Welcome to Cowley County

Submitted by: Karen Rodenbaugh

sun-icon.jpg - 879 Bytes    June ELLIOT Grave    sun-icon.jpg - 879 Bytes

Daughter of J.J. & J. L. Elliott
Born:   May 28, 1898
Died:   Jan. 30, 1902

"Beautiful Lovely she was but given a
fair bud to earth to blossom in Heaven

While driving down 172nd Road west of Winfield just 1 mile south of Highway 160, we were driving slowly as we were looking for the old Baptist cemetery which was supposed to be located in this area, Vernon TWP sec. 33. I spotted a stone nearly in the road ditch, so we backed up to check it out. This was early in the spring so the top half of the stone was visable. After examining it and the surrounding area we found that this little girls stone was the only one there. it was another month before we got a chance to return but Kandi my daughter had a real pull toward this stone as the little girl was not much older than her son. It really bothered her to know this little girl was out there alone "in a road ditch". When we returned I had brought a weedeater, a small fence & some flowers for this little girl. My goal was to clean this up prior to Memorial Day, well we made it. When arriving at the stone this time, had we not known where it was we would had never found it, it was so grown up around it the stone could not be seen as easily. While cleaning up around the stone a small tree was growing next to the stone, I began chopping on it for removal when I noticed in this little tree was a bird nest with 6 eggs in it, 5 blue & 1 brown. I imediately stopped and was thinking it was like this little one had new life growing right beside her & was saying thanks for finding me.    ..............Karen

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Tom & Carolyn Ward, Columbus, KS


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