Cowley County

Cowley County Kansas Pensioners
Submitted & © January 1998 by: Lea Wiggins

No. of certificateLast name of pensionerFirst name of pensionerPost-office addressCause for which pensionedMonthly rateDate of original allowance
124, 351 AbbottGeo. W do wd. head $4.00........
15, 189 AglerRachel R do do $8.00Mar. 1864
74, 180 AlexanderJohn do injury to abdomen $8.00........
171, 412 AllenEdward A do chr. rheumatism $8.00........
119, 344 AndersonJohn do g. s. w. rt. arm $8.00Oct. 1872
18, 862 AnnisJohn do paralysis rt. hand $18.00........
111, 651 BaileyChas. W do dis. heart $10.00........
14, 467 BaileyElizabeth do widow 1812 $8.00Jan. 1879
....... BaileyJefferson P do g. s. w. rt. arm and shell wd. of back $3.00Sept. 1874
138, 706 BakerElmore Y Arkansas City heart dis. $6.00........
-0, 487 BarlowMary do widow $8.00........
173, 963 BeadleDavid S do g. s. w. lt. arm $2.00Sept. 1880
195, 173 BellNancy do mother $8.00April 1882
38, 777 BeltzJohn A do g. s. w. rt. leg $4.00Mar. 1865
194, 140 BetonDonald do g. s. w. rt. hip $2.00Aug. 1881
70, 598 BeverJoel do loss rt. eye $4.00Sept. 1866
43, 290 BinkeyJacob do g. s. w. rt. arm $6.00May 1865
215, 062 BlairFrank E do g. s. w. rt. leg $2.00July 1882
211, 368 BlissDaniel W do injury to abdomen $6.00June 1882
196, 272 BowersMartha A do widow $8.00June 1882
175, 945 BradleyWm. R do ch. rheum. res. atrophy l. hip $4.00Oct. 1880
140, 678 BroadbentJohn J do ulceration rt. ankle $6.00Aug. 1876
70, 104 BrownWm. do wd. lt. forearm $8.00........
189, 727 BuckFannie F do widow $27.00Sept. 1880
26, 122 CainMary A do widow $8.00........
43, 899 CalvinJoseph W Floral wd. rt. thigh $6.00........
15, 814 CanineJames do wd. rt. arm 2.66 2/3 Aug. 1863
212, 053 CarlisleZachariah do chr. diarrh $2.00June 1882
96, 630 CarltonDavid H do dis. eyes $12.00........
197, 878 ChatfieldJesse do g. s. w. lt. hand $1.00Nov. 1881
220, 569 ChristianJames do total blindness frm. sunstrk $72.00Nov. 1882
167, 211 ClaytonJoseph N (alias Howe) do g. s. w. rt. hand $6.00Apr. 1880
202, 378 ConradLewis do injury to abdomen $6.00........
133, 490 CoryellHenry do wd. rt. side $4.00........
80, 693 CraneJames do wd. lt. foot $4.00........
212, 994 CrutchfieldJames N do g. s. w. lt. hip and chr. diarrh $4.00June 1882
39, 668 DanielsJohn B do wd. lt. hand $6.00........
219, 348 DarstOliver P do g. s. w. lt. leg $2.00Oct. 1882
88, 913 DaughertyBenj. B do g. s. w. lt. shoulder $14.00........
214, 297 DavisAllen C do injury to abdomen $6.00June 1882
....... DavisAmasa A do amp. rt. leg above knee $24.00........
83, 118 DavisEliza do mother $8.00Sept. 1866
94, 894 DunhamJoseph do g. s. w. rt. thigh $2.00........
153, 470 EdgarSamuel H do dis. lungs  June 1878
55, 119 EngleGilmer D do g. s. w. lt. arm $15.00........
196, 017 EvansJeremiah do injury to abdomen $4.00Sept. 1881
160, 297 FastHenry do minors of $10.00July 1881
93, 956 FeaginsDaniel do dis. eyes $24.00........
