Cowley County Heritage Book


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Cowley County Heritage Book Page 116

(continued from page 115) Boot shop, 1008 Main St. in Winfield, which they bought in 1961 from her Dad.

Rosemary attended Lowell School and graduated from Winfield High School about 1950 or 1951. She attended and graduated from St. Johns College. She worked at Binney & Smith, Inc. crayola plant for several years in the office of Bill Chamberlain.

About 1957 she married Alex Almassy. They have two children, Maria and Julia. Maria married Robin Kerr in about 1983. They have two children. Julia is in her third year at K.U.

Alex Almassy was born in Budapest, Hungary, Oct. 2, 1929. He was one of seven children born to Niklaus and Maria Almassy In 1701 King Leopold II succeeded in liberating Hungary from domination by the Turkish Empire at the Battle of Buda. In grateful appreciation, King Leopold II (Austrian/ Hungarian Empire) granted count-ships to the victorious Hungarians. Alex's (great-great great grandfather was pronounced Count Almassy, bootmaker to the King. It passed down to Alex's dad, Niklaus.

The prior Count Almassy died about 1945 and Alex's dad, (the new count) rode a bicycle three days to examine the castle and grounds. It was in such a state of disrepair and in arrears in taxes, etc., and considering the political climate, Nicklaus declined the "honor." His brother accepted the title of Count. Several years later, the Russians invaded Hungary. All "royalty" was eliminated immediately.

In 1956 the Hungarians tried an "uprising" but throwing rocks at Russian tanks equipped with flame throwers proved ineffective. The Hungarian Freedom Fighters (HFF) were given a special immigration status (one time only) providing they had not been a member of the Communist Party or heavily Communist dominated trade unions. 167,000 applied for visas but only 32,000 qualified. Alex was accepted in Chicago, Illinois as an auto mechanic. His brother, Mickey, had a good friend in Winfield (Tisavari) so Alex decided to come to Kansas for a visit. Leaving Chicago in 10 degree weather he arrived in Winfield three days later by bus in 70 degree weather. Alex was offered a job by Cecil Morrell and he decided to stay.

Alex and Rosemary met, began dating and were soon married. He became a salesman (on the road) for Catholic supplies, paper and jewelry. Soon Rosemary and Alex were visiting almost every town in the U.S. with a Catholic Church. In 196 1, in Washington State, they received work that Grandmother Louisa Liermann had died and Lawrence was wanting to sell the shoe repair shop. By the time they got home to take over the shoe shop their auto had 130,000 miles on the speedometer.

Rosemary and Alex changed the name of the business to Liermann's Saddle & Boot Shop, put in a line of cowboy boots, a few shirts, hats, jeans, settled down and started a family. Rosemary was the financial secretary so she continued working. Both Maria and Julia had a cardboard box for a crib near her desk and the new cash register and new telephone. The floors were oiled, so at home, all shoes and boots had to be removed because of the carpets. Over the 30 years they have been in business, they have eliminated shirts and jeans. They now have about 312 different boot samples in stock.

Johnny Whiterock, a graduate of the Chilocco Indian School, majored in shoe repairing and has been an important employee of the firm for about 28 years.

Written and Submitted by L. L. Liermann
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 116.

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Frank & Annie Ames

Benjamin Franklin Ames was born Dec. 10, 1861 near LaCygne, Linn Co., Kansas. He died July 14, 1952 at Arkansas City. Frank was the 12th child of Myron Ames and the sixth and last child of Myron's second wife, Mary Jane Fulton Ames. His ancestry is documented to the year 1520 with ancestor William Ames coming to America from Bruton Somerset, England in 1635.

He spent several of his younger years driving a stagecoach in Washington and Idaho territories and also hauled freight in Colorado and Indian territories.

He came to Arkansas City in 1888 and later participated in the Oklahoma land rush in 1889. He was not successful in staking a claim.

On June 20, 1897 he married Mary Ann Knife in Elston, Missouri. She was born Sept. 27, 1872 in Elston, the fourth of nine children of John Freeman Knife and Mary Ann Steely. She died Jan. 2, 1959 at Arkansas City.

He worked for the Santa Fe Railroad as a carpenter constructing depots and buildings from 1904 to 1915. He later worked for the Santa Fe in the car shops and also as a cabinetmaker.

In 1910 they bought the house at 420 So. D St., Arkansas City for four hundred dollars, paying it off at five dollars and twenty cents a month. In 1915 he leased a farm five miles southeast of Arkansas City, returning to 420 So. D St. in 1919. It was home for the rest of their lives.

Annie was well known for her baking skills, winning ribbons at local baking contests. Her great great grandchildren continue to enjoy the cookies from her very popular orange gum drop cookie recipe.

They had three sons, all born in Arkansas City. Richard Franklin, born May 5, 1898 and died Sept. 21, 1954 at Springfield, Ohio. He had one adopted child, Thomas, from his third wife Sarah Killian Ames. Richard was a Supt. for Shel Oil Co. in Springfield, Ohio. John Henry, born June 26, 1903, and living in Emporia, Kansas in 1990 in good health. He married Nina M. Pontious at Arkansas City, Nov. 2, 1924. They had four children, John Franklin (Jack), Freda Nadine, Richard Gordon and Belva June. He was a Signal Supervisor for the Santa Fe Railroad at Emporia, KS. Freeman Ray was born July 5, 1905 and died July 1, 1982 at Arkansas City. He married Esther Gragert at Arkansas City June 8, 1941- They had one daughter, CarrDl Ann. He was a Division Storekeeper for the Santa Fe Railroad.

Benjamin Franklin Ames, his wife Mary Ann, sons Richard Franklin and Freeman Ray are all buried at Riverview Cemetery, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Submitted by Richard Gordon Ames
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 116.

