The migration of the Holvorson branch of the Skavlem family is excerpted from a book titled
THE SKAVLEM AND �DEGAARDEM FAMILIES authored by Halvor L. Skavlem and published in 1915.
Kenneth Newell Land, whose mother was Erma Maxine Burkett Land has made the book available for the story that appears herein .


Erma M. Land, 75, died Sept. 4 at Red Wing, Minn.

Born in Cedar Vale on Nov. 22, 1911, she was the daughter of Orville and Minnie Smith Burkett. After graduating from Cedar Vale High School, she was married to Howard Land on Nov. 16, 1932, in Wichita. He preceded her in death in 1968.

Survivors include a son, Kenneth Land, Red Wing, and one grand-daughter.

Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at Wheeler Funeral Home in Cedar Vale, with interment in Cedar Vale Cemetery.


Herbrand Halvorsen Skavlem (changed to Abram Holverson). The Abram Holverson branch of the Skavlem family. Herbrand, Voyage of the "Emelia," arrives at Chicago. Learning English. To Rock County. Locates home. H. Skavlem. Odegaarden family. Buys more land. Large family. Pioneer of Kansas. Holver A. Skavlem, shifting of name. H. A. Skavlem. Myrtle Holverson. The Younkmans - Cornelia Holverson. The Smiths � Minnie Smith. The Burketts - Henry Holverson, Kansas. Oklahoma. California. Helen Holverson. The Kellys - Ed. M. Kelly. The Stouts - Ella Kelly. Helen Kelly. The Saunders � Rebecca Holverson. The Leedys � Abram Leedy. The Thomsons - Homer Leedy. The Smiths � Rollin Leedy. Hannah Holverson. The Hines � Charles Hines, Earl Hines. The Doolins � Thomas, Harry, Helen, Mildred Hines.



Herbrand was born at Nordre Skavlem, in the sub-parish of Vegglie, Nummedal, Norway, October 3, 1822. He came to America in 1839.

He took passage on the "Emelia" which sailed from Drammen to Gothenburg where it took on a cargo of Swedish iron as ballast. A big storm was encountered near Lindesness on the coast of Norway. A pilot came out to the vessel and asked the captain if he wanted to go into the harbor. The captain put the proposition to the passengers that if they would pay a part of the expenses of the pilot the ship would be taken into the harbor. They agreed to do so, and the amount was readily made up, and the vessel sailed into the harbor and remained there one week.

On the way across contrary winds were encountered and slow progress was made. The drinking water got very low and bad, and had to be boiled before it was fit to drink. At the banks of New Foundland they stopped to fish. They caught an immense flounder which required the strength of the captain and three men to land on the deck of the ship. As the flounder lay on the deck "Blind Andrew" (son of Goe Bj�no), one of the passengers, wanted to measure it with his hands in order to get an idea of how large it was. No sooner had he laid his hands on the fish than it gave a flop which sent the blind boy sprawling on the deck�but fully satisfied as to its size.

The "Emelia" reached New York, August 23d, having been at sea about nine weeks. Herbrand made his way to Chicago, arriving there with just one-half of a sovereign in his pocket. He soon obtained work at the "United States Hotel." At this hotel were three Irish girl employees who took an interest in the youthful Herbrand, and taught him to speak English fairly well After several months he quit the employ of the hotel and engaged with a German doctor named Brinkerhoff.

Herbrand H. Skavlem remained in Chicago and vicinity a little over one year, and then went to Jefferson Prairie, Rock County, Wis., where he made his home for a short time with Ole Natesta. He then went to Rock Prairie, Wis., and took up a piece of land in Section 19, Township of Beloit.

While improving his land he made his home with Widow Gunnil Odegaarden and family. He soon became engaged to one of the daughters, Gunnil, whom he married in 1843, and moved into the log house built the same year. He purchased an ox team for which he paid forty dollars, including the yoke. He also bought a milch cow for ten dollars. (Harvest hands received fifty cents per day, and hired girls fifty and seventy-five cents per week. A washerwoman's wage was one shilling per day.)

In the early days he hauled his wheat to the Milwaukee market, a distance of eighty miles, the price he was paid being fifty cents, and some times less, per bushel. Several of the neighbors would make the trip together; but with the slow-moving oxen they would be gone from home for fully a week. He raised some hogs and at first received three cents per pound for dressed hogs.

