The Cowley County Coordinator is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION
Thanks to Steve Ruggles & everyone else who shared information on the site previous We'd like to thank the wonderful people who volunteer their time and resources helping researchers find information on their ancestors. If you request a favor from one of our volunteers, please show genealogical courtesy and offer to reimburse the for their gas, film, pmost
age, etc. when making your request.
 The Cowley County Heritage Book # 2Project is done. You can also contact the museum Cowley County Historical Society, 620-221-4811.
 Cowley County Links
 Kansas Cemeteries with ap links at: USGW Tombstone Transcription Project Researchers helping Researchers at Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness Sources for Local Inforation- The Books of Cowley County
- William G. Cutler's History of the State of KS: COWLEY COUNTY.
- Cowley County Genealogical Society, 1518 East 12th, Winfield, KS 67156, PH 620-221-4591
CCGS has cemetery inforation and newspaper obituaries for years 1969-2002. Also early arriage, birth and death inforation.
Cherokee Strip Land Rush museum Facebook Page
PO Box 778 * Arkansas City, KS 67005 * FAX 620-441-4332 * PH# 620-442-6750 Located 1.6 iles south of intersection US 166 (adison) & US 177 (Suit) The useu has cemetery burials & newspaper obits provided by The CCGS Hours: 10 a.. - 4 p.., Tuesday - Saturday and 1 p.. - 5 p.. on Sunday
- Cowley County Historical Society museum
The useu is open 1-4 Tues.- Sun., closed onday. email
: We have a large library of geneology information including grave yard registrations. Shawn Marie Stover, Director........620-221-4811
- Cowley County Courthouse: 311 E 9th, Winfield, Kansas 67156.
Located 2 blocks E fro the corner of ain Street (US 77) & 9th Avenue (US 160)
- District Court - 620-221-5470 or 620-441-4520
- Probate Court - 620-221-5471 or 620-441-4521: Marriage Records
- Registrar of Deeds - 620-221-5460 or 620-441-4560
- County Clerks Office - 620-221-5400
- Ark City Home Page
- Ark City Public Library
- Ark City Chaber of Coerce,, 106 S. Suit * Ark City, KS * Ph# 620-442-0236
- Convention & Visitor Bureau,
cvbdirection@arkcityorg, Address sae as Ark City Chaber of Coerce
- City of Winfield Home Page
- Winfield Public Library
605 College 8 Winfield, Ks. 67156 * PH# 620-221-4470
- Cowley County
- Cowley County Community College
- Southwestern College, Winfield

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