Cherokee County Kansas Genealogical-Historical
Society, Inc. |
The Cherokee County Kansas Genealogical-Historical Society,
Inc. meets the fourth Tuesday of each month, except December, at 100 S.
Tennessee in the Library Room of the Genealogy and Columbus Museum Building.
Library hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed
Note: Library will be closed through Thanksgiving weekend.
Memberships are available at the Single, Family and Life-time levels. All
members receive the semi-annual publication RELATIVELY SEEKING. Each
issue is indexed and contains approximately 60 pages; including listings of
Cherokee County cemeteries, marriages, births, deaths, naturalizations,
histories, etc.
The Society has emphasized making local records accessable. Members will
research the resources for you. The society requests a donation $10.00
per hour plus copies and postage. Contact them for details. If writing,
please enclose a SASE. Donations are used to provide additional materials
for researchers.
Some of the Society's holdings include:
- Cherokee Neutral Land Records beginning in 1866, Indexed
- Federal & Kansas State Census for Cherokee Co. 1855-1925
(Indexed - 1855 through 1930)
- Cherokee County Plat Ownership Maps: 1883, 1902, 1917, 1939, 1941, 1959, Indexed
- Newspapers on microfilm for Columbus, Baxter Springs, Galena, Weir, Scammon
Index in progress for birth, marriage and death notices, 1868 to 1979
1980 to present, complete
- Cherokee County Probate Court Records, 1876-1989
- Cherokee County Civil Court Cases 1867-1982 (Indexed)
- Cherokee County Marriage Records indexed 1867 through 1945
Marriages on microfilm up to Feb. 1919
- Tombstone Inscriptions - 63 burial sites
- Cherokee County Naturalizations 1870-1930 (Indexed)
- Galena Court Records 1876-1964 (Indexed)
- Galena Criminal Records 1896-1969 (Index in progress)
- Birth Records 1896-1911
Indexed to 1910
- Death Records 1896-1905, Indexed
- Index to Obituaries printed in Cherokee County, Kansas newspapers from 1868 to present
- 1904 Cherokee County History (Indexed)
- Cherokee County Civil War Veterans listings
- Cherokee County Post Offices, 1848 to present
- Columbus City Directories, 1913 and 1937
- Columbus Telephone Directories, 1919, 1923-24, 1931, 1942-44, 1949 to present
- Columbus High School Annuals, 1904 to present
- Cherokee County School Records 1896-1969
- 1905 Galena City Directory
- Columbus Streets and Resident Books, in progress
- Family Correspondence Files, 1980 to present
Publications available for purchase include:
- Back issues of the publication Relatively Seeking
- Relatively Seeking Index, Vol I through Vol. X
(Subject index and complete name index for first ten years)
- City Cemetery - Columbus
(Alphabetical listing of tombstone inscriptions and burial records)
- Park Cemetery - Columbus
(Alphabetical listing of tombstone inscriptions and burial records)
- Baxter & Spring Valley Township Cemeteries:
- Baxter Springs City Cemetery
- Pleasant View [Shilo]
- Beasley
- Brush Creek
- Crum
- unnamed burial sites in the township
(Alphabetical listings)
- Cherokee County Marriages 1867-1886
(Alphabetical listing of brides and grooms
-- first 20 years of marriage records from the Probate Court)
- State and Federal Census of Cherokee County Kansas 1855-1875
- Showing listings and indexes of Kansas Industrial Census,
- Federal Census of McGee County [now Cherokee Co.],
- Mortality Schedules,
- Products of Agriculture
- Products of Industry
- Relatively Seeking (Back issues)
- Christmas Ornaments
- Old Cherokee Co. High School
- Old Cherokee Co. Court House
- Old Maude Norton Hospital
Volunteers will do research for a donation to the society and a SASE.
For more information, contact:
Cherokee County Kansas Genealogical-Historical Society,
100 S. Tennessee
PO Box 33
Columbus, KS 66725-0033
(620) 429-2992
Tom & Carolyn Ward Columbus, KS
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Last updated 2014