Mr. and Mrs. Holverson�he had already changed his name to Abram Holverson�lived in the log cabin until 1850, when it was torn down and moved to a new location but a short distance from the old. It was then remodeled and enlarged, all the logs from the old cabin being used in the new building. It was boarded inside and out, with a new frame kitchen built on. A further addition to the building was made in 1853, when a stone or "grout'' house was built, the work being done by Tolle Gravdaie.

In 1852 Abram Holverson purchased the Widow Odegaarden's place, which adjoined his, and she with her two remaining daughters made their home with him. (The two daughters were Astrid and Guri. Astrid married Bj�rn Swenson L�ken and moved to Iowa. Widow Odegaarden died of cholera in July, 1854. Shortly afterwards Guri married Ole Gulack Gravdale.)

[ Gunnil Tostensdatter Odegaarden was born in Nore parish, Nummedal, Norway, January 1, 1825. With her mother and three sisters she came to the United States in 1839. Gunnil at once sought employment in American families in order to learn the English language. For a time she worked for Mr. Washburn, then living near the present village of Afton. There she met with an accident which lamed her for life.]
Mr. Holverson bought a piece of land, consisting of forty acres from Arne Gullicksen Rondehaug, making his farm consist of three hundred and twenty acres.

In 1869 Mr. Holverson again became a pioneer. In the spring of that year he left Wisconsin to look up a new home in Kansas. He and his son, Ole, in company with Ole Skofstad and Andrew Johnson, of Jefferson Prairie, made the trip with wagons. He took with him about five hundred sheep and several cows and horses.

The emigrants arrived at their destination in southeastern Kansas, Howard County (now Chautauqua County), in the latter part of August. Abram Holverson located a claim on Sec. 1, T. 24, R. 8. This land had been purchased by the United States government from the Osage Indians, but was not surveyed until nearly two years later.

There were but few settlers in the country at the time, the nearest neighbor to the north was thirty miles distant, and the nearest railroad was 175 miles distant; nothing in the shape of supplies could be obtained nearer than at Eureka, eighty miles distant; for a time the latter place was the nearest postoffice.

Mr. Holverson built a log house and lived in it until 1874, when a large, substantial stone residence was built. The work was done by William M. Kelly, who afterwards became a son-in-law, marrying Helen Holverson.

In the fall of 1871 his sons, Henry and John, and his daughters, Nellie, Helen and Rebecca, joined him; and in the fall of 1874 his wife and youngest daughter, Hannah came.

To Mr. and Mrs. Holverson eleven children were born:

Mrs. Holverson died at Cedar Vale, Kansas, March 26, 1888, and rests with others of her family in the cemetery at Cedar Vale. She was a life-long member of the Lutheran Church.

In 1890 Mr. Holverson went to San Diego, California, remaining there until 1906, when he returned to Cedar Vale, Kansas, where he has since made his home with his youngest daughter. Hannah Holverson Hines.

He is still living, and at ninety-one years of age is quite active, enjoying working among the trees and flowers. He reads a great deal and keeps well posted on current events.

In politics he has been a life-long Republican. He is a member of the Lutheran Church.



Myrtle Mary was born on the family homestead, Cedar Vale, Kansas, May 26, 1887. She received a common school education; also one year in the Commercial Course at the Notre Dame Academy, at Cleveland, Ohio, and made her home with her parents until her marriage. She was married December 31, 1907, to Orval Younkman.

Mr and Mrs Younkman have two children:

Mr. and Mrs. Younkman now reside at "Oakwood Farm" near Cedar Vale, Kansas, and have the management of the old Ole Holverson homestead.

Mrs. Younkman is a member of the Roman Catholic Church.

[ Orval Younkman was born in Allen County, Ohio, near the town of Lafayette, December28, 1880 When Orval was ten years of age his parents died and he made his home with an uncle, William Cotner, living near Beaverdam, Ohio, until he reached the age of twenty years. He then went to the oil fields at South Lima, Ohio, and was employed in that industry until the year 1904, when he moved to the new oil region at Ramona, Oklahoma, and engaged in the same business. In 1907 he met Miss Holverson, and on December 31st of that year, they were married.

Mr. Younkman is a member of the Modern Woodmen and of the A. H. T. A. In politics he is a Democrat.

