ÿþ<html> <head> <title>20 September 1918, World War I, Comanche County KSGenWeb</title></head> <BODY BGCOLOR="#F2F0F0" TEXT="000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#6507A1" ALINK="#FF0000"> <!--BEGIN NAVIGATION--> <A HREF="http://www.rootsweb.com/"target=new> <IMG ALIGN="left" IMG SRC="../pics/rootsweblogonew.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="66" HEIGHT="75" HSPACE="5" ALT="Hosted by RootsWeb, the oldest & largest FREE genealogical site. 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We made no corrections, but have noted where the spelling is questionable.<P> This list of the same names was published twice: the one published on September 12, 1917, gives order number (1, 2, 3, etc.), the name, then the serial number, for example: "1. John Doe, 200". <P> The list published on September 20, 1917, gives the serial number, name and place, as follows: "200, John Doe, Jonestown". The list published on Sept. 12 says the order number indicates liability order for service; the list from Sept. 20 says order number will be determined later. Possibly the September 12th list contained errors, prompting a corrected reprint on September 20th." -- <A HREF="mailto:msb@mindspring.com"><B>Shirley Brier</B></A>.</I><P> Transcribing and proofreading these especially voluminous World War I lists of men who often have unusual names is not an easy task. The lists were published in a newspaper at a time when type was set by hand. This historically means that there were many more typographical errors than readers today are accustomed to seeing in published text. This web presentation is accurate to the original printed list, which may have contained errors. <B>Thanks, Shirley and Mike!</B> &nbsp; &nbsp; -- Jerry Ferrin<P> <HR> <I> <blockquote><blockquote> The Western Star</I>, September 20, 1918.<P><center><H3>"18-45" REGISTRANTS</h3></center><P> The following is a list of men between the ages of 18 and 46 years who registered for military service in Comanche County on September 12, 1918. Included in the list is the serial number, the name and post office address of each registrant. The order number will be determined later.<P> 1. Carl Elmer Leech, Coldwater.<BR> 2. Charles Eugene Porter, Coldwater.<BR> 3. Thoedore Carl Baessler, Coldwater.<BR> 4. James George Murray, Coldwater.<BR> 5. Charles Alfred Griffith, Coldwater.<BR> 6. Frank Gordon Dodson, Coldwater.<BR> 7. Warren Peter Morton, Coldwater.<BR> 8. Arthur Myron Brown, Coldwater.<BR> 9. Julius Base, Protection.<BR> 10. Walter James, Coldwater.<BR> 11. Willis Banks, Protection.<BR> 12. Roy Chetwyin German, Coldwater<BR> 13. Joseph Perry Taylor, Coldwater.<BR> 14. William Cooper, Coldwater.<BR> 15. Walter George Nichols, Coldwater.<BR> 16. Henry Allen Repogle, Coldwater.<BR> 17. Charles Clinton Castle, Coldwater.<BR> 18. George Isaac Houlk, Coldwater.<BR> 19. Lemuel Frank Bardwell, Coldwater.<BR> 20. Owen Joel Wall, Coldwater.<BR> 21. Henry Harrison Fisher, Coldwater.<BR> 22. John Edward Mullis, Wilmore.<BR> 23. Nathaniel G. Barnes, Protection.<BR> 24. Viva Vinnedge Denny, Coldwater.<BR> 25. William Henry Metzker, Coldwater.<BR> 26. Chris Nicholson, Coldwater.<BR> 27. Fred Grant Sitler, Coldwater.<BR> 28. Jay Tench Botts, Coldwater.<BR> 29. John Wesley Eacrett, Coldwater.<BR> 30. Charles Burton Sickler, Coldwater.<BR> 31. Edward Jones Swearingen, Wilmore.<BR> 32. Jacob Reiss Jr., Coldwater.<BR> 33. Erra E. Pounds, Coldwater.<BR> 34. Charles Edgar Baker, Coldwater.<BR> 35. Wynnie Erving Renfrew, Coldwater.<BR> 36. William Janson, Wilmore.<BR> 37. Charles Fredrick Foree, Coldwater.<BR> 38. James Edward Small, Coldwater.<BR> 39. Ezra Henry Deardurff, Coldwater.<BR> 40. Robert Emmett McGaully, Coldwater.<BR> 41. David Elmer Taylor, Coldwater.<BR> 42. Orange Judd Mark, Coldwater.<BR> 43. Enos Thomas Hadley, Coldwater.