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John Anderson

Coming from York County, Pennsylvania where he was born on December 26, 1815, John Anderson, son of James and Mary (Morrison), could not make up his mind whether to permanently settle in Iowa or in Kansas, In 1841, John married Sarah Sprague at Milford Center, Union County, Ohio. Sarah, born in Knox County, Ohio, April 15, 1822, was one of twelve children of Thomas and Lucy (Randell).

John and Sarah farmed at Milford Center for thirteen years before moving with seven children to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Land records indicate that this Anderson family purchased land in Cowley County in the 1870's, but family records do not confirm that they came to Cowley and remained prior to 1880.

The seven of John and Sarah's children who spent some years in Kansas were: David Morrison, married to Almira Theodosia Ramey at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, in 1876 (his third marriage). Two of the six children born to this couple, Freddie Leslie and Golden Hope, were born in Piedmont, Greenwood County Kansas. David and Almira died at Piedmont.

Martha Cerena (Cene) married James Ogden VanOrsdol (his second marriage) at Winfield, Kansas in 1872. They lived at Floral for about five years. Both died in Colorado. Joseph Gibson married Martha Jane VanOrsdol (Mattie) at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa in 1870. four of their eight children were born in Iowa; four in Cowley County.

Emily Jane (Emma) married John Quincy VanOrsdol a brother of Martha Jane and James Ogden. This couple lived at Floral for five years. Emma died there in 1884.

William Sprague married Martha Ann Thompson in 1879, at Washington, Iowa. They lived in Floral, Cowley County, 1886 through 1895. Children: Nellie Mae, Elva Ethel, Hugh Ingles and twins, Vera and Vern, were born at Floral. Both William and Martha died in Iowa.

Alfred Henry married Eva Isadora Carter in 1888, at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. From 1890 to 1895 they lived at Wilmot, Cowley County, Kansas. Children, Clark Leslie and Hazel Dove were born there. Alfred and Eva died in Iowa.

Carrie Ellen married Lewis Leonard Thompson at Winfield, Kansas in 1889. Three of six children were born at Wilmot, Kansas: Vista Juanita, Olin Forrest, and Bernice Odessa. In 1895, Carrie and Leonard went to Iowa where they remained.

How many trips by covered wagon and by horseback were made by members of this family is unknown, but when not relocating in either Kansas or Iowa, they made this arduous trip for numerous well attended family reunions. The first such reunion was held in Henry County, Iowa, in 1909, with the second at Floral, Kansas the following year. These reunions, held the last Thursday of each August, were anticipated and a source of tremendous enjoyment in the lives of these rural settlers.

John Anderson and Sarah, his wife, lived in Cowley County for at least seven consecutive years, 1880 to I B87. Sarah died in 1887, at Winfield. Eight years later in 1895, John's son Alfred, discouraged by the illnesses that plagued his family, "sold out", and eighty year old John returned with Alfred and his family to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa for the last time. He died there in 1906 at age ninety-one.

During this month long trip by covered wagon, Alfred recorded their expenses, as follows: hay $2.00, oats $1.50, groceries $6.13, ferry toll .85, camphor .85, coal oil .10, post cards .05, rings .20, articles of clothing $6.20, and maps .50. Total $18.38.

Present day descendants of John and Sarah continue to proliferate in their chosen states of Iowa and Kansas. That one progenitor rests in Kansas soil and the other in that of Iowa seems fitting.

Submitted by Helen A. Thornton
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 116.

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Joseph Anderson Family

The Andersons of Pennsylvania and Ohio and the VanOrsdols of New Jersey and Indiana had migratd to Henry Country, Iowa prior to the Civil War. Returning to Iowa following military service, the young men resumed farming, married and started families. (continued on page 117)

Submitted by Helen A Thornton
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 116.

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Cowley County Heritage Book Page 117

(continued from page 116) The Homestead Act of 1862, and the opening of the Osage lands in Kansas in 1870, presented a singular opportunity for these Iowans from large families to own forms of their own free and clear. Joseph (Joe) Gibson Anderson with his wife Martha (Mottle) Jane VanOrsdol piled their two boys, John Henry age two, and Manley Franklin age one, into a covered wagon with food staples, seeds, soap, furnishings and imple ments and came west. No record tells us whether these pio neers shared this journey with others.

Staking a claim in 1871, near the newly founded town of Floral, twelve miles north of Winfield, on virgin grassland inhabited by Indians, buffalo, wolves, deer, snakes and other wild things, with two babies in tow, had to have been an awe some experience. This young couple had come from prosperous farm families, had attended "grammer" school and Mattie had studied music.

Whether they built a log house or a sod house, no one knows, but construction of a dug-out seems unlikely as they prepared for their first Kansas winter surrounded by Little Bluestem. The Anderson's surely brought or purchased a milk cow and chickens, perhaps even a pig. Their garden evidently was suc cessful that first year.

On December 6, 1872, their third son, Charles Calvin was born and four days later, Mattie's widowed brother James (Jim) Ogden VanOrsdol arrived from Iowa with his three small daughters: Martha Cordelia age five, Mary Etta age four, and Sue Anna Belle age two.

On January 11, 1873, Jim married Joe Andersons sister, Martha Cerena (Cene) at Winfield. Whether Cene came to Cowley with Joe and Mattie, or whether she traveled to Kansas with Anderson or VanOrsdol relatives is a matter for specula tion. Three brothers and one sister of Jim VanOrsdol's settled in Kansas, all finally living at either Topeka or Silver Lake. Anderson siblings kept the trail between Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and Cowley County well defined with their travels.

These young families and others, some relatives or friends from Ohio and Iowa, shared the good and bad times experienced by all pioneers. They suffered from malaria (the ague), chicken pox, measles, pleurisy, typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox, and malnutrition. In 1874, the only child of Jim and Cene VanOrsdol was stillborn. In 1886, Jim's daughter Sue Anna Belle died of typhoid.

