LeRoy Reporter
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith visited Bernard and Bethel Allen Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Williams have moved to Iola. Clyde has a job there.
Rev. Rogers went to his home in Arkansas this week. He will be gone about a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Thompson and baby visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Daub in Vernon.
Glen and Golda Palmer attended church Sunday and visited home folks the rest of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Freeman and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Morse.
Mrs. Mary Winn and aunt Mrs. Mich visited in Burlington Monday and Tuesday with Mrs. A. J. Winn.
Those who attended the Sunday school convention were Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Gray, Lester Briles, Glen James and Leonard Lauderback.
Felix Grimes moved his house last week. John Kious and George Helmick of LeRoy moved it and Charlie Ruggles put the foundation under it.
Mrs. Manifolde of Marshal, Missouri, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lipe. She owns the place where they live and Jesse rented the place another year.
Osmond Briles and Pauline Mentzer surprised their friends by getting married. They were married at Yates Center Friday evening. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Briles and the bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Mentzer. They both have many friends who wish them well.

Spring Creek.
Mrs. Omer Fox of Kansas City is visiting her parents.
Mrs. Kinnaird and Ione called on Geo. Weimers Sunday.
Mrs. Light's father is visiting her from Republic county, Kansas.
Wm. Ward visited his brother in Emporia Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Ora Richardson and children expect to go to Iowa in a week or two. Ora has a good job there and will make that his home.
Mrs. Wm. Mickens and daughter Jennie, Mrs. Arthur Mickens and children are visiting relatives in Kansas City. Arthur Mickens is looking up a location in Nebraska.
Mrs. Richardson and the Miller boys received a telegram from their sister Mrs. P. W. Gentry of Texas, telling of the death of her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Gentry are well known here, both having taught school in Coffey county, Mr. Gentry at Plank school. Mrs. Gentry's relatives here expect to attend the burial at Richland.

M. P. Cook, L. V. Watson, E. K. Lucy, Willard and Leonard Cook and Van Watson drove to Burlington last Friday to attend the ball game between Garnett and Burlington.

How to Prevent Croup.
It may be a surprise to you to learn that in many cases croup can be prevented. Mrs. H. M. Johns, Elida, Ohio, relates her experience as follows: "My little boy is subject to croup. During the past winter I kep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house and when he began having that croupy cough I would give him one or two doses of it and it would break the attack. I like it for children better than any other cough medicine because children take it willingly, and it is safe and reliable." Obtainable everywhere. - Adv.
Queer Quirks of News.
Mineola, L. I.--Warren A. Brown, 40 year old bachelor real estate man, testified in court that he had never hugged or kissed a woman in his life nor allowed one to hug or kiss him.
Memphis, Tenn.--The South has lost its oldest woman by the death of Aunt Mahaley Gibbs, known to be 137 years old. She was probably the oldest person in the United States. Her baby child is seventy. Aunt Mahaley saw her great-great-grandchildren. She was a constant smoker and until recently enjoyed the best of health.
Seacombe, Eng.--Three life-long friends here enlisted in the army at Kitchener's first call. They returned the other day invalided, and each had lost a leg, one at Aisne, one at Ypres the third at Festubert.
Lawrence, Kans.--A snake held up the telegraph business here for 30 hours recently. In some way it got into the vines through which the wires ran and was stretched across them, almost numb from the effect of the electricity. The snake was eight feet long.
St. Joseph, Mo.--Mrs. Clara Cochran was fined $50 for selling liquor without a license, but when the officers brought her to the cell she was found too large to enter it. The woman weighs 540 pounds and on account of the jail's shortcoming, she was given time to raise the amount of the fine.
Newark, N. J.--When the walls of a house were raised here a petrified rat was found in one of them. On it was written: "Laid, June 6, 1875.
Cadiz, Ky.-A Mrs. Drury of Spencer county, has given birth to nine babies in two years. Five of them were born at one time, three of whom are living. Two weeks ago she had four more at one time and all are doing well.