<BR> 44. George Penn Young, Coldwater.<BR> 45. George McDonald, Coldwater.<BR> 46. James Marion Cline, Coldwater.<BR> 47. William Matticks, Coldwater.<BR> 48. John Sebastian Janson, Wilmore.<BR> 49. Jacob Allison Nutter, Coldwater.<BR> 50. Arthur Edgar Barlow, Coldwater.<BR> 51. Benjamin Owens, Coldwater.<BR> 52. John Finucane, Coldwater.<BR> 53. Lewis Alonzo Emerson, Coldwater.<BR> 54. Theodore Clarence Gillit, Wilmore<BR> 55.Verner Knight Blakard, Coldwater.<BR> 56. Edward Boyd Holler, Coldwater.<BR> 57. John Thomas Allen, Wilmore.<BR> 58. Robert Christian Korff, Coldwater.<BR> 59. Eyman Phebus, Coldwater.<BR> 60. Bert Alleson Musselman, Coldwater.<BR> 61. James Henry Linday, Coldwater.<BR> 62. Edgar Branch Dykes, Coldwater.<BR> 63. Austa Lee Parsons, Coldwater.<BR> 64. Guy Lewelling Ellsworth, Coldwater.<BR> 65. John Joseph Studer, Coldwater.<BR> 66. George Hearldson, Coldwater.<BR> 67. Lyman L. Parks, Protection.<BR> 68. Francis Michael McIntire, Coldwater.<BR> 69. Ebenezer Jarvis, Coldwater.<BR> 70. Orville Osborne Lewis, Coldwater.<BR> 71. Anton Goldhammer, Coldwater.<BR> 72. George Henry Helton, Coldwater.<BR> 73. Henry Erven Roehr, Coldwater.<BR> 74. Otis Hayes Holbert, Coldwater.<BR> 75. Mackie Daw Cowan, Coldwater.<BR> 76. Benjamin Franklin Sauer, Coldwater.<BR> 77. Owen Merideth Osbourne, Coldwater.<BR> 78. Kenneth Mordecai Gilbert, Coldwater.<BR> 79. John Rea Morton, Protection.<BR> 80. George Roy Stewart, Coldwater.<BR> 81. Fred Louis Holcomb, Coldwater.<BR> 82. Franklin Betzer, Coldwater.<BR> 83. Elwin Franklin Herd, Coldwater.<BR> 84. Harvey Edwards Myers, Coldwater.<BR> 85. John Harmon, Wilmore.<BR> 86. Norman A. Lytle, Coldwater.<BR> 87. Nathaniel Carr Fleming, Coldwater.<BR> 88. Oscar Morton Maris, Coldwater.<BR> 89. John W. Garten, Coldwater.<BR> 90. George William Dale, Coldwater.<BR> 91. Raymond DeForrest Hoff, Coldwater.<BR> 92. Roy William Pawling, Coldwater.<BR> 93. Clarence Francis McCauley, Coldwater.<BR> 94. Henry Thomas Jarnagin, Coldwater.<BR> 95. Aleck Knipe, Coldwater.<BR> 96. George Washington Janson, Coldwater.<BR> 97. Charles Howlen McKinney, Coldwater.<BR> 98. James William Carleton, Coldwater.<BR> 99. Leonard Quitman Bridges, Coldwater.<BR> 100. Fred William Zimmerman, Coldwater.<BR> 101. Frank Emerson, Coldwater.<BR> 102. James Lawton Stanley, Coldwater.<BR> 103. Richard Zanco Shipp, Coldwater.<BR> 104. Joel Andrew Wiseman Bridges, Coldwater.<BR> 105. Oral Houts Barnes, Coldwater.<BR> 106. Calvin Damon Graham, Coldwater.<BR> 107. Edward William Tucker, Coldwater.<BR> 108. Elza Orville Holmes, Coldwater.<BR> 109. Edward Eugene Mull, Coldwater.<BR> 110. Benjamin Lockwood Tandy, Coldwater.<BR> 111. John Aucle Swaim, Coldwater.<BR> 112. Henry Christ Hecht, Coldwater.<BR> 113. Elbert Marvin Veach, Coldwater.<BR> 114. Henry Oscar Bean, Coldwater.<BR> 115. James Robert Shellenbarger, Coldwater.<BR> 116. Walter Clyde Pile, Protection.<BR> 117. George Washington Williams, Coldwater.<BR> 118. Harvey Garfield Porter, Coldwater.<BR> 119. Herman Albert Welch, Coldwater.<BR> 120. Roy Clarence Coles, Coldwater.<BR> 121.Clyde Ely Ross, Coldwater.<BR> 122. Reuben Milow Flowers, Coldwater.<BR> 123. James William Atteberry, Coldwater.<BR> 124. Andrew Layfette McDonald, Coldwater.<BR> 125. Walter Clyde Loew, Coldwater.<BR> 126. Nathan Everett Shelton, Coldwater.<BR> 127. Oscar Robert Taylor, Coldwater.<BR> 128. Robert Lee Mattingly, Coldwater.<BR> 129. Edward Lawrence Fleming, Coldwater.<BR> 130. James Liddle Murray, Coldwater.<BR> 131. Fred Grant Robinson, Wilmore.<BR> 132. Benjamin Franklin Arnold, Coldwater.<BR> 133. Melvin Leonard Marley, Coldwater.<BR> 134. Fred Martin Bain, Coldwater.<BR> 135. Harry Tricksy Pyle, Wilmore.<BR> 136. James Elsworth Copple, Coldwater.<BR> 137. Henry Carlton Offutt, Coldwater.<BR> 138. Roy Guy McCain, Coldwater.<BR> 139. Robert James Goodwin, Coldwater.