Lebo Enterprise
January, July 30, 1908
Local Lingo of Lebo
Band will give a concert Saturday evening.

Hires Root Beer, just from the keg 5c at Drug Store.

Gomer and Walter Jones drove over to Osage City Saturday last.

C. N. Norris cashed up this week for another year of the Enterprise.

Miss Opal Hievley is down from Topeka visiting at her uncle's A. J. Hievley.

Miss Sylvia Connor, returned home from Melvern last Thrusday evening.

Read the new adv. of the Lebo Drug Co. It has something in it that will interest you.

Dyer & Richardson are selling $1.25 shirt waists for 85c, 1.50 for 1.00, and 2.75 for 2.00

N. C. Francis was a Reading visition Sunday, taking Joe Jones over to meet the train.
A nice shower last Thursday done a world of good to the growing crops in this vicinity.

Quite a number attended church at the Christian Church last Sunday morning and evening.

Owing to the rain the band were unable to give their open air concert Saturday evening.

Mrs. Bertha Conley had the bad accident of running a rusty nail in her foot, last Friday morning.

Mrs. Will G. Jones attended to the wants of Mrs. Tom Parry, who was quite sick several days last week.

Every Royal Tailor Suit is quaranteed to keep its shape until worn out. Leave orders at Gavins Cash Store.

Johnny Butch has about finished the repairs and additions to his residence and when completed will have a very nice home.

Mrs. Hawkins, of the Cottage House, got too famuliar with an oil stove last week which resulted in a severe burn on her wrist.

Miss Cora Tompkins, candidate for county superintendent, was an agreeable caller at these republican headquarters Friday last.

Mrs. Speer has sold her parrot and with the mysterious murder of "Jim," the crow, Hotel Speer seems quite lonesome without the cheery talk of the two former pets of the inn.

Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas took possession of the Speer hotel Thursday last. They have renovated the hotel from top to bottom and are in shape to nicely accomodate the traveling public.

Parties who intend to have a sale should bear in mind that the Enterprise has the largest assortment of public sale cuts in the county and is in shape to get out your bills with neatness and dispatch.
Everybody is talking about the Harlow Store.

Carl Saueressig shipped two car of cattle Tuesday.

Mrs. Fred Wilson returned home from Waverly Friday last.

Joe Jones went to St. Joe the first of the week to buy new goods.

Mrs. John Courtner came last Friday evening to visit with relatives and friends.

See Chas. Stevens & Bros catalogue for ladies apparel. The Gavin Cash Store.

Miss Anna Synder, came in last Friday eve. to visit with friends here for a few days.

Mrs. Wm Barrett is enjoying a visit from her sister, Mrs. J. W. Brooks, of Pawnee Okla.

C. A. Ball rode over to near Admire Saturday on horseback to pay his son William a visit.

Mrs. Haigler, of Ottawa, arrived last Saturday evening for a visit with her son, C. F. Haigler.

Fresh and salt pork at the city meat market. The finest kind of breakfast bacon, mutton etc. Fresh fish tomorrow.--Roberts & Jones.
Mrs. E. L. Traylor and Mrs. C. T. Sherwood left Tuesday morning for Colorado Spring where they will enjoy the mountain air for a few weeks.

Frank Peet lost a valuable horse last week; while going down to the Rapids the animal got scared at a threshing machine and dropped dead on the road.

Miss Jennie Summers, of Osborne, Mo., is visiting with her sister, Mrs. K. C. Berry. She has been visiting another sister at Welch, Okla., for the past month.
The Christian Endeavor elected the following delegates to attend the district convention to be held in Burlington, Sept. 4, 5 and 6: Mary Ball, Mrs. R. M. Gavin and Sylva Connors.

Tom Parker, who formerly lived in Lebo, has been making baloon ascensions in Iowa, met with an accident that laid him up in the hospital for a few weeks. He came here Saturday last to recuperate.

No merchant attempts to meet Harlow on price. Some make a feeble attempt on just a few lines but don't get down below. Harlow goes right down the line on everything, and that is why people come so far to buy of him.

Chas. A Martin, a linotype operator from Ohio, is visiting at his aunt's, Mrs. Wm. Barrett. While making a stagger at farm work Tuesday, barefooted, he made a misstep and tore the nail off of a big toe. That's what a printer gets for trying to butt into something that he don't understand.

