and for 8 years as merchant police, and during all this latter service, was off duty only two weeks. He was ever dependable and faithful to every trust imposed upon him.
Mr. Wilson was in early life baptized into the M. E. church, and in recent years repeatedly expressed himself confidently of the after life and his willingness to respond to that call that must come to all.
"Dick," as his friends preferred to call him, was a true friend. There was never a question to his loyalty by friendship, for in his character there was no pretense. He was loved by those wbo knew him best.
outstanding characteristics were honesty, industry, courage and the Spirit of gratitude. He was a dependable, useful citisen a great friend of the small boy, a champion for the underpriviledged and devoted to his family.
Funeral services were held from the home Tuesday afternoon with members of the Masonie lodge in charge. Music was contributed by Mrs. H. C. Rice, Mrs, F. E. Regier, Galen Barret, and C. E. White. Interment was in the McPherson cemetery.
From the McPherson Daily Republic
The community was shocked late Saturday to learn that Robert M. Wilson, popularly known as "Dick", had suffered a stroke and little hope was held for his recovery. Yesterday morning at about 11:30 o'clock, without regaining consciousness, the sufferer passed the Great Divide.
"Dick" has been in ill health for several weeks, but has kept to his merchant police duties after night, despite his condition. Saturday before going home to sleep as is his afternoon custom, he remarked to friends, that he was unusually sleepy. The stroke came during the afternoon while he was asleep.
The deceased was 71 years of age. He came to McPherson county 39 years ago with his family from Chase county, and for six years lived on a farm. He then moved to McPherson and for several years purchased cattle for Bill Lloyd and V. F. Roseberg. He then operated a feed store opposite the Union hotel for a number of years, and served as constable and under sheriff. For the past eight years he has served as merchants' police, and in that time was on the job every night with the exception of two weeks when he was ill.
Funeral services will be held from
his late home, 209 N. Crestnut St.,
tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Interment will be made in McPherson Cemetery.
The McPherson Daily Republican.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Jun 2, 1926
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