It is a matter of history that gems and trinkets belonged to the most ancient of the civilized as well as the uncivilized races. The Egyptians were lavish in their display of personal ornaments and some of the customs of the Cleopatrian era have come down to us almost without modification. At all periods of history jewelry has been beautiful, but never so beautiful as in our times. This fact finds ample corobboration in the examination of the unique and varied assortment of jewelry, watches, clocks, cutglass, ivory goods and novelties exhibited by C. W. Brackman, at 134 W. Pine Street. This store is finely furnished with modern fixtures and show-cases, and the handsome display is extremely pleasing. The cases are so classified as to make the selection of jewelry very easy. Mr. Brackman is also an expert watchmaker and makes a specialty of intricate and difficult repair work. He has been engaged in this line for 30 years and is one of the best posted jewelers in this section. Mr. Brackman has been established here about one year. He is a man of unquestioned integrity and has many friends in this community.


  The man who believes that the patrons of his business are his friends and deals with them accordingly, is a man from whom you will always get value received for your money. Such a one is F. W. Goode, proprietor and manager of the Exchange
Furniture Company, located at 225 West Maple street. This firm deals in new and used furniture, stoves, ranges and home furnishings. This business was established July 9, 1921. From the first the store was given a liberal patronage by all classes of citizezns[sic] and it is now among the vigorous and successful enterprises of the City. Mr. Goode is a man of business ability and unquestioned standing in the commercial realms of the City and is much interested in every movement that makes for progress and advancement in the County.


  The residents of Columbus are offered metropolitan facilities at Baker's Cleaning Plant. This business is located at 123 East Maple street. They clean, press and repair ladies' and gents' garments; also do high-grade tailoring. In the last-named department they have on exhibit one of the most complete lines of samples of woolens, worsteds, etc., to be found in the County and every garment made and sold by the firm is absolutely guaranteed to fit the person for whom it was intended and to give absolute satisfaction. This business was founded 13 years ago and is owned by T. O. Baker. He is an expert in his line and is rendering his patrons the most reliable service at economical pricets. Garments are called for and delivered to any part of the City. The place is equipped with the latest improved machinery and no detail is lacking to make it the leader in its line in its town and field. Mr. Baker is a young man of sterling reliability and takes pride in advancing the interests of his home town or County.


  Beautifully located in the extreme Southeastern section of Cherokee County, near the Missouri-Oklahoma state line, is the thriving and progressive little city of Baxter Springs. 5,000. During the past few years the city has installed a sanitary sewer system of over six miles of mains which covers the entire city; also splendid water system, owned by

Military Avenue, Baxter Springs, Kansas
Six years ago Baxter Springs was a third rate village, with a population of 1,400. It is now a thoroughly modern and up-to-date little city with a population of approximately the city and supplying the people adequately with the best and purest of water. One of the most important improvement projects that has been carried out in Baxter Springs was
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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