Friday, November 27, 1885
County Officers.
C. B. Graves, Judge 5th Judicial Dist. R. H. Adair, County Clerk; D. V. Mott, County Treasurer; A. K. Burgess, Deputy; Thos. Cross, Sheriff; C. O. Brown, Probate Judge; A. W. Edgerly, County Att'y; E. P. Wadhams, Register of Deeds; I. N. Dodge, deputy; Mary Williams, Sup't or Public Instruction; M. B. Wayde, County Surveyor; S. R. Swan, Coroner; C. P. Allen, Clerk District Court.
T. S. Baker, Chairman, Second district; De Loss Miller, First district; W. H. Robson, third district.
M. O'Brien, trustee; N. E. Bakker, clerk; J. E. Whildin, treasurer; J. H. Beelar and O. M. Lewis, Justices of the Peace; James Caverty and G. W. Kenney, constables.

Postoffice Directory.
Open from 6:45 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Mail closes at 7:45 a.m. and 6:15 p.m.
Sunday, offices open from 9 to 10 .m.

K. C. & E. Railroad.
Trains going north due here at 8:20 a.m.
Trains going south leave here at 6:55 p.m.

Church Directory.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL, Rev. Sidney Smith preaching once every Sunday, alternating between 10:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the church. Sunday school every Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
METHODIST PROTESTANT, Rev. J. R. Dailey every alternate Sunday, at 11 a.m., and Sabbath school every Sunday at 3 p.m., at the M. P. church, in South Lebo.

THOS. DONE POST, No. 314, G. A. R.--Meetings every second and fourth Saturday evening of each month. G. Chalmers, com't; D. T. Rising, adj.

Gleams of Light.
Special school meeting Dec. 5th.
Lebo should have a night watchman.
Tinware cheap at Meskimons & Sons.
What new excitement are we to have in Lebo?
Cash paid for hides at the meat market.
A few flakes of snow fell here last Sunday morning.
Dr. Webster, of Penfield, was in town yesterday.
All kinds of book and job printing at the LIGHT office.
R. L. Graham, of Maxson, was in town yesterday.
Pay your taxes at W. S. Junkin's real estate office.
Thanksgiving was generally observed hereabouts.
Good fresh butter always on hand at Yocum's meat market.
A. J. Young and family, spent Thanksgiving at Quenemo.
We would like to see the Lebo brass band loom up again.
This town is badly in need of a public hall. Who is going to erect one?
F. J. Tye, of Wellsville, is erecting a store building 14x36 feet on Broadway.
W. R. Pheneger has the "Seaside library," complete, in his circulating library.
If you want to subscribe for any paper or magazine published in either America or Europe, call on the postmaster, as he has the agency for 3000.
Mr. Braidwood, of Pittsburg, state inspector of coal mines, was in Lebo yesterday, and made a personal examination of our mines.
J. H. Beelar went to Emporia, Monday evening, having in charge a car load of coal from the Lebo Light Shaft.
Mr. Joseph Frost and lady spent a couple of days visiting their daughter, Mrs. E. J. Shockley, last week.
G. S. VanEman, of California township, found his stolen mare in Butler county, 85 miles south-west of here. No trace of the thief.
J. H. Jones, the special loan broker of Arvonia, has located permanently in Osage City. Office in Citizens Bank.
Mr. N. F. Pheneger and bride, of Columbus, O., arrived in Lebo last week, and are spending their honemoon with their brother, W. R. Pheneger.
A few months have demonstrated that if you have good security and a good title, you can get a loan of J. S. George, of Penfield, quicker and with less fuss than from any one else.
We wish to announce to our many friends and patrons that we shall soon open up again in the hardward business, and respectfully solicit a continuance of your liberal patronage. Soper & Colwell.
J. F. Walters has started a notion store in the postoffice building, having taken one corner of the room.

Don't forget that you can pay your taxes at W. S. Junkin's office.

The heat from Friday morning's fire was so great that it broke every pane of glass in the front of Bakker & Wood's drug store, on the opposite side of the street.
Another Lebo Enterprise.
Lebo, undoubtedly, has more enterprising business men, than any town of the same size in the state. The latest enterprise is a grand one, and one to be heartily received by the public. It is a circulating library, consisting of 150 volumes, which will be leased at the very reasonable price of 10 cents per week for bound volumes; 5 cents per week for unbound volumes, or a membership fee of $1 per year. W. R. Pheneger, the druggist, is the enterprising man who is guilty of this scheme. Many of our citizens will hail the library with shouts of pleasure.

On Improved Farms.
I wish to state to the farmers of Osage and Coffey counties that I am prepared to place loans on farms at a better rate of interest than any other loan agent in siad counties, and acknowledge your papers and place them on record free where I make loans. If you wish a loan, call and see me.
Lebo, Kansas.

From Thunder----.
ED. LIGHT.--Allow us to peal forth one more gentle clap. We would like to make a few slight hints. While we are not in accord with the manner in which the protracted meeting is being carried on, we censure, and severely, the parties who will hit such a blow as was hurled last week at the leaders of the meeting, and then stay away and wait for the result to come out through some other source. While the preaching has been from the Bible and many, yea, very many hard and stubborn facts uttered, we believe it a very hard heart that would not yield to the truth. It is the way the sermon is spoiled with the experience of too dry a nature and the excitement they try to get up that spoils the religion. We think they are getting out of the Bible when they are voting people into the church, or as they term it, into heaven. If a person wants to shout, I have no objections--let them shout, but keep off the floor, and shout in a respectable manner. The scripture says, let everything in the house of the Lord be done in decency and in order. Outside of the sermon, it has been far from it.