<BR> 140. Hiram Alwin Tinkler, Coldwater.<BR> 141. William Gray Jarnagin, Coldwater.<BR> 142. John Lee King, Coldwater.<BR> 143. Arthur Erle Thompson, Coldwater.<BR> 144. Harry Newton Marshall, Coldwater.<BR> 145. John Botts, Coldwater.<BR> 146. Kit Herman Dykes, Coldwater.<BR> 147. Ollie Powell, Coldwater.<BR> 148. John Funderburgh Wagner, Coldwater.<BR> 149. Ezra Lewis Kinsall, Coldwater.<BR> 150. William Hough Avery, Coldwater.<BR> 151. Grail McGregor Pennington, Coldwater.<BR> 152. Charles Edward Lenertz, Coldwater.<BR> 153. Earle Andrew Lease, Coldwater.<BR> 154. Harvey Robert Marley, Coldwater.<BR> 155. Thomas Gideon Lindsay, Coldwater.<BR> 156. Isaac Lacy Webster, Coldwater.<BR> 157. James Clark Litz, Coldwater.<BR> 158. Harry Victor Klingensmith, Coldwater.<BR> 159. Frank John Bardot, Coldwater.<BR> 160. George Elmer Baker, Coldwater.<BR> 161. Clarence Earl Hager, Wilmore.<BR> 162. Ira Augustus Smith, Coldwater.<BR> 163. Arthur Roy Watkins, Wilmore.<BR> 164. James Earl Dale, Coldwater.<BR> 165. Fred Janson, Coldwater.<BR> 166. James Perley Boshell, Coldwater.<BR> 167. Bert Darwin Rucker, Coldwater.<BR> 168. Bert Baldwin Griffith, Coldwater.<BR> 169. Joe John Darroch, Coldwater.<BR> 170. Lewis James Miller, Coldwater.<BR> 171. Ebie Maris Edwards, Coldwater.<BR> 172. Armour Coulter Lambe, Coldwater.<BR> 173. James Henry Wilkerson, Coldwater.<BR> 174. Fred Byron Hullet, Protection.<BR> 175. Harry Sylvester Kimple, Coldwater.<BR> 176. James Henry Ames, Coldwater.<BR> 177. Edward Emery Riner, Protection.<BR> 178. Charley Ernest Brown, Coldwater.<BR> 179. Charles Emmar Allderdice, Coldwater.<BR> 180. Otha OrDel Landess, Coldwater.<BR> 181. Fred Blaine Metzker, Coldwater.<BR> 182. Alonzo L. Barker, Coldwater.<BR> 183. Anton Teater, Coldwater.<BR> 184. David William Hecht, Coldwater.<BR> 185. Joe Murphy, Coldwater.<BR> 186. Fred Fish, Coldwater.<BR> 187. Charles Robert Ruggles, Coldwater.<BR> 188. Floyd Robert Campbell, Coldwater.<BR> 189. Earl Lee Lynn, Coldwater.<BR> 190. Charles William Cummings, Wilmore.<BR> 191. Joseph Fredrick Becker, Coldwater.<BR> 192. William Martin McCrary, Wilmore.<BR> 193. London Eli Ginder, Coldwater.<BR> 194. William Miller McDonald, Coldwater.<BR> 195. Charles Warren Avery, Coldwater.<BR> 196. Leroy Wesley Fox, Coldwater.<BR> 197. Phillip Lenertz Jr., Coldwater.<BR> 198. Guy Herman Kehl, Coldwater.<BR> 199. Winfred Leslie Smith, Coldwater.<BR> 200. Walter Scott Stewart, Coldwater.<BR> 201. Reed Amasa Garten, Coldwater.<BR> 202. Orville Gurley Webber, Protection. <BR> 203. Earl Estle Atkson, Coldwater.<BR> 204. Emett Murray, Wilmore.<BR> 205. Fred Hadley, Coldwater.<BR> 206. John Leonard Torry, Coldwater.<BR> 207. Joseph Valentine Scripsick, Coldwater.<BR> 208. Bron H. Plye, Wilmore.<BR> 209. Stanley D. McGee, Coldwater.<BR> 210. Thomas Jefferson Taylor, Wilmore.<BR> 211. Roy Hubert Hoofer, Coldwater.<BR> 212. Bert Smith Stevenson, Coldwater.<BR> 213. William Frederick Baker, Coldwater.<BR> 214. Sotero Gil, Coldwater.<BR> 215. James Edmore Wilkinson, Coldwater.<BR> 216. David Berne Morris, Coldwater.<BR> 217. Fay William Small, Coldwater.<BR> 218. Claude Brown Atterbury, Coldwater.<BR> 219. Alva Leroy Swarner, Coldwater.<BR> 220. Wallace George Case, Coldwater.<BR> 221. Richard Hecht, Coldwater.<BR> 222. Willis Lee Finey, Coldwater.<BR> 223. Grant Greenwood Wright, Coldwater.<BR> 224. Franklin Salis McCrary, Coldwater.<BR> 225. Gloyd Cliston Hadley, Coldwater.<BR> 226. Ernest Donald Wheeler, Coldwater.<BR> 227. Paul Griggs Ray, Wilmore.<BR> 228. William Howard McGinnis, Coldwater.<BR> 229. Harry Melvin Nutter, Protection.<BR> 230. Joseph Lynn Beeley, Coldwater.<BR> 231. Milton Davison, Wilmore.<BR> 232. Charles Henry Sistler, Coldwater.<BR> 233. Morris Karrer Baessler, Coldwater. (middle name?)<BR> 234. Leo Isaac Williams, Coldwater.