The hardships of homesteading, perhaps crop failures due to drought or grasshoppers, ill health, prairie fire or several of these circumstances combined, motivated Joe to return Mattie and their children to Iowa in 1874. During that journey nineteen month old Charles Calvin died and was buried near the wagon trail in Missouri.

Since the Homestead Act required residency on a claim for five years as a condition for gaining title, Joe undoubtedly spent the greater part of the next four years in Kansas, but Joe and Mattie's next three children were born in Mt. Pleasant. Dora Mae, born 1876, died in 1878; twins, Soda Belle and Veda Dell were born in 1879.

Joe's family returned with him to Floral in 1880. In 1882, they purchased the southeast quarter of land that adjoined the southwest quarter previously granted by U.S. Patent, C-313. Their seventh child, William Walter was born in 1884, and on June 19, 1886, their last child, Carrie Ellen arrived.

Floral was a lively community in the years when the Anderson children were growing up. By 1880, there was a church, Prairie View, served by a circuit riding preacher, and a school, Prairie Grove. "Literaries", "singing school", "spelling school" and dances were held at the school or in homes on winter nights. There were wolf hunts, medicine shows, temperance meetings, "neck-tie festivals", hay rides and sleigh rides. A train could be taken from New Salem to Winfield. Life may not have always been fun filled, but it was never boring, because by necessity, children were required to help with planting, harvesting, preserving, milking, soap making and all other household and barnyard chores. Older children cared for younger ones and the served in every aspect as nurses for the sick, whether human or animal. At times they assisted with childbirth. Despite their lifelong exposure to the realities of living, as adults they never openly discussed live and sex or the intimate experiences of their lives. From their mothers, they learned not to complain or cry over the trivials of living in windswept, sun scorched Kansas.

Joe's parents were John and Sarah (Sprague) Anderson. Mattie and Jim were two of nine children born to Manley Paddleport and Mary Stratton (Ogden) VanOrsdol. Manley "born in York state", was one of nine children. The date of his birth and the names of his parents are unknown. His wife, Mary Ogden, born October 12, 1813 in New Jersey, was the first child of Hiram and Mary (Mulford) Ogden.

Sarah (Sprague) Anderson's brother, Perris (Pierce) born 1820, probably in Ohio, married Delila Lybarger (his third marriage) on November 25, 1843, at Knox County, Ohio. Three of their six children settled in Elk County Kansas, and apparently remained to rear families. These were: James K. Polk Sprague, whose children were Chester, Mont, Myrtle, and Dale; Euvena (Sprague) Ruthruff whose children were: H.C., Nellis, Nettie, Belle, Claude, Gertrude, Lulu, and Clem; Rebekah (Sprague) Stout whose only child was Wilbur. Early Cowley County land records include members of the Sprague family.

Four of the children of Joe and Mattie Anderson married in Floral or Winfield, but only Carrie Ellen wed December 1, 1909, to William Bert (Will) Thornton remained in Kansas to rear a family. Twin Soda Belle died at age sixteen. Manley Franklin stayed at the home place near Floral long after all of the others had gone. He never married.

Mattie, cared for in her last years by daughter, Carrie, died in Winfield, August 13, 1926. Joe died two years later in 1928. Both are buried at Floral Cemetery. Great and great-great grandchildren view the worn Anderson grave stones each Memorial Day, unaware of the hardships and deprivations experienced by these ancestors over one hundred years ago.

Submitted by Helen A. Thornton
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 117.

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T.D. (Temple D.) & Eva Anderson

T.D. (Temple D.) and Eva Crutcher Anderson came to Winfield from Emporia, Kansas in 1921. They were both born and raised in Dearborn, Missouri. T.D. served in World War I and Eva waited in Missouri for his return from the U.S. German Occupation forces. Their daughter, Lena, was born in Missouri while he was in the army in Germany.

Upon his return from the army, the family moved to Emporia where Mr. Anderson worked for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. While in Emporia, their second daughter, Fredonia, was born.

Through work acquaintances, Mr. Anderson was given the opportunity to come to Winfield as Foreman of the Winfield District County Shop. This shop was located in the 200 block of East Fifth Street. In 1931, the County Shop was relocated in a new building at the present location on North College Street.

Mr. Anderson was shop foreman for about 15 years, overseeing many WPA projects, road and bridge construction and maintenance in Cowley County during the depression years.

When the Andersons first came to Winfield, they lived on East 11 th Street. In 1930 they moved to a large 16-room house at 1606 Fowler. This home is presently occupied and is located on the north side of the Southwestern College campus. This location offered them the opportunity to offer rental rooms to college students for many years. The Andersons maintained this home for forty years until their deaths in 1969 and 1970.

Mr. Anderson left the county job in the mid-1930's and established one of the first earthmoving businesses in the area. He was instrumental in constructing early land conservation ponds, terraces, waterways, etc. for landowners in the county. He operated this business for the next 35 years.

A third daughter, Charlotte, was born a year after the family moved to the Fowler Street address.

Mrs. Anderson was a homemaker, but during World War II, she became active as a volunteer Red Cross "Grey Lady." This lead to volunteer work at Newton Memorial Hospital where she ultimately became the first Director of Volunteer Services, better known as "Pink Ladies."

Their three daughters were educated in Winfield, Lena graduating from Southwestern College. Later the girls married-Lena to William H. Mitchell, establishing a home with three children, David, Sharon and Janet, in Wichita; Fredonia married Ray Parrott, establishing their home with three children, Jerry, Linda and Mark, in Wichita Charlotte married a Udall boy, Melvin Lawrence, had two daughters, Carol and Diana, and have maintained their home near Winfield at New Salem.