I am not in accord with any thing that militates against the peace and seccrity of society, or individuals of society. Whatever elevates man in the scale of moral worth, should have the hearty approval of all men. Rough ashlers have been polished and present to the eye beauties, upon which we love to feast. We admire the characteristic in man which allows another to express his own views upon any and all questions, without severing ties of friendship. I respect age, when age respects itself. Multiplicity of years and locks of gray, do not license a man to wound the feelings of others.LENOX.
Owing to the misfortune of being burned out in the recent fire and obliged to build, we would ask all who know themselves to be indebted to us, to call and settle at once and confer a favor. Yours respectfully,

In Lebo, Friday, November 20, 1885, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Walters.

I have again opened by bake oven and am prepared to furnish bread in any quantity, at all times.

Notice to Tax Payers.
On and after Tuesday, November 17, tax payers of Lincoln township can pay their taxes at W. S. Junkins' office in Lebo.

B. M. Way, who has been employed in the creamery for a couple of years past, and W. Rumbaugh, who has been a salesman in Meadows & Smith's store, started to Lebo, Coffey co., to-day, to engage in merchandising. Both have had much business experience, and being young men of energy, integrity and worth, deserve to and doubtless will succeed. Lebo is a small coal-mining town near the Osage co., line.--
Wilson County Citizen, 20th inst.
If you want any job printing, call at this office.
Ladies' cloaks below cost at Williams, McCoy & Co.'s.
For special bargains in farm property go to w. S. Junkins, two doors east of the postoffice.
Get your coal at the Red Flag Mine, one mile west and one quarter mile north of Lebo, at 8c., and 9c. per bushel.
A fine line of ladies' and gents' underwear at a bargain at Williams, McCoy & Co.'s.
Potatoes, or other produce taken at this office on subscription.
Foundation and cellar walls built at 50c per perch by Frank Wheeler.
If you want to buy a town lot inquire of A. J. Young.
For cheap town property call on W. S. Junkins.
Butter, eggs and country produce will buy goods at Williams, McCoy & Co's store, same as cash.
500 town lots--one-third cash and balance in six months. Inquire of A. J. Young, at the postoffice.
We want you butter, eggs and country produce in exchange for goods. Williams, McCoy & Co.
The LIGHT, only $1.50 a year.

For Sale.
The building formerly occupied by the postoffice is now for sale at a reasonable figure, at purchaser's own time. Address or inquire of

Brick for Sale.
at Lebo brick yard, one-half mile south of Main street.

Messrs. W. Rumbaugh and Benj. Way, of this city, are to go to Lebo, Coffey county, next week, where they will embark in the merchantile business. Both ars business men of good character, and Mr. R. has been brought up in the mercantile business. We wish them the largest measure of success.--Fredonia Chronicle, 18th inst.
The Lebo LIGHT, in giving its advertising rates, says, "For notices of twenty lies or over, we make a discount of 15 per cent." Although it is very frank about, we are sorry to know the bright little LIGHT would at all.--Greely News, 19th inst.
Excuse us, please. We didn't mean to do it. For the world we don't see how it happened--there must have been something that smelled like "pi."
Within two years this town has had a murder, three or four robberies and burglaries, a daring outrage and lastly an incendiary. Give us something for a change next time--a wife-beating scrape ar a suicide would do very well, but a hanging bee of the last offenders would hit us better than anything else.
Messr. W. Runbaugh and B. M. Way, formerly of Fredonia, Kas., have rented the O. M. Lewis building, and have put in a fine stock of dry goods. They come here well recommended, and we bespeak for them a liberal share of the public patronage.
I wish to say to the people that I am now prepared to compete with factory scroll-work. Bannisters and Brackets a speciality. Jas. I. Sloan, shop between lumberyards, Lebo, Kansas.
Mr. John Eames, who for several weeks has had charge of F. S. Webster & Co's store as receiver in the interest of the W. B. Grimes Dry Goods Co., returned to Kansas City, Friday, after the fire.
The LIGHT is only $1.50 a year.

The concert given by the Ottumwa Glee Club last Tuesday evening, at the school house, was an entire success. The Club, considering the disadvantages under which they labored, did exceedingly well. There was some misunderstanding about their having the M. E. church, it having been promised to them previously, but upon their arrival here it was flatly refused to them, and consequently put them to a great deal of trouble and delay in their arrangements.

For Sale or Trade.
Hay, coal, and millet, will trade for corn or stock. Louis Siebuhr, Lebo, Kan.

Corn per bu...............$ 0.25
Oats, per bu................ 0.25
Hay, per ton................ 3.00
Flour, per cwt.............. 2.80 to 3.20
Potatoes, per bu......... 1.00
Eggs, per doz.............. 0.15
Butter, per lb............... 0.15
Cheese, per lb............ 0.15
Chickens, per doz...... 2.00
Lard, per lb................. 0.10
Bacon, per lb.............. 0.10 to 0.12 1/2
Shoulders, per lb....... 0.07 to 0.10
Hams, per lb............... 0.15
Corn meal, per cwt..... 1.20
Coal, per bu............... 0.09 to 0.11 1/2

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