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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Yeager, Frank
Operated on for Appendicitis Three weeks Ago, He was on the Road to Recovery, When He Suddenly Became Worse.
Mrs. Yeager and Daughter Injured
While Hurrying to Death Bed.
Careleas Wichita Driver Responsible
for Severe Wounds When He
Hit Yeager Car, Throwing
Occupants to Pavement.
The funeral of Frank Yeager, who died in the hospital at Wichita Sunday Afternoon, will be held at the Bazaar school house Wednesday afternoon, October 26, at 2:30 o'clock. Services at the grave in the Bazaar cemetery will be in charge of the local Masonic body of which he was a member.
Frank Yeager, one of the most prominent cattlemen, and a man prominent in local affairs of any
kind for the benefit of tihe community, died at the Wesley hospital in Wichita as the result of blood clot on
the brain. His death was so sudden
that relatives were not able to reach
the hospital before the end came. He
was operated on for appendicitis at
that hospital about three weeks ago
and was so far along the road to recovery, that his family expected him home today ortomorrow. They had
spent much of their time during the
the last two weeks there and had
only returned to their home in Bazaar
the latter part of last week when he
seemed so well that the would be home.
Sunday morning, Mrs. Yeager received a message that Mr, Yeager was in dangerous condition and she
and her daughtcar Katherine, were hurrying to Wichita in their car, when on entering that city their car was struck by the car of a man who is a consistant violater of the speed laws and the two people were thrown to the pavement and suffered severe bruises and cuts and thecar was practically a total wreck. They were taken to Wesley hospital for treatment and arrived there at exactly the time. that Mr. Yeager died.
The body was brought to this city Monday afteapoon and the funeral has been arranged for Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Yeager was born on Rock Creek in this county and this neighborhood has been this home all of his life. His activities and his prominence in the most important industry of the county have placed him among the foremost men of the county. He was appointed superintendent of the cattle deparament of the county fair, and carried on that work until he went to the hospital a week before the fair. He was forty-five years old and was always in the very best of health, which causes the news of the death to be even more of a shock to people who had known him for many years.
He leaves besides his wife, five children, Mrs. Frank Cooper, James, Earl, Katherine and George Yeager, and his brother, Charles Yeager, all of whom live at Bazaar.
Mrs. Yeager returned to this city Monday afternoon, just a day after the accident had occurred from which she received two bad scalp wounds. Katherine's bruises and scratches are very painful.
H. A. Beckman, the driver who ran into their car while going at a high rate of speed, was arrested when he was caught later that afternoon and is being held for police trail. He did not stop after he had struck the car but was apprehended by one of the witnesses of the accident who took up the chase, andbrought him hack to the scene of the accident where he was arrested. It is stated by the Wichita papers that he is a consistant speeder but had always before evaded the police.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Oct 26 1921.
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