His parents were Daniel and Sydney B. (Hall) Younkman. Daniel Younkman was born in Stark County, Ohio, November 17, 1852. He taught school and also engaged in farming. He died in Allen County, Ohio March 18, 1891.

Sydney B Hall was born in Allen County, Ohio, May 15, 1856 She Allen County, Ohio March 2, 1890.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Younkman were both of German descent.]



Cornelia (changed to ellie) was born on the farm home near Beloit, Wis., May 20, 1853. In 1872 she went to Cedar Vale, Kansas, and was married to Jesse Freemont Smith, September 16, 1880.

In 1881 Mr. and Mrs. Smith took up a homestead near Cedar Vale and engaged in farming and stock raising. Subsequently they added to their original holdings by the purchase of one hundred and fifty acres of land, and on this land now known as "Walnut Grove Farm," they resided until 1910, when they moved to Cedar Vale.

Mr. Smith died at Cedar Vale, February 24, 1913. Mrs. Smith continues her residence at Cedar Vale and attends to the management of the farm.

Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of whom only one is now living. The children:

Mr. and Mrs. Smith were members of the Lutheran Church.
[ Jesse Freemont Smith was born at Ottumwa, Iowa, October 14, 1856. He moved to Kansas in 1871. Mr. Smith was a member of the I. 0. 0. F.; the A. H. T. A.; and of the United Workmen. In politics he was a Republican. His parents were John Milton and Jemima (Soddith) Smith.

(Major U. S. A.) John Milton Smith was born in Culpepper County, Virginia, in 1819. When quite young he migrated with his parents to Ohio, locating in Logan County, where he remained until 1846. He then went into the Mexican War as Major of the Second Ohio Regiment, serving eighteen months, and was in the battle of Buena Vista and at the capture of the City of Mexico, besides many other smaller battles. After leaving the army he returned to Logan County, Ohio, where he remained until 1851, when he moved to Atchison County, Missouri. In 1856 he moved to Iowa, living there for two years and then returning to Missouri in 1858, locating at Independence; from there he moved to Texas, but in 1860 he removed to Jefferson, Kansas, where he built a flouring-mill and remained five years. He then moved to Medina, Kansas, taking his mill with him and adding a carding mill to it. His mill having been burned he engaged in the building and superintending of several mills until 1870, when he moved to Howard (now Chautauqua) County, Kansas, for the purpose of erecting a mill. Being pleased with the country, he located a claim on Section 5, Township 33, Range 9.

When first located Major Smith's claim was one hundred and twenty miles distant from the nearest railroad and there were but few settlers in the township. His farm contained one hundred and sixty acres, seventy acres of which were put under cultivation, enclosed by good fences. Some of the land was laid out in orchards, etc. To some extent he was engaged in dairying.

In 1840 he was married to Miss Jemima Soddith, of Logan County, Ohio.

Mrs. Smith was killed in a boiler explosion in 1859 in Texas, leaving three children: Dulcena, Millard F., and Jesse Fremont. Mrs. Jemima Soddith Smith's parents were German and French.

In 1863 Major Smith remarried, this time to Mrs. Melissa F. Atkins, by whom he had one child, William L.

Major Smith's parents were Scotch�Irish and Dutch.

John Milton Smith died at Cedar Vale, Kansas, June 14, 1886]



Minnie Estella was born on �Walnut Grove Farm,� near Cedar Vale, Kansas, December 13, 1889. She received a common school education and resided with her parents on the farm until 1908 when she was married. She married Orval Burkett, 1 September 23, 1908. Mr. Burkett is in the live stock business at Cedar Vale, Kansas, where they now reside.

Mr. and Mrs. Burkett have one child, Erma Maxine, born November 22, 1911.

[ Orval Burkett was born near Cedar Vale, Kansas, January 21, 1886. His parents were Rudy Francis and Laura Eunice (Ketchum) Burkett. They were of German descent.

Rudy Francis Burkett was born in Putnam County. Indiana, March 23, 1848.

Laura Eunice Ketchum was born in Newberry, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, September 24, 1845.

Mr. and Mrs. Burkett moved to Kansas in 1871. They now reside at Cedar Vale, Kansas.

Orval Burkett is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. and of the A. H. T. A.]


