Click on the Letter of the surname to reach the index for that list.
A | Alt | Ba | Ball | Barre | Berr | Bla | Bran |
Bre | Bro | Ca | Car | Cle | Conn | Cra | Da | De | Dr | E | Fa | Fi | Fr | Ga | Go | Ha | Harr | Hay | Her | Hind | Hol | How | Ice | Ja | Je | Jos | Ka | Kir | La | Lan | Le | Ma | Mann | May | McH | Mill | Mo | Mu | Na | No | O | Pa | Pat | Pe |Pf | Pra| Q | Ra | Re | Roc | Rol | Sa | Sch | Sha | She | Sm | Spa | Ston | Stra | Ta | Thu | U | V | Wa | Wat | Whe | Wils | Wo | Wool | Y
Indexing of Volume I was done in the summer of 1999 by Lorna Marvin. As I read the historical sketches it became very evident that many names were not included in the back of the book index. How would it be possible to reference the many names not listed in the index?
The answer was to create an all name index that would facilitate researchers. Volume I indexing is complete and Volume II index will be completed by December 31, 2001.
Chase County Historical Sketches Volume I, II, III, IV
can be purchased from the Chase County Historical Society,
P O Box 375 Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, 66845-0375 .
Please note:
I have strived to be as accurate as possible. If you find an error, please let me