<BR> 235. Earl Benton Hadley, Coldwater.<BR> 236. David Marion Howard, Coldwater.<BR> 237. John Rowan Crawford, Coldwater.<BR> 238. Fred Harry Scholle, Coldwater.<BR> 239. Eugene Lipton Ferguson, Coldwater.<BR> 240. John William Younker, Coldwater.<BR> 241. Glen Ritter, Freedom, Oklahoma.<BR> 242. Charles Herman Howard, Wilmore.<BR> 243. Edgar Ward Harmon, Coldwater.<BR> 244. Cecil Raymond Barrey, Wilmore.<BR> 245. Jay B. Pounds, Coldwater.<BR> 246. Lesley Finney, Coldwater.<BR> 247. James Joe Thompson, Coldwater.<BR> 248. Andrew James Denny, Coldwater.<BR> 249. Bryce Meredith Osbourn, Coldwater.<BR> 250. Oliver Sewell Tarr, Coldwater.<BR> 251. Charlie Parker Prater, Coldwater.<BR> 252. Charles Spurgeon Williams, Coldwater.<BR> 253. Earl Loraine Usleman, Coldwater.<BR> 254. Lawrence Altman Perkins, Coldwater.<BR> 255. Herbert Ross Cooper, Coldwater.<BR> 256. Hugh Thomas Johnston, Coldwater.<BR> 257. Miguel Garcia, Coldwater.<BR> 258. Wilson Monroe Wheaton, Coldwater.<BR> 259. Thomas Glen Hadley, Coldwater.<BR> 260. Chester Arthur Sitler, Coldwater.<BR> 261. Claude Anthony Replogle, Coldwater.<BR> 262. Russell Carter, Coldwater.<BR> 263. Lewis Fred Griffith, Coldwater.<BR> 264. Gottlob John Baessler, Coldwater.<BR> 265. James Scott Stewart, Coldwater.<BR> 266. James Behler, Wilmore.<BR> 267. Albert Stanfield, Protection.<BR> 268. Kerby Wallace Moore, Protection.<BR> 269. John Robert Hills, Coldwater.<BR> 270. Lewis Nielson, Coldwater.<BR> 271. Mark Wilbert Bullock, Coldwater.<BR> 272. Paul Evans, Coldwater.<BR> 273. Clarence Courtney Jenkins, Coldwater.<BR> 274. Marvin Hecht, Coldwater.<BR> 275. Edgar William Johnston, Coldwater.<BR> 276. Francis Marvin Bird, Coldwater.<BR> 277. Willie Banks, Protection.<BR> 278. Thoburn Albert Beebe, Coldwater. (first name?)<BR> 279. John Sidney Nokes, Coldwater.<BR> 280. Charles Wesley Edwards, Coldwater.<BR> 281. Warren Ray Purchell, Wilmore.<BR> 282. Byron Riley Jones, Coldwater.<BR> 283. Harmon Davis, Coldwater.<BR> 284. Edward Ellis Calloway, Coldwater.<BR> 285. Ferdinand Schenk, Coldwater.<BR> 286. John Hanson, Coldwater.<BR> 287. Moritz Gottlob Baessler, Coldwater.<BR> 288. Tommie Claude Bibb, Coldwater.<BR> 289. Alonzo Newton Daves, Coldwater.<BR> 290. Frank Horn, Coldwater.<BR> 291. Murlin Bannig Patterson, Coldwater. (middle name?)<BR> 292. Albert Young, Coldwater.<BR> 293. Oscar Elmer Metzger, Coldwater.<BR> 294. Walter John Hackney, Coldwater Coy Route.<BR> 295. Ernest Morten Oller, Coldwater Coy Route.<BR> 296. Fay Delamater Kiff, Coldwater.<BR> 297. Herman Zielke, Coldwater.<BR> 298. Wilson Alton Beebe, Coldwater.<BR> 299. William Allen Case, Coldwater.<BR> 300. William Marion Bratcher, Coldwater.<BR> 301. Fred Henry Lohrding, Coldwater.<BR> 302. Lewis B. Sailor, Coldwater.<BR> 303. Joseph William Duncan, Coldwater.<BR> 304. Gottlieb Geo. Haas, Coldwater.<BR> 305. David Ben Eck, Protection.<BR> 306. Henry Edwin Furman, Coldwater.<BR> 307. Harry Harrison Dunn, Coldwater.<BR> 308. Oscar Lewis Garten, Coldwater.<BR> 309. Jake D. Dollison, Coldwater.<BR> 310. Roy Blake, Coldwater.<BR> 311. Lafy W. McCulla, Coldwater.<BR> 312. Heber Carlyle Frazier, Coldwater.<BR> 313. Elizah Allen Case, Coldwater.<BR> 314. Theodore Earl Guss, Coldwater.<BR> 315. Rolla Bennett, Coldwater.<BR> 316. Charles Clifford Burns, Coldwater.<BR> 317. Thomas Edward Beaman, Coldwater.<BR> 318. Jerome Wiley Goss, Coldwater.<BR> 319. Charley Marion Dunn, Coldwater.<BR> 320. Ray Edward Bennett, Coldwater.<BR> 321. Alvin J. Cline, Coldwater.<BR> 322. Quincy V. Winningham, Coldwater.<BR> 323. Mack Daves, Coldwater.<BR> 324. Alexander Petroff, Coldwater.<BR> 325. Lucius Roseo Elvin, Coldwater.<BR> 326. Amon Robert Deal, Coldwater.<BR> 327. Charles Henry Myer, Coldwater.<BR> 328. Pete Marshal Cole, Coldwater.<BR> 329. Wilbur Joe Smith, Coldwater.<BR> 330. Lewis Leslie Boshell, Coldwater.