Henry was born on the farm home near Beloit, Rock County, Wis., February 2, 1857. He removed to Kansas in the fall of 1871. On May 5, 1889, he married Minnie Johnson. He followed the occupation of farming until 1893, when he moved to Ponca City, Oklahoma, and embarked in the feed and fuel business. He remained at Ponca City until the fall of 1897 when he sold out and moved to San Diego, California. In 1899 he quit San Diego to return to Cedar Vale, Kansas, but again directed his steps to the California city, and in 1901, returned to San Diego and engaged in the feed and fuel business which he continues to conduct.

One son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Holverson, Frederick A., born March 8, 1891.

Frederick A. Holverson is a student at Stanford University, California; his course is electrical engineering.

Mr. Holverson and family are members of the Episcopal Church.

Mr. Holverson is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and of the Knights of Maccabees. He is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce of San Diego, California. In politics he is a Republican.

[ Minnie Johnson was born in the Town of Clinton, Rock County, Wis. April 19 1865. With her parents she went to Kansas in 1869; they were accompanied by Abram Holverson and his party.

Her parents were Anders Johannes and Karine (Olsen) Lysen. They were natives of Norway, and were married in 1840.

Anders Johannes Lysen (name since changed to Andrew Johnson) was born at Hadeland, Norway, in 1816. He with his family, came to the United States in 1848 and first located near Racine, Wis. About 1858 they moved to Jefferson Prairie, Rock County, Wis.: thence to Kansas. Mr. Johnson died at Cedar Vale, Kansas, in 1890.

Mrs. Johnson (Karine Olsen) born near Christiania, Norway, in 1820; died at Winfield, Kansas, November 1903.]



Helen was born on the farm home near Beloit, Wis., February 27, 1859, and went to Cedar Vale, Kansas, in 1871. She was married to William McDonald Kelly, in 1878, and they took up their residence at Cedar Vale, where they continued to reside until the time of her death which occurred, August 6, 1882.

To them three children were born:

[ William M. Kelly was born in West Troy. New York. August 17, 1849. As to the parents of William we are unable to give much information, except that they emigrated from Ireland, his mother being a McDonald. At the age of 14 years William enlisted in Co. K. 4th Ohio Cavalry; date of enlistment being January 7, 1864; served through the War of the Rebellion, and was discharged at Marshall, Tenn., on July 15. Soon thereafter he enlisted in the 18th U. S. Regulars, and served three years. He then came to the Osage Agency (now Pawhuska, Oklahoma) in 1872 where he worked as a stone mason up to 1875, then he spent several years in the Black Hills during the gold excitement of 1876-7, returning in 1878 to Cedar Vale, Kansas where he married Helen Holverson the same year. For the next fifteen years he was engaged as a building contractor, some of the buildings he erected being the Catholic School, also the Government School building of Pawhuska, Oklahoma. Mr. Kelly was married a second time, his wife being Julia (Rusk) Kelly. With her he had four children: Elizabeth, Tom, Max and Hazel. Mr. Kelly died in Oklahoma in 1909 and is buried by the side of his first wife, Helen Holverson Kelly, in the cemetery at Cedar Vale, Kansas.]


Edward Michael born April 29, 1879; spent his boyhood days at the parental home at Cedar Vale, Kansas, and Blackburn, Oklahoma. For a time he engaged in the hardware and farm implement business with his father at Blackburn, Oklahoma, and at the age of twenty-one established a general store at that place. From 1901 to 1907, he was engaged in the mercantile and lumber business at Blackburn; from 1907 to 1910, he was cashier of the German American Bank at Blackburn; from 1910 to the present time he has held the position of clerk of the District Court, 21st Judicial District, Pawnee, Oklahoma.

In politics Mr. Kelly is a Republican, and has the distinction of being the only Republican elected in the county at the last election.

On January 6, 1901, Mr. Kelly married Grace Stout, of Stockton, Mo.

To them five children were born, as follows:

[ Grace Stout was born in Moniteau County, Mo., September 20, 1879. Her parents were Ira and Sarah Elizabeth (Smith) Stout.

Ira Stout was born in Greene County, Ill., in 1846. Served in the Civil War, Battery B, 2d Reg�t, Illinois Light Artillery, participating in the engagements at Pittsburg Landing, siege and battle of Corinth, and Gunton, Miss. He joined the service in March, 1862, and served to the close of the war. He now resides at Cushing, Oklahoma.

