Gridley Star
July 7, 1905
Misses Etta and Ida Twyman, daughters of Wm. Twyman living south of town, were drowned Sunday afternoon while attempting to cross Big creek at the Caven ford about six miles south of town. The sisters were not found until Tuesday. Walt Morrow found Miss Ett's body one-fourth of a mile below the ford about five o'clock in the afternoon and the body of Miss Ida was found Tuesday night at 11:30 by George Crotty about one-half mile below the ford. The horse which was drowned was nearly a mile below the ford and the buggy was found about half way between the bodies of the two girls.
The funeral was held from the home Wednesday morning at nine o'clock and the interment was in the Big Creek cemetery. Rev. Mr. Laughlin of Gridley made a very touching funeral sermon and the entire neighborhoon with their presence showed the sorrow they felt at the sudden death of the girls.
Miss Ida had been working for the family of Abe Cokeley and her sister Miss Etta was intending to take her place. The girls started Sunday afternoon to go to Cokeley's and Miss intended to stay over night and return home Monday. When she did not return Monday, Mr. Twyman thought she had decided to stay over that day and no alarm was given. Tuesday morning when she did not return home, Mr. Twyman went to the Cokeley home to learn of her continued stay. When he found that the girls had not been there an alarm was given and the men of the neighborhood started the search for them.
The Caven ford across Big creek is rather a bad one which the water is high and the continued rains the past week made the creek dangerous to ford. The water in the ford was about seven feet deep and very swift. The supposition is that the horse and buggy was swept away as soon as the current struck them.
The Misses Twyman were young ladies 17 and 19 years old. They had won the respect of the entire community by their faithfulness and pleasant and accomodating manner. Their mother died when they were young and for the past few years they have had charge of the home and given their time to their younger brother and sister. They were good examples of fine womanhood and their sudden death is a very sad affair. The father one sister and three brothers are left to mourn their loss and they have the sympathy of all.

Marion Linhart went to Osawatomie Friday. He returned home Saturday accompanied by his grandson Marion Strickland.


342 East Mixed Lv. 9:17 a.m.
341 West Mixed Lv. 4:57 p.m.
No. 342 makes close connnections with fast train at Le Roy for Kansas City and fast train make close connections at Osawatomie for Colorado and the west.
D. D. Stuart, Agt.


205 Passenger 9:45 p.m.
206 Passenger 5:55 a.m.
211 Freight 2:00 p.m.
212 Freight 3:00 p.m.
Passengers taking No. 212 will arrive in Kansas City 7:10 a.m., Lawrence 9:55 a.m., Topeka 10:50 a.m. the following day.


METHODIST EPISCOPAL -- Preaching every Sunday, alternating at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school at 10 a.m. each Sabbath. Epworth League at 6:30 p.m. Junior Epworth League at 3 p.m. each Sunday. All are invited to these means of Grace.

CHRISTIAN -- Preaching every Lord's day at 11 o'clock a.m. and
GERMAN -- Services every Sunday at 10 a.m., Dinner at 12. Preaching service 1 o'clock.


M. W. A. -- Meet every first and third Tuesday night of each month.
V. C., AL FINCH, Clerk.

I.O.O.F. -- Gridley Lodge No. 364--Meets every Wednesday night. Visiting brethern cordially invited.

REBEKAH LODGE NO 462 IOOF meets at Odd Fellows Hall the 1st and 3rd Friday nights of each month.
Mrs. AL FRANK, Sec.

A.F. & A.M. -- Meets on Saturday of or preceding the fuul moon of each month and two weeks thereafter. Visiting brothers cordially invited.
W. T. HESLER, Sec.

TRIPPLE TIE -- Meets every second and fourth Tuesday night of each month.
??y BAKER, Sec.

HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS: --Tickets old every 1st and the 3rd Tuesdays in the month. Rate one fare plus $2 for the round trip. For further infomation call on agent.
D. D. STUART, Agt.

Mrs. Patterson Dead.
Mrs. A. H. Patterson died at her home 2 1/2 miles north east of Gridley Tuesday morning after a short illness. She was past 60 years of age. Mrs. Patterson has always been an extra strong woman but has had severe sick spells the last few years. Her death will be a shock to many of her friends. The funeral was held from the home Thursday and was largely attended. The Pattersons have lived in this county for a number of years and their many friends will regret her death. The husband and several children survive her. All the children are married.

Our cheerful friend and popular stockbuyer, M. H. Redfearn of Kyle, was in town Monday attending to the shipment of a car of hogs he had bought around here.--LeRoy Reporter
Read the ads.
It pays.
New Editor and Manager.

After this issue G. W. Rhea will be succeeded by a brother, J. F. Rhea, who will have full management of the STAR. He is a young man of ability and will give Gridley a good paper. Retiring Rhea has enjoyed his residence in Gridley and has received almost unanimous support of the business men of the town and for this he feel greatful and hopes all got value received. He has been the recipient of many compliments on the way he edited the STAR. It is with reluctance that he leaves Gridley but circumstances have made it necessary to make the change. Give the new Rhea your liberal support and he will do the rest.