<BR> 331. John Leslie Overstreet, Coldwater.<BR> 332. Perry Percu Couch, Protection.<BR> 333. William Paul Girtman, Protection.<BR> 334. John William Holler, Protection.<BR> 335. Walter Bragg, Protection.<BR> 336. Silvannia Enos Miller, Protection.<BR> 337. William Tyrie Smith, Protection.<BR> 338. Daniel Prilliman, Protection.<BR> 339. Kenneth Hamilton Fulton, Protection.<BR> 340. Willis Autney Bratcher, Protection.<BR> 341. John Harron Robertson, Protection.<BR> 342. John Reuben Nutter, Protection.<BR> 343. David Monroe Deen, Protection.<BR> 344. Alvin Selzer, Protection.<BR> 345. William Thomas Giles, Protection.<BR> 346. Charles Marion Pierce, Protection.<BR> 347. Warren Bearly, Protection.<BR> 348. William Edward Bolon, Protection.<BR> 349. Charles Leroy Riner, Protection.<BR> 350. Clay Woolfolk, Protection.<BR> 351. Frantz Sevia Botschart, Protection.<BR> 352. Elias A. Miller, Protection.<BR> 353. Chales Fred Miller, Protection.<BR> 354. Grover Cleveland Sanders, Protection.<BR> 355. Bert Walker, Protection.<BR> 356. David Rolland Osborne, Protection.<BR> 357. Frank Caron, Protection.<BR> 358. Leonard Holman, Protection.<BR> 359. Forest Dewey Sanders, Protection.<BR> 360. Arthur Leroy Jones, Protection.<BR> 361. Emert Harold Hvlton, Protection. (last name?)<BR> 362. Wilber McCoy Klingenberg, Protection.<BR> 363. Clayton Bragg, Protection.<BR> 364. Elmer Ray Cline, Protection.<BR> 365. Lloyd Leslie Bond, Protection.<BR> 366. Noel Ralph Thornhill, Protection.<BR> 367. Charlie Henderson Thornhill, Protection.<BR> 368. Thomas L. Wilson, Protection.<BR> 369. Quint Reed, Protection.<BR> 370. Carroll Laopaid Lund, Protection.<BR> 371. Beltran Gaston Thornhill, Protection.<BR> 372. Claude Keltner,Protection.<BR> 373. John Julian Crum, Protection.<BR> 374. Arnold Messenger, Protection.<BR> 375. James Clifton Young, Protection.<BR> 376. Raub Rall Snyder, Protection.<BR> 377. Charles Timothy McCarty, Protection.<BR> 378. Thomas L. Chase Jr., Protection.<BR> 379. Hobart Lee Foster, Protection.<BR> 380. LeRoy Markle Leiter, Protection.<BR> 381. Robert Russell Fuller, Protection.<BR> 382. Ralph Myers Murray, Protection.<BR> 383. Fred Ring, Protection.<BR> 384. Clifford Theodore Sibbitt, Protection.<BR> 385. James Phillip Snell, Protection.<BR> 386. William Oliver Tinkler, Protection.<BR> 387. George Washington Cole, Protection.<BR> 388. Marion Wade Simonds, Protection.<BR> 389. Ezra Leeper, Protection.<BR> 390. John Clarence Goodall, Protection.<BR> 391. Charlie D. Smith, Protection.<BR> 392. Paul Jones Briggs, Protection.<BR> 393. Arthur Robert Burghardt, Protection.<BR> 394. Charles Woods Mullins, Protection.<BR> 395. Wilber Carson Jones, Protection.<BR> 396. Will J. Bowman, Protection.<BR> 397. Robert Waddell, Protection.<BR> 398. Edwin Stanton Drew, Protection.<BR> 399. Roy M. McLaughlin, Protection.<BR> 400. Hazen Lackey Richardson, Protection.<BR> 401. Charles Roger Sibbitt, Protection.<BR> 402. George Dewey Dick, Protection.<BR> 403. Oscar Lee Bristow, Protection.<BR> 404. Henry Willian VanWey, Protection.<BR> 405. Raymond Harold Johnston, Protection.<BR> 406. Eli Michael Hawk, Protection.<BR> 407. Norman Dale Lund, Protection.<BR> 408. John Daniel Schmitt, Protection.<BR> 409. Jesse Thomas, Protection.<BR> 410. John Edward Byrne, Protection.<BR> 411. Paul Edward Webb, Protection.<BR> 412. Marshal Drew, Protection.<BR> 413. Harry Frank Weyl, Protection.<BR> 414. Ernest Sterle Dale, Protection.<BR> 415. Pete Edward Shean, Protection.<BR> 416. Homer Eugene Popps, Protection.<BR> 417. Warren Bratcher, Protection.<BR> 418. Thomas Charles Carter, Protection.<BR> 419.Daniel Webster Brite, Protection.<BR> 420. Joseph Lee Buford, Protection.<BR> 421. James Leonard Corson, Protection.<BR> 422. Frank Edwin Vance, Protection.<BR> 423. Grover Cleveland Ellison, Protection.<BR> 424. Perry Charles Myers, Protection.