Welcome to Cowley County


If anyone has old photos taken in Cowley Co., we would like to post them on this page.

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This is a photo of what I think is the employees of The Reed Stores Co. of Arkansas City, Kansas in about 1919. The back of the photo says:
"L D Taylor 626 S Summit Ark City Kan"
So I'm guessing that the store was located at this address. I have no idea of L D Taylor was, maybe the man in the photo. I only know for sure who one person in the photo is. The lady 6th from the left is Viola Mae (Oaks) Talley, my grandmother who worked in the store before she got married in 1920.
Any additional information anyone might know would be great.

Thanks       jdt

Very early schoolhouse near Rainbow Bend ca 1887
Submitted by Ted Howard




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