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson lived a full and active life at their Fowler Street home for 40 years. They lived to enjoy their family, celebrating their 51st wedding anniversary. Their children and grandchildren have many fond memories of visits and activities at this home on Fowler Street.

Submitted by Mrs. Charlotte Lawrence
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 117.

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Roy & Nadine Anglemyer Family

Roy Anglemyer was born August 26, 1896 in Nowata, Oklahoma. His parents were George and Inez Anglemyer. The family moved to Cowley County when Roy was a child. Roy had two brothers and two sisters.

Pearl Nadine Barnett was born in Cowley County on October 3, 1896. Her parents were Rich and Nancy Barnett. Nadine had one brother and three sisters. Their home was approximately three miles east and two miles north of Winfield.

Roy Anglemyer and Pearl Nadine Barnett were married on May 12, 1918. Also in 1918 Roy served six months in the Army, stationed at Camp Funston, near Ft. Riley, Kansas. The Anglemyers lived several places east of Winfield, including the Barnett home place where Nadine grew up. In 1948 they purchased a farm six miles east and six miles south of Winfield. They lived there until 1961 when they moved to Winfield.

Roy was engaged in farming most of his married life while also working in oil fields, and driving a truck. Nadine was a rural school teacher and continued teaching for a number of years after their marriage. In the early 1950's Nadine became a nurse aide at William Newton Memorial Hospital and continued this for many years, along with special nursing for individual patients.

Roy and Nadine had three sons: Lawrence Lee, born (sometime in) 1933; Arlan Wayne, born April 12, 1936; and Burl George, born November 1, 1937. Lawrence resides in Rose Hill, Kansas with his wife, Sharon, and stepson Heath Balderston. Lawrence has three other children: Jerome, Connie (Wolf), and David; all married with families of their own. Burl is a member of the Kansas Highway Patrol and lives in Dodge City, Kansas. He and his wife Sharon have three children: Chad, Jan (Kaufman), and Tammy. Arlan and his wife Wilma live four miles east of Winfield and have three sons: Keith, Scott, and Jay.

Roy Anglemyer died May 19, 1968. Nadine Anglemyer died July 14, 1979. They are buried at Highland Cemetery in Winfield.

Submitted by Wilma Anglemyer
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 117.

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Archer ancestors landed on the southeast coast of England with Duke William of Normandy at "The Battle of Hastings" in 1066. They fled to Ireland when "The Church of England" gained the throne. Early 17th century, Patrick Archer's family immigrated from Ireland to America. Patrick's son Capt. James Archer served in Revolutionary War. Later the captain (continued on page 118)

Submitted by Veryl Archer (Rowe) Moon
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 117.

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(continued from page 117) established the "Archer Settlement" in Noble County, Ohio. His grandson Stephen William and Sintha Archer's son was Simon Peter Archer.

Near Barnesville, Ohio, we find the Barnes ancestors, who immigrated from Denmark to Scotland, later to America. Among Mace Barnes family was a son Nathaniel Barnes, who married Elizabeth Shipley. Their daughter Harriet Ellen Barnes married Simon Peter Archer, March 5, 1871.

November 2, 1902 Simon Peter and Harriet Ellen (Barnes) Archer, their children Taylor, Chase, W.A., Lulu, Mary and Violet from Noble County, Ohio joined Ira Belle and Nathaniel Mood at Dexter.

August 1, 1903 Nathaniel Mood Archer and Amanda Ellen Taylor were married at the Cowley County Court House in Winfield. Wedding over, the young couple went to the red, brick county jail house, to visit with Amanda's Aunt Catherine (Mead) Day, whose husband James S. Day was Sheriff. Getting ready to leave, Amanda discovered to her dismay, Uncle James Day locked her new husband in a jail cell.

The Nathaniel Mood Archer family lived in Cowley for five years, then moved to Ohio, later returning to Tisdale area, where the children attended Tisdale school, took their first train rides on Denver, Memphis & Atlantic Railway of Kansas to Dexter and Winfield for shipping and overnight visits with relatives. It was at Eaton around 1887, the West Winfield-Tisdale Railway line met the east railway line from Dexter-Coffeyville. A crowd watched 15 year old Mary Edwilda Taylor drive the last spike, fastening the nails to the ties, where the railroad tracks come together. This line operated over 30 years, before selling to Missouri Pacific.

The Nathaniel Mood Archers engaged in livestock and farming, retiring to Winfield in 1949. He was employed several years at Walnut Valley Fruit Company, located on North Main. Their nine children Royal, Letha, Beryl and Veryl (identical twins), Clay, Dale, Nadine, Ruth and Mace were raised and educated in the Winfield area.

We find Nathaniel Mood and Amanda's children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren living in various parts of the United States.

Daniel Merle Rowe (deceased) and Veryl Archer Rowe children: Alice Charlyne (Rowe) Paton, husband William Maurice Paton; Virginia Ellen (Rowe) Shutt, husband Melvin S. Shutt; Kermit E. Rowe, wife Sandra (Crow) Rowe; Dainiel Archer Rowe, wife Karen (Heckman) Rowe.

Harold W. Moon and Rowena (Linnens) Moon (deceased), children: Frances Elaine (Moon) Thomas, husband Bill Thomas; William Royce Moon, wife Elsie (Priest) Moon; Janice Lorraine (Moon) Filbert, husband Charles G. Filbert (deceased).

Years later, Harold W. Moon and Veryl Archer Rowe were married bringing the two families together.

Submitted by Veryl Archer(Rowe)Moon
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 118.

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Asbury Family

In 1870, Page and Frances (Price) Asbury came to Kansas by wagon train from Metcalf County, Kentucky, where they were born. He served in the Union Army during the Civil War.