<BR> 425. Warren Teter, Protection.<BR> 426. Daniel Edward Russ, Portection.<BR> 427. Thomas Riley Hopkins, Protection.<BR> 428. Harrison Feagins Jr., Protection.<BR> 429. Eugene Delbert Schovell, Protection.<BR> 430. William Cooper Bean, Protection.<BR> 431. David Hamilton Smith, Protection.<BR> 432. Howard Freeman Craig, Protection.<BR> 433. Walter Rummerfield, Protection.<BR> 434. Alva Clark Alexander, Protection.<BR> 435. John Bedinger, Protection.<BR> 436. John William Sawyer, Protection.<BR> 437. James Ernest Slentz, Protection.<BR> 438. Andrew Frank Baker, Protection.<BR> 439. James Orval Freshour, Protection.<BR> 440. Alva Leonadas Thornhill, Protection.<BR> 441. Lawrence Sidney Claude Rowland, Protection.<BR> 442. Melvin Douglas McDonald, Protection.<BR> 443. Harvey Alonzo Shaw, Protection.<BR> 444. Charles Wesley Humfield, Protection. <BR> 445. Nova N. Kimes, Protection.<BR> 446. Jesse John Edmonston, Protection.<BR> 447. Felix Curtis Lindsey, Protection.<BR> 448. Elizah Lewis Hale, Protection.<BR> 449. James Wilson Kelley, Protection.<BR> 450. Jesse Hugh Williams, Protection.<BR> 451. Alfa Lee Withrow, Protection.<BR> 452. Loyd Franklin Cox, Protection.<BR> 453. Purley Newton Bean, Protection.<BR> 454. Claude Jerome Simpkin, Protection.<BR> 455. Silas Elbert Miller, Protection.<BR> 456. George Floyd Cox, Protection.<BR> 457. Benjamin Lincoln Brewer, Protection.<BR> 458. Oscra Wadlow Blue, Protection. (first name?)<BR> 459. Oliver Stacy Riner, Protection.<BR> 460. Claud William Atkinson, Protection.<BR> 461. Hugh Frances McClain, Protection.<BR> 462. Lyonel Roscoe Bayless, Protection.<BR> 463. Emery Elmer Fleming, Protection.<BR> 464. Philip Frank Horst, Protection.<BR> 465. Joe Riley Hawkins, Protection.<BR> 466. Albert Joines, Protection.<BR> 467. Ralph William Maris, Protection.<BR> 468. Will Garfield Cole, Protection.<BR> 469. Winston Garfield Ramey, Protection.<BR> 470. Harry Large, Protection.<BR> 471. Paul Frank Crum, Protection.<BR> 472. Leonard Garfield Matson, Protection.<BR> 473. Melbourne Odem, Protection.<BR> 474. Oscar Clarence Cochran, Protection.<BR> 475. Leroy Ross Smith, Protection.<BR> 476. Porter Lance Stroud, Protection.<BR> 477. William Alexander Jordan, Protection.<BR> 478. Otho Dennis Woodward, Protection.<BR> 479. Charles McKinedey Horner, Protection. (middle name?)<BR> 480. William J. Hoskins, Protection.<BR> 481. Bert Monroe Hall, Protection.<BR> 482. Thomas William Lindsey, Protection.<BR> 483. Edgar Newcome Lamkin, Protection.<BR> 484. William Otto Schumaker, Protection.<BR> 485. Alfred Albert Seidel, Protection.<BR> 486. George Roscoe Smart, Protection.<BR> 487. Orlie Mortimer Edmonston, Protection.<BR> 488. Gasper Gordon Staals, Protection.<BR> 489. Clyde Stanley Moore, Protection.<BR> 490. Arthur Alonzo Carpenter, Protection.<BR> 491. Hardy Spencer Thornhill, Protection.<BR> 492. John Henry Hale, Protection.<BR> 493. George Johnson, Protection.<BR> 494. Thomas Martin Dorsey, Protection.<BR> 495. Frank Bowles Field, Protection.<BR> 496. Jacob Albert Sailor, Protection.<BR> 497. Pearl Warden Baker, Protection.<BR> 498. Otho Albert Teter, Protection.<BR> 499. William Urven Keltner, Protection.<BR> 500. Clans Henry Goos, Protection.<BR> 501. Alfred Wesley Wollam, Protection.<BR> 502. Harden Gregory Holloway, Protection.<BR> 503. Milton Alexander Bonham, Protection.<BR> 504. John Alfred Ferguson, Protection.<BR> 505. William Henry Shrauner, Protection.<BR> 506. Noah Ebersole, Protection.<BR> 507. Orzo D. Wimmer, Protection.<BR> 508. James Frazer William, Protection.<BR> 509. Poney Detizell Thornhill, Protection.<BR> 510. Theron Arnold Myers, Protection.<BR> 511. Walter Allison Wilson, Protection.<BR> 512. John Hugh Todd, Protection.<BR> 513. Edward Harrison Barb, Protection.<BR> 514. Robert Cecil Dodson, Protection.