160, 128 FitzgeraldRichard do g. s. w. l. hand $2.00May 1879
160, 715 FlattmanHarmann do g. s. w. rt. leg $2.00June 1879
38, 780 FosterHenry H do wd. rt. leg $6.00........
21, 217 FrughtyGeo. W  amp. lt. leg $18.00.....�
49, 322 GeorgeThos. C do g. s. w. lt. arm $24.00........
85, 307 GrahamGeo. do g. s. w. lt. hip & rt. side neck $6.00........
8, 868 GreenwellDorcas do widow 1812 $8.00Sept. 1878
25, 039 GregoryWm. F. Baltimore atrophy lt. leg $6.00........
99, 508 HackneyWm. P do g. s. w. face and lt. side $4.00........
186, 714 HainesJacob Red Bud father $8.00Jan. 1880
121, 510 HaleChas. E do g. s. w. rt. thigh $10.00........
44, 376 HardrogHenry do g. s. w. rt. thigh $18.00........
202, 384 HarringtonCornelius do g. s. w. lt. hip $2.00Feb. 1882
18, 288 HarringtonZachariah Cambridge g. s. w. r. tgh. & res. var. veins $12.00........
25, 747 HarrisMartha A do widow 1812 $8.00July 1879
138, 619 HartstockElizabeth do mother $8.00Jan. 1870
117, 008 HartteryAndrew do injury to abdomen $8.00........
107, 046 HaworthJoel R do paralysis rt. arm and leg $36.00........
211, 669 HeadleyJames do g. s. w. left humerus $4.00June 1882
98, 317 HendricksAbraham D do sh. wd. lt. side neck & res'ts $18.00........
168, 939 HendricksonJohn C do g. s. w. rt. forearm $2.00June 1880
184, 539 HicksSarah do widow $8.00June 1879
220, 164 HopkinsJames do diarr. and chr. rheum. $4.00Nov. 1882
103, 079 HuntSamantha do widow $8.00Nov. 1867
218, 446 JacksonAddison A Seely g. s. w. lt. thigh $2.00Sept. 1882
145, 577 JenkinsBlachly W  inj. to rt. shoulder $2.00May 1877
128, 467 JenningsHarvey S do wd. rt. thigh $4.00........
88, 294 JonesConrad Box wd. lt. lung $8.00Jan. 1868
141, 287 KemptonDaniel do injury to abdomen $8.00........
16, 160 KimmellAndrew J do g. s. w. lt. arm $18.00........
31, 109 KingCharles do g. s. w. rt. side $8.00........
13, 178 LawsonJohn P Burdenville wd. lt. hand & ls. index finger $4.00........
173, 206 LimerickAlexander do wd. rt. arm $4.00Sept. 1880
160, 865 LundyWilliam J do g. s. w. r. arm $2.00June 1879
54, 983 McCallenAner do widow $8.00Mar. 1867
26, 374 McCormickWm. C Polo chr. rheum. in rt. knee & leg $6.00........
76, 895 McDonoughThomas do g. s. w. lt. shoulder $18.00Feb. 1867
172, 642 McFaddenBenj. do ch. dia. & dis. liver & kidneys $4.00Aug. 1880
45, 738 McIntruffAndrew do g. s. w. rt. shoulder $8.00........
26, 649 McKeeJohn Dexter chr. laryngitis & loss of voice $2.00........
60, 911 McLaughlinTyler H do amp. lt. leg $18.00........
132, 960 McQuadePreston Udall valvular dis. heart $12.00........
39, 571 MeinsauDaniel do g. s. w. rt. thigh $4.00Dec. 1879
90, 013 MitchellJohnson Winfield ch. bronchitis & consumption $8.00........
27, 398 MorseLois do widow 1812 $8.00Oct. 1878
65, 807 MoserJohn do g. s. w. both thighs $8.00........
96, 934 MyersLewis do wd. lt. lung $10.00........
18, 548 NippJames B do g. s. w. rt. shoulder and paralysis of arm $18.00........
117, 495 NixonJacob do wd. lt. side of head $10.00Jan. 1872
128, 172 OlmsteadWm do g. s. w. rt. thigh $4.00........