They came to Lyon County, Kansas first and about 1873 came to Cowley County, where they homesteaded about 8 miles northeast of Dexter on Plum Creek.

Page was born in 1844 and died in 1933. Frances was born in 1848 and died in 1935.

They had nine children. They were: Cora was born in 1866 and married John Burrell; Grant was born in 1869 and married a girl in Colorado whose name we do not know; Ovely was born in 1871 and married Sally Barger; Walker was born in 1874 and married Lema Wolfe; Bertha was born in 1876 and married James Waldroupe; Walter was born in 1879 and married Lizzie Haines; Rufus was born in 1881 and married Laura Pritchard; Ralph was born in 1887 and married Edyth Barnhart in 1920; and Willis was born in 1884 and married Mary Plunket, no children.

My father, Ralph Asbury was born on the homestead near Dexter, Kansas. He later moved with his parents to a farm southeast of Winfield on the Walnut River. Ralph farmed several locations in Cowley County and bought a farm 10 miles southwest of Cedar Vale. He also worked for Carter Oil Company during the "oil boom" near ElDorado. He also sold Bakers Household Products for a few years and traveled over a large part of Cowley County. Ralph died in 1971 and Edyth died in 1974.

Ralph and Edyth had six children. They were: Earl married Aileen Cousins. They farm near Latham, Kansas. Stanley married Martha Jean Logsdon. He is retired from Cities Service and lives in Cambridge. Orva (Tom) married Ila Mae Kestor. He farmed in Cowley County and Washington State. In his youth, he broke horses for many people in the area. He is deceased. Florella married Mather Hankins, who is retired from Todd Shipyards in California. They now live in Winfield. They had three children; Elaine, Mark and Cindy. Ruth married Roy Barger who farms near Dexter. Charlotte married William Cousins. We live in Wichita. Bill is a sign fabricator and neon tube bender. We have two children, Vicki and Randall and two grandchildren, Sara and Patrick.

Earl, Stanley, Orva and Florella went to grade school at Odessa near Winfield. All of us attended Prairie Flower and I also attended Prairie Eagle.

Our family attended Hicks Chapel Methodist Church for many years.

Submitted by Charlotte Asbury Cousins
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 118.

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Ernest H. Aumann was born in Prussia, December 9, 1850, son of Wm. Aumann, a farmer and nurseryman. He was one of five sons. He came to America with three of his brothers, settling in Illinois near East St. Louis. Working until he accumulated $1,000.00, he came to Cowley County in 1873 and bought eighty acres of land in Creswell Township. He returned to Illinois and worked until 1875, returning to Cowley County to build a home on his farm. He eventually accumulate 620 acres, growing mostly wheat, but he also raised livestock. He drove hogs to Wichita, stopping along the way at other farmers to pick up more hogs, spending nights at some farmer's home.

Ernest Aumann married Corn Haven, a native of Michigan. They had four children, two of whom died in infancy. One of the surviving children was my father, Albert Clay Aumann.

Clay Aumann married Letetia (Lettie) Mae Disser, April 27, 1905. They farmed a half-section in Beaver Township until their deaths in 1961. They had two children, Mark D. and Helen C. Mark died in California in 1971. Helen married Herbert B. Olmstead May 16, 1932.

Lettie and Clay were always very involved with community affairs: school activities, "Literaries", Etc., trading work with neighbors, helping whenever or wherever needed.

Submitted by Helen Olmstead
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 118.

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Albert and Thelma Bacastov were married September 4, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky and except for 18 months when they lived in four southeastern states during World War II and his overseas duty which ended in 1946, they have lived on his family farm southeast of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, where Albert was born in 1916.

His father, George U. Bucastow, was born in Pennsylvania and came to Kansas in early 1900s. His family were originally from Switzerland. His mother, Tessie Nelson, was born in Iowa. Her father came from Denmark.

Thelma's father was J. Augustus Reynolds, Kansas, and her mother Ada Kilday from Tennessee. At the time of Thelma's birth in 1919 her parents were in Powell, Wyoming near Yellowstone Park. An uncle and aunt homesteaded there and because of much construction taking place, her father worked there several years.

Both Albert and Thelma graduated from Arkansas City High School ('34 & '37) and he graduated from Jr. College in '36. Besides farming he worked at post office several years and she was a legal secretary for 19 years.

Their three children and families are: Albert, Jr. and Karen (Harvey) Bucustow, daughter Kimberly; Dale and Rose Ann (Bacastow) Hendrickson, son Stephen and daughter Angela; Kirby and Linda (Bacastow) Neal and daughter Shelly.

Rural life has changed since Albert's parents began farming in 1909 with one cow and a team of horses. Windmills turning in the wind are a rare sight. No fiddler's tunes echo across the meadow as square dancers do-si-do. Lights have gone out in one-room school houses on Friday nights where community meetings or literaries used to hold sway.

Submitted by Albert & Thelma Bacastow
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 118.

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The Baden Family

My Grandparents, Adelaide and John Peter Baden, came to Winfield from Independence, Kansas, via stagecoach, in 1879 with their son, Martin William. Later, another son, Ernest, was born.

Born in 1851 in Hanover, Germany, J.P. came to New York in 1866, graduated from college in 1870, married Adelaide Elizabeth Ballein in 1878.

Grandmother Adelaide was born in Alexandria, Missouri, in 1861. My Great-Grandmother, Elizabeth Meyer Ballein, born in Rome, N.Y. in 1839, died in 1920 in Winfield. My Great-Great-Grandfather came from Spanish nobility in Barcelona, Spain.

The Badens built and resided in their house at 1203 East Ninth Ave. J.P. owned a dry goods store on Main St., the Baden Building (replaced by the Main Place); a cold storage plant, packing house, ice plant and Baden Mill on the Walnut River.