Sarah Elizabeth Smith, born in De Kaib County, Ill., in 1843; died in Pawnee, Oklahoma, February, 1914.]


Ella, born September 19, 1880; has been of late engaged in newspaper work as a reporter at Cedar Vale, Kansas; resides with her aunt, Rebecca Leedy, - single.



Helen Gunnil, born May 1, 1882, at Cedar Vale, Kansas; received a common school education, supplemented by other educational facilities, fitting herself for the profession of teaching. She taught school at Blackburn, Oklahoma, Cedar Vale, Kansas, and at the Pawnee City schools, Oklahoma.

August 23, 1908, she married Dr. Lindsey Perry Saunders, of Pawnee, Oklahoma, where they have since continued to reside.

They have four children:

[ Lindsey Perry Saunders, born in McNairy County, Tenn., December 23, 1869. His parents were Stanford Landers and Mary Jane (Williams) Saunders, Stanford L. Saunders, born in McNairy County, Tenn., in 1837; died in same County in 1877.

Mary Jane Williams, born in McNairy county, in 1846; died in same place in 1886. Both the Saunders� and Williams� families are early pioneer families of McNairy County. Tenn.

Dr. Saunders is a dentist by profession, and enjoys a large and lucrative business.]



Rebecca Sophia was born on the old homestead near Beloit, Rock County, Wis., August 18, 1861. She went to Kansas in 1871, and was married to Joseph H. Leedy, April 17, 1881.

In 1890 Mr. Leedy purchased the homestead of his father-inlaw, Abram Holverson, situated near Cedar Vale, Kansas, and removed with his family to that place. This farm consists of two hundred and eighty acres, and is now known as �Hillside Farm.�

The family resided on the farm until 1905, when they built a fine house at Cedar Vale and removed there.

Mr. Leedy died October 5, 1907. His widow, Rebecca Holverson Leedy, now resides at Cedar Vale.

Three Sons were born to Mr. and Mrs. Leedy:

[ Joseph H. Leedy was born at Etton, Ohio, October 17, 1849. He removed to Eureka, Kansas, with the family from Andrews, Indiana, in the fall of 1870, and engaged in farming and stock raising. In the fall of 1876 he formed a partnership with his brother in-law, Thomas Holverson, and under the firm name of �Holverson & Leedy" engaged in the mercantile business. In 1890 he purchased the homestead of his father in-law, Abram Holverson, near Cedar Vale, and removed his family to that place. He resided there until 1905, when he moved into the fine house he had built in Cedar Vale. Mr. Leedy was a shrewd business man and accumulated considerable means. He was prominent as a stock raiser and shipper, and also served as director of one of the banks.

He was a member of the I. 0. 0. F., and of the Woodmen.

In religion he was a Spiritualist. In politics he was a Republican.

He died October 5, 1907. ]


Abram H. was born January 7, 1882. He received a common school education. For a time he was engaged in the lumber business in connection with stock raising and the buying and shipping of cattle. He is now devoting his entire attention to the management of his stock ranch of over one thousand acres, located about three miles from Cedar Vale, Kansas, and the buying and shipping of cattle. He married Gertrude Thomson, November 3, 1907.

They have two children:

Mr. and Mrs. Leedy are now living at their farm called "The Maples."

Mr. Leedy is a thirty- second degree Mason, and also a Woodman.

In religion he is a Spiritualist. Mr. Leedy is a Progressive Republican.

[ Gertrude Thomson was born in Ray County, Missouri, July 19, 1887. Her father, Robert Allen Thomson, of Dutch Irish descent. was born in Ray County, Missouri, October 3, 1853. Her mother, Sophia (Depenbrink) Thomson, of pure German descent (both of her parents having emigrated from Germany), was born in Lafayette County, Missouri, May 6, 1859. Mr. and Mrs. Thomson moved with their family to Chautauqua County, Kansas, in 1890, and in 1911 to Blackfoot, Idaho, near which place Mr. Thomson is still engaged in farming.]


Homer H. was born February 29, 1884. He received a common school education. He is in partnership with his brother, Abram, in the cattle business, and is now the owner of "Hillside Farm." He married Janet Smith,2 October 23, 1908.