Gridley 3; Burlington 7.

The Gridley ball nine went to Burlington July 4th and played a game with Burlington's team. It was a close game and was quite interesting. The game was played at the fair grounds. The diamond was in poor shape and the grass was two feet high when the Gridley team got there but Manager Clark of the Gridley team soon rustled out teams and scrapers and got the diamond in a little better shape. The score was 7 to 3 in Burlington's favor. The return game will ba played on the Gridley diamond Sunday.

The man who buys his goods of a mail order house, and expects his neighbors in Emporia to buy goods of him, or to buy labor of him or to buy professional service of him is economically a leech. He is sucking industrial blood out of the town and gives none back. He sends his profits out of town like a Chinaman, and has no more right to a standing in the community than a foreigner. We are all neighbors industiral in this town and the man who sends away for his goods is not one of us. He is of another industrial system, and deserves no man's support in Emporia.
The fact that this is economically wrong is recognized by the mail order houses themselves. They protect their customers as if they were thieves by offering to keep people from knowing where the mail order goods come from. The mail order houses have no 'tags' on their goods. They say in their catalogues that none of their goods are marked and that no one knows where they were bought. If it is proper to hid the place of purchase of an article it is wrong to buy the article at that place. Only a man who steals is a man who is ashamed to say where he got anything he has. There is such a thing as "tainted" drygoods, "tainted" groceries, and "tainted" furniture. All such articles that are not bought at home of men who befriend you, of men to whom you owe your living, are tainted because they come unfairly.
The trouble in Emporia is this. So many merchants buy their goods away from home that a systematic jealousy has sprung up. The furniture dealers don't feel that they have to buy their drygoods at home because the drygood men furnish their houses away from home. The drygood men don't feel bound to buy their furniture at home because the furniture men's wives buy their drygoods away from home. The same quarrel exists in every line of trade. It is disheartening, and distressing and paralyzing to the business interests of this town.
It is time to change and get together. It is time to begin to reform ourselves and not one's neighbors by buying everything at home whether the neighbors do or not. And now is the time to begin.
The thing to do is for all of us to turn over a new leaf.

Mr. Will Shaffer is threshing in this vicinity this week.
Miss Chloe Varvel is visiting and helping cook for the threshers at Mr. Alford Peeks this week.
Clyde Stukey took the cars for Lone Elm last Saturday to visit friends, relation and some one else.
A fine rain fell Wednesday night accompanied by a heavy wind that did some damage in this vicinity.
Most all the small grain has been cut around Bangor and some of it threshed. The yeild will be good this year.
Mrs. Jones and son from near Hartford visited Tuesday and Wednesday at J. G. Helms. They formerly lived in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Pilcher drove to Yates Center last Sunday to tend the dedication of a Christian Science church. They drove back in the evening.
I. E. Pilcher returned from the wheat fields of western Kansas last Saturday. Mr. Pilcher says the wheat will not go over 10 bushels to the acre where he was.

Spend Summer on Seashore.

Why not spend the summer down east--at the seashore? Breathe the health-giving air, bathe in old ocean and at night be lulled to sleep by the music of the restless, seething surf as it dashes on the beach. You will find these and other attractions at Asbury Park. New York city is distant only acouple of hourse ride Santa Fe is the block signal line. Only $35.75 if you buy ticket Gridley to Asbury Park, N. J. via New York. For full particulars apply to H. Cook agent.

The Junior League is an interesting meeting and it would pay a Epworth Leaguer to attend some Sunday.
The Farber girl hinted to a young man recently that her thimble was wore out. He sent her anew one next day with a not which read "I send you a thimble for you fingers himble, which I hope you will fit when you try it. It will last you long if it half as strong as the hint which you gave me to buy it."

Dr. F. H. Snow of the University of Kansas has returned from his collecting expedition in Texas, where he has been since June 1. Over 7,000 specimens have been taken, many of them new and very rare insects. After a brief rest, Dr. Snow will conduct another expedition to Arizona.

This small boy story is from the Great Bent Tribune: "Ma, what are the folks in our church gettin' up a subscription for?" "To send our minister on a vacation this summer." "An' won't there be no church services while he's gone?" "No preaching services, I guess." "Ma, I got $1.25 saved up in my bank-can I give that?"
Local News.