In 1896, the "Galveston, Texas News" described Mr. Badert as: "The most interesting character in Kansas., .During the lost 3 years of the Cleveland Depression, he has done a business of $2,000,000. in a city of 5,000."

J.P. built a Lutheran Church at 7th and Bliss. In 1888, he founded St. John's College and built Baden Hall.

In 1900, the Badens built the house at 1219 E. 9th for my parents, as a wedding present.

When J.P. died in 1900, Grandmother built Baden Memorial Church on Eighth St.; gave a pipe organ to St. John's; and gave (continued on page 119)

Written and Submitted by Adelaide Baden Barnard
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 118.

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(continued from page 118) money to many St. John's students to finance their educations. She organized, and at her death in 1941, was president of Cowley County Historical Society.

My mother, Grace Curnett Baden, of Chicago, was voted the most beautiful girl in Winfield in 1902. She died in 1964, age 85.

My father, Dr. Martin W. Baden, geologist and petroleum engineer, died in 1971. He had seven important inventions for use in chemistry. He was listed irs the International Blue Book of World Notables, 1951-52; Who's Who in Science, 1952-68; Who's Who in the World, 1971-72. Recognized as a mechanical and electrical engineer, chemist, and mining and metallurgical engineer, his geological work led to the drilling of important oil pools in Sumner and Cowley Counties: Rainbow Bend, Mahannah, Smith-Shaller, David- Sherwood and Hittle.

His Dr. of Science degree came from the University of Pitts burg, Penn. He was lecturer on Petroleum Geology at South western College; Chief Processing Engineer for Boeing, Wichi ta, 1942-43; geologist for Kanotex Refining Co., and for Consolidated Gas of Oklahoma. He received the "Meritorious Contribution Award from American Chemical Society" in 1954. He was owner-operator of his Research and Testing Laboratory in Winfield, 1917-1971.

Adelaide Baden Barnard, only child and grandchild of the Badens, born in Winfield, 1919, received degrees from Southwestern College, Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and Wichita State University. She taught senior-high English at USD 465, 1962-1980; taught harp at Southwestern; taught Academy and college English classes at St. John's.

A graduate of Eastern Michigan University, Major Barnard came as Director of Instrument Training, Strother Field, in 1942. He served as an Air Force pilot in England, 1944. A former owner of the Buick Agency, Winfield, he was also Sales Manager for both Aeronca and Fairchild Aircraft Companies. He owned Barnard's Appliance from 1953-1986.

The Barnards have one married son, Martin Frederick, born in 1953, a graduate of Southwestern, who lives in Wichita.

Written and Submitted by Adelaide Baden Barnard
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 119.

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Ted & LaVerne Bahm Family

Ted and LaVerne Bahm came to Cowley County in 1947 and settled on a farm five miles south and one and a quarter east of Udall, Kansas, coming from Cherokee, Oklahoma. Ted had just gotten home in November from serving in World War II in Europe. With us came two children Patricia Jo and Larry Max. A year later came our youngest, Shirley Jean.

The children all entered school at Oxford, Kansas, but later after the tornado in Udall, entered Udall schools and all graduated there.

Ted farmed the land, and LaVerne went back to her profession of school teaching, first in Udall and then in Winfield, Kansas, and retired after thirty-five years of teaching service. Ten of those years were in Oklahoma and the rest in Kansas. Ted got his education in Cherokee, Oklahoma High School and extended study in diesel engineering in California.

LaVerne got her high school education in Burlington, Oklahoma, and her College degree from Northwestern State University at Alva, Oklahoma. The rest of her education was gotten at Wichita University.

The two farms we rented, which first belonged to Clyde and Mollie Mahoney, LaVerns parents, and later Perry Evans, We later bought this [and from Perry in the 1960's.

All three of our children are married. Patricia Jo lives in Dallas, Texas and is a school teacher. She married Dale Reinecker of Wellington, Kansas, and has one daughter Kendra Lea. Larry Max lives in Arkansas City, Kansas, works as brakeman and conductor on the Santa Fe railroad. He is married to Sherry Andrews of Arkansas City and have three children: Dustin, Devon, and Deanna. Shirley Jean lives in Kansas City, Kansas, is married to Ivan Harder Jr., of Emporia, Kansas, and is a pre-school teacher and mother of three: Angie, Stacy, and Steven.

Patricia and Shirley got their college education at Emporia Teachers and Larry in Community College in Arkansas City. He joined the Navy and spent one year in active duty in Vietnam.

We are now retired and spend our time enjoying the grandchildren, hobbies, and traveling.

Submitted by Ted and LaVerne Bahm
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 119.

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Charles Martin Baird

Born on the family farm west of Arkansas City, Ks. The second child of Thomas and Adelia Demott Baird. Others, William T. and Mabel Drennan Baird.

Married to a neighbor girl, Lenora S. Hadicke, 1903. Their children being: Margaret Lucille, 1904, living seven days; Berlyn, 1905-1965; Martin 1908-1981; Albert, 1912-1985; Mabel, 1917; Walter, 1919.

When he was eight, he hired out to a neighbor to ride the lead horse on a wheat binder. The pay was twenty-five cents per day, but he could purchase either a shirt or pants for two day's work. It took four days to buy a pair of shoes.

Being too young to stake a claim when the Cherokee Strip was opened in 1893, he drove a horse and buggy for a neighbor widow woman, Maggie Teasdall. She staked a claim east and north of Blackwell, Oklahoma. Charles would herd cattle and horses in this area, in the summertime, for a number of years and traded ponies with the Indians.

While attending Kansas State College he designed and later built the three story barn on this farm. He was a progressive farmer and stockman, advancing conservation methods such as terracing and shelter belts. He brought the first sheep to this area in 1907. They had purebred Shorthorn Cattle, Duroc Hogs, Shropshire Sheep and Percheron Horses. In the 1930's, he had standing at Stud, Percheron Stallion, Arabian Morgan saddle horse, and Mammoth Jack.