<BR> 515. John Christian Vierheller, Protection.<BR> 516. George Boone Means, Protection.<BR> 517. Carl Edwin Bond, Protection.<BR> 518. D_nnie Chamnes, Protection.<BR> 519. Charles Lorenzo Thornhill, Protection.<BR> 520. William Bruce Creighton, Protection.<BR> 521. Jasper Newton Little, Protection. <BR> 522. John Edward Norton, Protection.<BR> 523. Charles William Leeper, Protection.<BR> 524. Loten Frazier Carey, Protection.<BR> 525. Andrew Albertise Sparks, Protection.<BR> 526. Perry Mormaduke Baird, Protection.<BR> 527. Allen Hughes Murray, Protection.<BR> 528. Jacob Foreman Hoch, Protection.<BR> 529. Harvey Vilroy Snell, Protection.<BR> 530. Benjamin Ulyses Towner, Protection.<BR> 531. Rodger Robert Sibbitt, Protection.<BR> 532. Jonah Leland Dodson, Protection.<BR> 533. James Fletcher Ragsdale, Protection.<BR> 534. Peter H. Looney, Protection.<BR> 535. Edward Hamilton Myers, Protection.<BR> 536. Clarence Francis Bowman, Protection.<BR> 537. Charlie Cragen, Protection.<BR> 538. William B. Atkeson, Protection.<BR> 539. Otto Joseph Ferger, Protection. (last name?)<BR> 540. Allen Franklin Moore, Protection.<BR> 541. Homer Elihue Thompson, Coldwater.<BR> 542. Johnny Randolph Moody, Protection.<BR> 543. Robert Earl Hanaway, Protection.<BR> 544. Clifford A. Mcfarland, Protection.<BR> 545. Smith Jenkins, Protection.<BR> 546. Jacob Klasser, Protection.<BR> 547. Ed James Patterson, Protection.<BR> 548. Hugh Gresty, Wilmore.<BR> 549. Dick Schenk, Coldwater.<BR> 550. Tony Throckmorton, Coldwater.<BR> 551. Nick Pepperd, Coldwater.<BR> 552. Victor E. Gates, Coldwater.<BR> 553. Bert Stout, Wilmore.<BR> 554. Elbert Thompson Waller, Coldwater.<BR> 555. William Morton Carter, Wilmore.<BR> 556. William Henry Carter, Wilmore.<BR> 557. Marvin Theodore Downing, Coldwater.<BR> 558. Ira Thomas Burditt, Coldwater.<BR> 559. Louie Benjamin Vonachen, Wilmore.<BR> 560. Mathew Hughes, Wilmore. (first name?)<BR> 561. John Kinnear Leslie, Wilmore.<BR> 562. Henry Burton Klingensmith, Coldwater.<BR> 563. Joseph Garrett Cole, Aetna, Kansas.<BR> 564. Eldo Cole, Aetna, Kansas.<BR> 565. John Jackson McMoran, Aetna, Kansas.<BR> 566. Earl Cole, Aetna, Kansas<BR> 567. David Gray, Deerhead, Kansas.<BR> 568. Homes Elmer Thomas, Wilmore.<BR> 569. Lloyd Raymond Sunderland, Coldwater.<BR> 570. Malcom Fuantelroy Metzker, Coldwater.<BR> 571. Stephen Fay Smith, Wilmore.<BR> 572. Willie Horace Ford, Coldwater.<BR> 573. Cornelius Vernosdol White, Aetna, Kansas.<BR> 574. Arthur Byron Wilhite, Aetna, Kansas.<BR> 575. George Albert Neill, Aetna, Kansas.<BR> 576. John Sebra Newell Howard, Wilmore, Kansas.<BR> 577. Henry Joshua Pendergraft, Wilmore.<BR> 578. Perry Wall, Wilmore.<BR> 579. Fred Nance, Wilmore.<BR> 580. Cleveland Wyley Carter, Wilmore.<BR> 581. Elbert Heflin, Wilmore.<BR> 582. Llewellyn Edward Baker, Wilmore.<BR> 583. William Henry Edmonds, Wilmore.<BR> 584. Albert V. Bigbee, Wilmore.<BR> 585. John Henry White, Wilmore.<BR> 586. Harvey Nelson Durant, Wilmore.<BR> 587. Elmer F. Kilmer, Wilmore.<BR> 588. James Lewis Kluttz, Wilmore.<BR> 589. Harvey S. Schrock, Wilmore.<BR> 590. Raleigh Owen Nevens, Wilmore.<BR> 591. Jay Thomas Smith, Wilmore.<BR> 592. Thomas Christopher Pepperd, Wilmore.<BR> 593. James Garfield Hayes, Wilmore.<BR> 594. Lewis Alexander Draper, Wilmore.<BR> 595. Ord Franklin Trummell, Wilmore.<BR> 596. William Leslie Daniels, Wilmore.<BR> 597. Arthur Worthington Cameron, Wilmore.<BR> 598. Mack Payne, Wilmore.<BR> 599. George Christian Behlr, Wilmore.<BR> 600. Earl Ferrin, Wilmore.<BR> 601. William Sampson Lytle, Wilmore.<BR> 602. Earl Leon Brown, Wilmore.<BR> 603. Benjamin Stevenson Puckett, Wilmore.<BR> 604. Charles Festis Caley, Wilmore.<BR> 605. Arthur Burnette, Wilmore.<BR> 606. Frank Ray Wright, Wilmore.<BR> 607. Moscoe Reuben McCroskie, Wilmore.<BR> 608. Alvah Ernest Trummel, Wilmore.<BR> 609. Orie Harvey McCorkle, Wilmore.