Dr. Gray, dentist.
For a cool summer drink take Hires Root Beer at the drug store 5c.

Mrs. D. P. Jones is on the sick list but we hope will soon be up again.

J. W. Jones and wife took in the sights of Kansas City Saturday last.

Dyer & Richardson are making sweeping reductions in prices. See their adv.

Misses Leah and Lois Harlow will go to Atchison Saturday for a few days rest and visit.

The Epworth League will serve ice cream and cake in school year next Saturday evening Aug. 1.

Has purchased the large general store at Willard and he is doing all the business up there now.

Mrs. W. H. Thomas was in town this week attending to business and shaking hands with old friends.

Geo. A. Allen, candidate for county supertendent, was in town Tuesday. We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mr. Allen.

Mrs. Bob Gavin gave her Sunday School class a picnic in the park yesterday. The rain rather spoiled the day for them, but they had a good time just the same.

G. R. Osborn, of Gridley, was a pleasant visitor Tuesday. Mr. Osborn is an old-time "print," but now does more in the real estate line than in the printing business.

After a very pleasant visit with relatives and old friends in Lebo for several weeks, Mrs. O. M. Speer and her little daughter returned to their home in Wichita Saturday last.

Mrs. Getts after a stay with her daughters of about 5 days left Friday morning for her home in Ottawa, her daughter Carrie who had been here for about two weeks accompanied her home.

Mrs. C. V. Norfleet, daughter of J. Cortney, after a visit of 3 weeks left for Kansas City Monday, where she will meet her husband who is head book-keeper in a large fruit concern in Arkansas.

Republican candidates and members of the party should bear in mind that the only candidate from this poron of the county is J. L. Shelden. While it is good base ball to bunch the hits it is poor policy to bunch candidates.

We were little surprised a few weeks abo when Mark Rowlen sold his restaurant and retired from work, but now we understand, for on Monday, July 27, Mrs. R. went to Burlington to procure the papers with which he may take himself a pardner. We fear he did not get there in time to have his name appear in the Monday issue though.

See Dr. Gray's adv. soon.
Gavins Cash Store saves you money on Shoes. HARLOW'S
Store sold 60 sacks of flour one day last week.

J. B. Shipley, a former resident here, now of Burlington, was in town Tuesday.

A. L. Larson was in town Tuesday, he is now taking care of things at William Morgans ranch.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Edwards made a trip to K. C. Saturday, returning the same evening.

Mrs. Vermillion and daughter Neoma went out in the country last Friday to visit little Dorcas' grave.

Grace Evans got her big finger severely bruised by getting it in the cogs of their pump apparatus yesterday.

Maggie McClannen came down from Olivet Saturday night to spend Sunday with her esteemed friend Mark Rowlen. (It is leap year, don't you see.)

Can do you more good than any one in town. What would you be paying if he were not here? He makes the price and sells nothing but high grade goods.

Miss Anna Lewis is confined to her bed with what appears to be an attack of fever. We trust it will not prove to be more than an indisposition.

Harry E. Robinson, candidate for the republican nomination of register of deeds, was up from Burlington way yesterday and of course made this office a call. He has a sinch for the nomination, being the only candidate, and reports the outlook for election as very flattering.

H. A. White president of the Coffee Co. Telephone Co., was in Lebo yesterday and informs us that the new toll line to Kansas City will be in working order in about ten days, the work being pushed on both ends of the line. A metalic circuit is being installed and when completed Lebo can talk with K. C. with perfect distinctness.

The sad news of the death of Mrs. Reese Lloyd came to us Sunday from Emporia and Monday morning the remains accompanied by her three oldest daughters and her son-in-law came in on the train and were taken to Waldo Jones.' The funeral was held in M. E. Church, the discourse delivered by the Arvonia ministers, Revs. D. Todd Jones and J. T. Evans, near by whom Mrs. Lloyd used to live back in the early times, and she was a member of Rev. D. Todd Jones church in Arvonia.

I will sell at public auction, at my place of residence, in Lebo, on Saturday Aug. 1st at 4 o'clock all my household boods. Terms, cash or bankable paper.
Dr. J. F. Nelson.

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