35, 581 OlstedAllen do erysipelas r. hand & sequelae of measles. $8.00........
24, 982 OrvilleGeo. Wilmot g. s. w. lt. leg $18.00........
20, 325 ParisCharles W do blindness $72.00........
220, 202 PenningtonSam'l W do dis. of abdominal viscera $4.00Nov. 1882
42, 860 PfrimmerDaniel A Tisdale wd. rt. groin $20.00........
57, 741 PowellJoseph E do amp. r. leg $24.00........
218, 128 QuarlesMarcus H do dis. lt. eye $4.00Sept. 1882
108, 906 RashJohn S do injury to abdomen $8.00........
141, 107 RedickJackson do g. s. w. lt. thigh $4.00........
50, 696 ReedFrank do wd. rt. hand $18.00........
221, 416 RidenourWm. S do g. s. w. rt. ankle $2.00Nov. 1882
22, 981 RifeJacob E do g. s. w. lt. leg $2.00........
48, 427 RobertsJohn C do g. s. w. r. thigh $4.00........
58, 893 RobertsJohn M do g. s. w. head $12.00........
120, 801 RobertsonNathaniel B do injury to abdomen $6.00........
185, 619 RoseberryChas. W do partl. ls. sight lt. eye $4.00Mar. 1881
30, 753 RossNancy do do $8.00Nov. 1880
85, 750 RugglesJames E do w. l. hand $6.00........
180, 005 ScottRobt. B do dis. eyes and resultg. dis. of maxillary bone $18.00........
49, 644 ShortJames P do g. s. w. lt. hand $8.00........
9, 217 SimonsDavid B do inj. lt. leg and results $24.00........
137, 219 SkinnerChas. M do chr. diarrh. $6.00........
97, 046 SmackeSam'l J do g. s. w. lt. arm $18.00........
165, 514 SmalleyJohn A do g. s. w. rt. leg and resultg. var. veins $6.00Mar. 1880
212, 233 SmithJohn R do g. s. w. lt. hand $8.00June 1882
38, 831 SmithSam'l C do wd. rt. arm $6.00Mar. 1865
80, 208 SouthardJohn B Otto g. s. w. lt. foot $8.00........
75, 676 StoreyThos. H do total loss sight & paral. r. side $72.00........
33, 505 StuartJennie do mother $8.00Oct. 1864
159, 436 StubblefieldHarvey W do g. s. w. lt. side of head $10.00Apr. 1879
167, 970 SzirskowskySusan J Rock mother $8.00........
180, 296 TharpGeo. W do g. s. w. lt. thigh $4.00Dec. 1880
156, 898 TruesdaleAndrew J do lss. index & mid. fing. r. hand $4.00Dec. 1878
90, 258 TrumpCornelius do inj. rt. ankle $4.00Apr. 1868
121, 714 TullJohn W do lss. index & mid. fing. l. hand $8.00........
34, 084 WadeArchable F do loss rt. eye $4.00........
124, 890 WeberWm. H do g. s. w. lt. hand, loss 4th fing. $2.00Aug. 1873
166, 027 WeitzelHannah do mother $15.00Sept. 1874
148, 393 WellsFrancis M do dis. throat and lungs $4.00Sept. 1877
26, 909 WidenerPatience do widow 1812 $8.00Sept. 1879
22, 507 WilliamsArimintha do widow $8.00May 1864
142, 647 WilsonJames J do g. s. w. lt. hip $6.00........
174, 768 WilsonWillis do chr. diarr. and dis. lungs $8.00Oct. 1880
215, 666 WimerWelcome B Akron g. s. wds. rt. hip and lt. leg $6.00July 1882
66, 676 WoodWm. C do wd. rt. leg $6.00........
26, 416 WoodenEmily do widow $8.00May 1867
119, 805 WoodsAllen Maple City g. s. w. lt. hip $8.00........
126, 703 WrightMargaret New Salem mother $8.00May 1869
30, 846 WritsonElizabeth do widow $8.00........
13, 322 YorkPricious do widow $15.00........



State Coordinators
Tom & Carolyn Ward, Columbus, KS