O. G. Mechen spent the Fourth at Le Roy.
Now is the time to renew your subscription.
Money spent for Morton cigars is kept in circulation.
Set of double work harness for sale.
Fred F. Dreyer.
Dr. Shembaugh of Le Roy was in town Wednesday.
Fred Simpson received a car load of hay presses this week.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Reed Wednesday night July 5th a son.
Miss Ida Lane returned Wednesday from Madison where she visited friends.
Miss Zada Scott returned Wednesday from a visit with Madison friends.
A large number of Gridley people attended the celebration at Burlington July 4th.
How is your supply of stationery? Don't you need some letter heads and envelopes?
The new M. E. Minister will preach at the M. E. church in Gridley Sunday at 11 o'clock.
Arthur Essex, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Essex left Wednesday for Burlington to attend the Normal.
J. B. Shaffer of Arctic, Calif., sends a dollar in to the Star for another year of good reading.
Al Finch's father died at Orient, Ia., Monday June 26th of cancer. He was a man of about 84 years of age.
Thomas C. Teas of Albia, Ia., was shaking hands with old Coffey county friends in Gridley this week and incidently looking after business.
J. M. Petty and wife and H. I. Fankhauser wrote the STAR from Avalon, Calif. that they are well and are enjoying the ocean atmosphere.
Amos Stuckey and W. B. Dressler bought the butcher business at this place from Albert Frank and the new firm took possession Monday. They invite your attention to their advertisement on another page.
The following from Gridley are attending the county teachers' institute: Madge Fessenden, Grace Hughes, Lola Chandler, Maude Hitchens, Maude Heritage, Ruth Heritage, Elsie Huff, Chloe Varvel, Arthur Essex.

The Gridley Epworth League was the first League in the state to send in money towards the Old Folks home to be established at Topeka. Almost every League in the state has pleged money toward this institution and in a letter from Sarah E. Doebler, third vice president of the Kansas State Epworth League she stated that Gridley League was the first to send in their pledge. This is quite an honor to the League and shows that we have a live society.

Mrs. J. R. Copple, accompanied by Mrs. Laura Schlatter, went to Kansas City last Friday, where Mrs. Copple will take treatment for her injured knee. It will be remembered that Mrs. Copple was injured by a fall from her buggy which watching the ball game on the 12th of May. Since that time she has been unable to walk and as the improvement was not as rapid as it should have been, she decided totake a specialists treatment. Mr. Copple also went returning Saturday morning.--LeRoy Reporter

Sunday was a rainy day.
N. N. Bich went to Iowa Friday on business.
H. B. Reed cut W. G. Dale's oats Saturday.
W. G. Dale helped C. M. Deakins put up his timothy last week.
Miss Ida Levering called on Mrs. Jennie Rich Monday afternoon.
Karl McLean left Monday, July 3, for Bingham, Utah, to spend the summer.
Joe McNish and wife and two children visited his Nephew, Joe McNish, Friday.
M. H. Redfearn shipped a car load of cattle and one of hogs to Kansas City Thursday.
Hattie and Allie Rich attended the supper at the Presbyterian church Wednesday night.
Mrs. Jennie Dale and sons Roy and Wesley spent Tuesday at the home of Mrs. S. C. Deakins.
Mrs. Marion Linhart spent Wednesday in Gridley with Mrs. J. S. Olson and Mrs. H. E. Chamberlin.
H. W. Rudolph and family moved back Friday and will live with his brother in law, W. T. Morris.
This community was visited by a severe wind and rainstorm Wednesday night that did considerable damage to the corn.
Mrs. W. M. Varvel and daughter Chloe and son Willie and niece, Beatrice Holt, spent Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. Heritage.
Mabel Wilson and two brothers, Ray and Claude, returned home Friday after a short visit at the home of their uncle, R. P. Thompson.
Mrs. R. P. Thompson entertained the L. A. S. Thursday. The work done was quilting and sewing. At twelve o'clock a splendid dinner was present and all had an enjoyable time.
Myrtle Thompson gave a party Thursday night in honor of her cousin Miss Wilson, of Olathe. Floor games were played until a late hour, when refreshments were served consisting of pie, cake and lemonade. Those present were Jennie Allen, Minnie Volland, Ruth Heritage, Frankie Sutton, Etta Twyman, Josie Guy, Addie Wright, Mabel Wilson, Maude Phillips, Chloe Varvel, Maude Heritage, Grace Twyman, Emma Reed, Flora Strickland, Beulah Thompson, Will Menizer, John Helm, W. G. Dale, Hugh Reed, Will Yoho, Harry Sturdivan, Guy Elliott, L. H. Dewitt, Charlie Deakins, John Deakins, W. T. Morris, Earl Laughlin, Clay Deakins, Karl McLean, Isaac Henley, Tom Brooks and wife and John Reed and wife.

County Normal Institute.

The Annual Normal Institute of Coffey County begins next Wednesday July 5 at 7:30 A. M. in High School building, Burlington, Kansas. The management desire that every person who expects to attend, will be present on the day of begining, ready to enter the classes at once. The course of Study is for sale at King's book store, also the Song book which will be used, cost of each is ten cents.
A. C. Lane,
Co. Supt.

Dr. and Mrs. Axford arrived Wednesday night from Chicago where the Dr. has been taking a post graduate course in a Medical school.

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