Served a number of years as clerk to our country school, Theaker, a member of Bolton Township Board, Treasurer of Hope Cemetery, a member of the first Board of Directors for Cowley County Farm Bureau. In 1927, was selected a member of the first class to receive a Kansas Master Farmer Award. Elected to the State Legislature from this district in 1928 and 1930. Served on the Highway Committee and bringing U.S. 166 across this area. A lifelong Democrat and a leader of his party for a number of years. Before his death, he had been working in western Kansas as Director of Debt Adjustments for Farm Security Administration that helped refinance farm families after the Dustbowl and Depression. He died in 1940 and is buried in Hope Cemetery.

Submitted by Mabel Baird Warren, daughter, Walter H. Baird, son
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 119.

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Robert Baird

Born 1853, Stratford, Canada, the sixth child of Thomas and Janet Dinsmore Baird who immigrated from Scotland in 1842. He came to Arkansas City about the late 1870's. Married Mollie Huff and having no children of their own, after the death of Mollie's sister and husband, they took their young girls, Mabel and Ruth, to raise and educate. Mabel DaTurk married Ornie Lewis and had two daughters Margaret and Elizabeth, 1919. Ruth was a long time teacher of math in the Winfield High School and never married.

Robert (Bob) was the general contractor on the first high school in Arkansas City, located at Central and Second Street, in 1890. It is now a historical monument owned by the Cowley County Jr. College. After the completion of the building, the School Board refused to pay him for it because red dye was put in the cement, and when it rained, the stones turned pink and the building was known as the Pink School House.

He took bankruptcy and moved his family to a farm south of Winfield on old U.S. 77 to the first curve, then east about two miles and one-half mile north, and over the years he was able to pay all of the creditors out of his own pocket.

When they retired, they moved to Winfield to about the 400 or 500 block on East I lth or 12th Street where he spent his remaining years. Probably buried in Highland Cemetery when he died in 1939.

Submitted by Walter H. Baird, Great Nephew
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 119.

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Thomas Baird

The fourth child of five boys and two girls born to Thomas (1807-1869) and Janet Dinsmore Baird (1814-1882). Married in 1837 and born in Lanarkshire, Scotland. They came with two children to Michell Ontario, Canada in 1842.

Thomas (1849-1933), after having a disagreement with his father over cutting the wrong kind of wood for the cook stove and not being able to set down comfortably at the age of thirteen he placed his sweater, socks, etc. in a handkerchief and ended up in Baxter Spring, Kansas in 1862, where he worked as an apprentice carpenter and stone mason.

He helped a freight hauler with his teams and wagons for a ride with the handmade tools and trunk, (which I still have), and arrived in Arkansas City on May 1, 1870, where he built his carpenter shop and some houses and commercial buildings.

Thomas made application for U.S. citizenship September, 1871, renouncing allegiance to Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Ireland and was granted same May 1888.

He then became a member of the Kansas National Guard and the Courier that collected the data from the surveyors in the Cherokee Strip. Soon after arriving here, three brothers and one sister followed. Martin, (1845-1903), Russell, (1851-1906), Robert, (1853-1939) and Jessie Baird Rigg, (1840-1917). The other two stayed in Canada, John, (1841-?), and Barbara.

He purchased a claim southeast of town, but when the survey was run it turned out to be in Indian territory. He then homesteaded west of town and forded or swam the river to spend his weekends in a dugout there. He was granted a patent November, 1873 and soon after purchased two more quarter sections; one for $320.00 and the other for $240.00 after they were proved up.

He built a log cabin (I still have two pieces of it) on one of these places and married in February, 1877, a neighbor girl, Adelia Demott, (1857-1943). Her folks came from Edenbourgh, Scotland by way of Canada. They had two boys and one girl.

In the middle 1880's, they built a story and a half house west of the cabin. Soon after it was completed, his wife saw a bedroom suite that she just had to have, so Thomas raised the roof and made it a fail two story house, so as the furniture would fit (we still have it upstairs).

About 1905, Thomas built a home on South B Street and sold 240 acres to his son Charles. After retiring, he kept busy with his other interests, Baird Investment Company, Traveler, Union State Bank, commercial buildings, Crescent Lodge, Masonic affairs, Presbyterian Church and helped build the 5th Avenue Opera House.

A good example of his carpenter skills is found in the home he built, mainly the stair casing and pillars inside the west door.

To my knowledge, he never drove a car, but he kept a high-stepping driving horse and buggy when he came to the country. He walked around town and later rode in a car driven by his son William.

He died of pneumonia in 1933 and is buried in Hope Cemetery.

Most of the names and dates are from records obtained in Canada, June, 1988 by Thomas B,, 1934, and Joy Baird, 1930, being a great grandson and his wife.

Submitted by Mabel M. Baird Warren, granddaughter, Walter H. Baird, grandson
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 119.

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Cowley County Heritage Book Page 120

Ola E. Bair & Family

Ola E. Bair and Anna Mae Wilkerson were married April 8, 1920 in Clayton, New Mexico. They lived on a homestead and farmed. After a couple of years of poor crops, as well as a depression, they decided to move.

In August 1925 Mr. & Mrs. Bair with their three children arrived in Arkansas City, Kansas. He immediately became employed at the Shell Refinery. He worked for the Shell Refinery for 13 years from 1925 to 1938. During this time the Bairs had six children born to them in Arkansas City.

When the Shell Refinery closed in 1938, Mr. & Mrs. Bair and their nine children moved to a farm on Grouse Creek 5 1/2 miles southwest of Dexter, Kansas. The family enjoyed living on a farm.