<BR> 610. Clarkes Elmer White, Wilmore.<BR> 611. Fred Erwin Vance, Wilmore.<BR> 612. James Arlo Bates, Wilmore.<BR> 613. Floyd Lockie Walker, Wilmore.<BR> 614. Thomas Daniel DeJarnette, Wilmore.<BR> 615. Ray Cleveland Helbert, Wilmore.<BR> 616. Leroy Lester Larimer, Wilmore.<BR> 617. Ernest Leroy Ferrin, Wilmore.<BR> 618. Maximo Leon, Wilmore.<BR> 619. Jose M. Lorraine, Wilmore.<BR> 620. Warren Wilson Day, Wilmore.<BR> 621. Charlie Arnold Pendergraft, Wilmore.<BR> 622. Samuel Ralph Davis, Wilmore.<BR> 623. George Washington Pendergraft, Wilmore.<BR> 624. Charles Edward Killillay, Wilmore.<BR> 625. Walter Clyde Ray, Wilmore.<BR> 626. Francis E. Elzea, Wilmore.<BR> 627. John Alexander Eslick, Wilmore<BR> 628. George Talebury, Wilmore.<BR> 629. Dean Verne Wagner, Wilmore.<BR> 630. Henry Clay Metzker, Wilmore.<BR> 631. James Samuel McGlothlin, Wilmore. (last name?)<BR> 632. Stanley Edgar Proctor, Wilmore.<BR> 633. Arthur Daniel Andrews, Wilmore.<BR> 634. Ernest Davis Hubbard, Wilmore.<BR> 635. Godfrey James Isenbart, Wilmore.<BR> 636. Perry Coats, Coldwater.<BR> 637. Madison Jay Carter, Wilmore.<BR> 638. Albert Rollie Elwell, Wilmore.<BR> 639. Frederick William Nickelson, Wilmore.<BR> 640. Lawrence Raymond Powell, Coldwater.<BR> 641. Harold Hester Wagner, Wilmore.<BR> 642. Franklin Fredrick Septer, Sun City.<BR> 643. James Monroe McCay, Wilmore.<BR> 644. August Wm. Schnek, Wilmore. <BR> 645. Thomas Orville Alley, Coldwater.<BR> 646. Albert Robert Froetschner, Wilmore.<BR> 647. Philo Gregg, Wilmore.<BR> 648. George Henry Bain, Coldwater.<BR> 649. Charles B. Evans, Coldwater.<BR> 650. Frank Everette Bailey, Coldwater.<BR> 651. Gus Barmlett, Coldwater.<BR> 652. Owen Lafayette Ring, Coldwater.<BR> 653. John Shimer, Coldwater.<BR> 654. Martin Painter, Coldwater.<BR> 655. James Walter Heady, Coldwater.<BR> 656. Albert H. Rutledge, Coldwater.<BR> 657. Winfield Hancock Sunderland, Coldwater.<BR> 658. Oliver Bruce Snare, Coldwater.<BR> 659. George Dennison Fisk, Coldwater.<BR> 660. Earl Martin, Coldwater.<BR> 661. John Will Adams, Coldwater.<BR> 662. Julius B. Parks, Coldwater.<BR> 663. Charley Edward Doerflinger, Coldwater.<BR> 664. Charlie Alfred Evans, Coldwater.<BR> 665. Robert Samuel Jackson, Coldwater.<BR> 666. Lloyd Vernon Sanderson, Coldwater.<BR> 667. Merrit Clyde Pepperd, Wilmore.<BR> 668. Charles Lester Bigham, Coldwater.<BR> 669. Wm. T. Brewer, Protection.<BR> 670. Sam Fausett, Coldwater.<BR> 671. Willie Patterson Barber, Wilmore.<BR> 672. Guy White Von Schriltz, Coldwater.<P> <HR> "In early 1917, the United States declared war on Germany. In the first months of the American participation in World War I, enthusiasm was strong but volunteer enlistment into the army was modest. Consequently, a draft was instituted to bring in the needed number of men. On three designated registration days in 1917 and 1918, approximately 24-million civilian men born between 1872 and 1900 provided information for draft registration cards. More than 80% of these civilians received exemptions or deferrals, and they were thus never called for military service." <BR>-- <a href="http://www.rootsweb.com/~rwguide/WWIdraft.html" target=new>World War I Draft Registrations at RootsWeb</A>.<HR> <P> <FONT SIZE="2">Thanks to <a href="brier.html"><B>Shirley Brier</B></A> for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site! <P> This website is being created by HTML Guy <A HREF="contact.html">Jerry Ferrin</A> with the able assistance of many <a href="contributors.html">Contributors</a>. Your comments, suggestions and contributions of historical information and photographs to this site are welcome. Please sign the <A HREF="guestbook.html">Guest Book</A>. This page was last updated 17 October 2004.</font> <P> <!--END TEXT & IMAGES HERE--> </BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE> </body> </html>