Following is the program to be given at Palace Theatre, at 8 o'clock, Thursday evening, November 11 for the benefit of the H. S. girls' basket ball team.
Girls' Double Quartet.
Vocal Duet, Miss Louise Stewart and Mr. Clarence Ward.
Violin Solo-Miss Maurine Rowe.
Vocal Duet-Miss Opal Price and Miss Gertrude Helm.
Instrumental Solo-Miss Gladys Houck.
Instrumental Duet-Miss Opal Price and Miss Anita Weimer.
Vocal Solo-Lee Schwartzentrub.
Instrumental Duet-Miss Lola Green, Miss Lydia Jones.
Song-Basket Ball Girls.
There will also be three reels of pictures.
Admission 10 cents.
Everybody come and bring someone with you.

Baptist Church Notes.
Sunday is a day for regular preaching services at the church and arrangements are being made for a very interesting and helpful day. The calendar for the day follows:
Sunday school at 10 a.m.
Preaching at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Interest in the services is good. The pastor and congregation would be honored by your presence at all the services Sunday.
Dan R. Gott, Pastor

Osmond Briles and Pauline Mentzer were married last Friday evening at the Christian parsonage in Yates Center by Elder Kohl.
The bride, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Mentzer has been attending high school in Yates Center. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Briles. Both young people are well-raised and have a host of friends who extend congratulations. They will live on the Hose farm near Fairview school house.
Wet Weather Caused Grief to County Commissioners
If there is a class of men whose official life has been filled with grief during the past eight months, it is the county commissioners of Kansas, especially of the eastern counties--all due to the rainy season and consequent bad condition of the roads, Take Coffey county.
Since the county road law went into effect, Coffey county commissioners have established close onto one hundred miles of county roads. These roads have been carefully and wisely laid out and the county road fund has been economically and prudently expended. Most of the old wooden culverts have been replaces by substantial cement structures, many miles of road have been well-graded and low places filled in. Things were beginning to look bright last fall, and people generally hoped for big improvements this year. But alas! "'Twas ever thus," etc. The rains spoiled it all.
All during the spring and summer the commissioners were continually harrassed by appeals for aid. Bridges and culverts were washed out. Bottomless mud holes developed in unexpected places, big gullies washed down the middle of the road or across it. The commissioners kept things moving as far as possible. But much of the labor and money expended was lost through subsequent rains and floods.

Lots of people and many newspapers are considerably wrought up because Woodrow Wilson is going to get married. Isn't it possible to be president and at the same time have the same rights as other men? There are some things in this old world over which the public has no "put in." The President's approaching matrimonial affair is one of them.--Western Spirit.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Holmes are enjoying a visit from his cousin Roy Gray and wife of Gower, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Gray came down from Kansas City last Saturday evening with Mr. Holmes in a new Overland "Six." C. E. Nielson of this city and Wm. Hess of Aliceville also came home with Mr. Holmes.

Mrs. R. R. Lankton just had a nice cement walk laid in front of her residence, also a walk around her house. F. F. Havens did the work.
Mrs. C. H. Moore and daughters visited Mr. Moore's sister, Mrs. M. Danner in Westphalia Saturday and Sunday.
Uncle Ben Ward arrived Monday evening from Parkville, Missouri, for a visit with relatives.

Two Ladies Hurt When Auto Goes Into Creek
Mrs. C. C. Kesner and her sister, Miss Gertrude Schmitt, were painfully, although it is hoped, not seriously injured, when the Kesner Ford car with Mrs. Kesner driging, plunged through the railing at the Badger creek bridge near the old Strickland farm about five miles northwest of LeRoy, Tuesday evening about 5:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Kesner and Miss Schmitt were returning from a visit with Dr. G. G. Kesner and family at Halls Summit. They met another car on the bridge and turned a little too far to the right. The car and its occupants fell to the bed of the creek. Both ladies were thrown clear of the car and into the water from where they were taken to the John Salisbury home.
Frank Schmitt of this city, their brother, was notified and hastened to the scene of the accident and brought them to town. Dr. D. B. Rov????tended them. Mrs. Kesner is ???sore through her chest and abd???while Miss Schmitt suffered ??? strain through her hips. So ??? could be discovered no bones ???broken and no serious complica???are looked for.

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