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Surname Index

A - F
G - K
L - P
Q - U
V - Z

To post your surname on the list send your surname(s) in all caps along with your name to the County Coordinator. When you change email address it would be most helpful if you would send notification to us so we can keep the email addresses up to date. We realize it is sometimes hard to remember all the places your email is, but please try. To anyone that has posted your surname in the past please take a moment to see if your email is up to date   ......   Thank You

State Coordinators
Tom & Carolyn Ward, Columbus, KS

The KSGenWeb logo was designed and is copyrighted by
Tom & Carolyn Ward
for the limited use of the KSGenWeb Project.
Permission is granted for use only on an official KSGenWeb page.
The USGenWeb Logo was designed by Linda Cole.

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KSGenWeb Project