To them two children have been born:

[ Janet Smith was born in Sedan, Kansas March 10, 1890. Her father, Thomas Edgerton Smith, was born in Laurence. Douglas County, Kansas, January 10, 1861, of Irish descent. Her mother, Nannie (Baker) Smith, was born in Clinton. Lewis County, Missouri, November 15, 1864 of Irish-Dutch descent. Both parents are residing at Pawhuska, Osage County, Oklahoma.]


Rollin H. was born December 9, 1893. He was educated at Cedar Vale, graduated from the high school in 1913, taking a Farmer's Short Course at Manhattan, Kansas, in 1914 lives with his mother at Cedar Vale, when at home. Politics�Progressive Republican. Religion�Spiritualist. Expects to make the cattle industry his business. He is interested in the cattle raising business in the Panhandle, Texas.



Hannah Louise, was born on the old homestead near Beloit, Rock County, Wis., October 2, 1866. In the fall of 1874 she moved to Kansas. She was married October 27, 1886, to Hugh R. Hines.

There were seven children born of this union, of whom six are now living:

Mr. and Mrs. Hines' children were all born on "SunnySide Farm," Chautauqua County, Kansas, where the parents established their home at the time of their marriage.

In 1905 Mr. Hines lost his life in an accident at the Kansas City Stockyards.

Since his death Mrs. Hines has assumed the active management of the extensive cattle and farm business built up by him, buying and selling stock herself. She has proved herself a successful business women.

Hannah Holverson Hines is living with her son, Thomas, and her two daughters on their "Sunnyside Farm" near Cedar Vale, Kansas.

[Hugh R. Hines was born in Muncie, Indiana, October 24. 1861 He moved to Chautauqua County, Kansas, in 1880, where he engaged in farming and stock raising. He was successful in this business having become the owner of a well stocked farm of over six hundred acres � known as the "Sunnyside Farm." Mr. Hines was accidentally killed at the Kansas City Stockyards, while there with a shipment of cattle. December 15. 1905. His parents were William and Harriet (Reynolds) Hines. William Hines was born at Muncie, Indiana; was of Scotch-Irish descent; died at Wichita, Kansas, November 13, 1906. Harriet Reynolds was born in West Virginia; Dutch descent. Died at cedar Vale, Kansas, January 9, 1909.]

Charles A., was born November 16, 1887, on "Sunnyside Farm," Chautauqua County, Kansas. He received a common school education. He has been engaged as lineman and various other kinds of work in connection with railroading and telegraphy. Mr. Hines is a member of the Modern Woodmen. In politics he is a Republican.

Earl, was born February 8, 1890, on "Sunnyside Farm," Chautauqua County, Kansas. He received a common school education. His training was directed to farming and stock raising on his father's farm. In 1912 he married Hazel Doolin; established a home of his own, and is now engaged in farming near Cedar Vale, Kansas. In Politics Mr. Hines is a Republican.
[Hazel Doolin was born May 11, at Cedar Vale, Kansas. Her parents were Joseph and Lenora (Richardson) Doolin. Joseph Doolin was born in Missouri. Aug. 19. 1850, of French-Irish descent. He moved to Howard County, Kansas in 1872. Lenora Richardson was born in Hancock County. Illinois. December 6, 1857. of Scotch English descent She moved to Cowly County. Kansas, in 1871 and married Joseph Doolin in 1875. Mr. and Mrs. Doolin are now living at Kaw City. Oklahoma. ]

Thomas was born on ��Sunnyside Farm,� Chautauqua County, Kansas, February 29, 1892. He received a common school education. He was trained in farming and stock raising on the old homestead, and is now assistant to his mother in the management of ��Sunnyside Farm.��

Mr. Hines is a member of the Modern Woodmen. In politics he is a Republican.

Harry was born on �Sunnyside Farm,� Chautauqua County, Kansas, November 17, 1894. He received a common school education. His early training was in farming and stock raising, similar to that of his brothers, and he is by occupation a farmer.

Helen was born on �Sunnyside Farm,� Chautauqua County, Kansas, June 29, 1900. Miss Hines makes her home with her mother and assists with the various household duties connected with a large and well-kept farm. [died October 23, 1995]

Mildred was born on �Sunnyside Farm,� Chautauqua County, Kansas, November 6, 1903. She makes her home with her mother, assisting with her sister. [died 1988]


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