In 1946 the farm they lived on was sold, so the family moved to a farm on Silver Creek southwest of Burden. They became members of the Burden Baptist Church, the 4-H and other community activities. The youngest five children graduated from Burden High School.

Their children are listed in birth order: Lenora, married William Henderson, children Don & Connie, resided Wichita; Oleta married William Shields, children Kent, Robert & Carol, resided Derby; Homer married Aileen Champlain, children Harold, Marsha & John, resided Augusta; Orville married Eleanor Goodrich, children Linda, Rita, Melissa & Roger, resided Burden; Eula Mae married Ray Martin, children Kathy, Mark, Denise & Dale, resided Dexter; Beatrice married Tom Waymire resided Wichita; Vivian married Gerald Shaver, children Greg, DeAnna & Scott, resided Douglass; Eugene married Sarah Rule, children Teri, Mike, Tracy & Tanya, resided Winfield; Wanda married Richard Mackey, children Chris, Nancy, Brent & Steve, resided Burden.

Mr. & Mrs. Bair were wonderful caring parents. Each family member did their share and worked together to make a happy home. They were proud of their family.

Mr. & Mrs. Bair were good neighbors, had many friends, and enjoyed living in the Burden community. They were happy in their retirement on the farm southwest of Burden, and they kept busy. Mrs. Bair made a quilt for each one of her children and grandchildren, which is a treasure for each of us. She wrote the story of their life and ancestors. Her grandchildren had her story published in a book, "Anna Mae's Story," Copyright 1984.

Mrs. Bair passed away April 4, 1980 just four days before their 60th wedding anniversary. Mr. Bair lived until 1982. They did not live to see their book published. We have continued to have the Bair's Family Christmas Dinners and Picnics. Our current Bair Family Dinners are not small. The immediate family consists of 9 children, 27 grandchildren, 41 greatgrandchildren and 30 spouses of the children and grandchildren. That is 107 descendants of Ola and Anna Mae Bair, as of March 31, 1990. This all happened in the post 70 years.

Submitted by Lenora A. Henderson
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 120.

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Orville & Eleanor Bair

Orville Lenard Bair was the fourth child born to Ola and Anna Mae Wilkerson Bair. He was born two years after they had moved from Clayton, New Mexico to Arkansas City, where Ola took a job at the Shell Refinery. Orville was born June 19, 1927. His sisters are Lenora Henderson, Oleta Shields, Eula Mae Martin, Beatrice Waymire Vivian Shaver, and Wanda Mackey. Brothers are Harald (Homer) and Eugene Bair. All live as close as Wichita.

The refinery closed in 1938 and Orville's family moved to a farm near Dexter. While there, World War II broke out. Homer joined the Marines and Orville joined the Navy. The war ended and Orville came back to the farm at Burden, where his family had moved while he was in the service. The Bair family were active members at the Burden Baptist Church and the Burden 4-H Club. Henry Mackey and my mother, Clara Goodrich, were 4-H community leaders for the Club. This was where Orville and I met when he joined our 4- H. Our Jr. Leaders won a trip to the American Royal in Kansas City through our work on health. Our leaders and Jr. leaders took the train to Kansas City, where we all had a good time. This was in 1947, while I was going to Southwestern. After this trip Orville and I began dating.

I (Eleanor Marie) was born May 16, 1929 to Aurthur Lyman and Clara Belle King Goodrich near Winfield, Kansas. My sister is Betty Jean Franks, of Tulsa, and my brother is James Arthur Goodrich, from Owasso, Oklahoma.

My folks farmed and dairied. In 1936 they bought a farm near Cambridge. It was at this farm where Orville and I were married on April 17, 1949. Many relatives attended, including grandparents Mr. and Mrs James Erbie King, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Henry Goodrich of Winfield, Marian Bair, from California and Charlie Wilkerson from Burden. We have farmed Orville drove the school bus for six years, and started Bair's L.P. Gas Service in November 1959. The family stayed busy with school, church, farm, business, and 4-H. The three girls graduated from Cowley County Community College and Roger attended McPherson.

Linda Marie (8-24-51) married Varvarigos (Roulie) Raftopoulos, August 15, 1971. He is an architect in Wichita. Daughters: Kimberly (12), Michelle (4) and Tiffany (3mo.); Rita Ann (12-18-53) married Darrell Wasinger December 28, 1974. They work at Winfield's Social Security. Daughters: Leticia (13), Gina (11, and Sarah (6), and Susan (2); Melissa Jeanne (9-5-55) married Ricky D. Fraley, September 13, 1975. He works for Bell Telephone at Winfield, Daughters: Stacie (12), Shelly (10), Sheena (5) and son, Eric (7).

Roger Orville Bair married Kim Shari Weaver September 26, 1981. They live in Texas where he works for Sunnen Tools, as a field engineer. Daughters are - Tara (4) and Tami (2). AU were married at the Baptist Church at Burden, and all were members of the church. Our mothers, Anna Bair and Clara Goodrich Colgiazier, have recorded much family history for our families, and we appreciate it.

Submitted By Eleanor Bair
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 120.

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Jackson Baker Family

In 1873 Elias Jackson Baker, age 11, came with his father Jacob and his step-mother, and three sisters, Lizzie, Jenny & Ella from Rockingham County, Virginia to Kansas. They brought two covered wagons, household goods, machinery, a buggy, six cows and three calves.

Jacob (lake) homesteaded 160 acres four miles east and one south of Rock. Later Jack bought the quarter section south. He built a modest house, a very large barn, machine shed, etc., dug three wells and planted an orchard.

By now, Jake and Lida were operating the Baker Hotel (Olds House) at Bth and Fuller. His niece, Mollie (Mary Margaret) Long from Rockingham County, Va. came out to visit, thus renewing acquaintance with her cousin Jack whom she knew as a child. In 1902 they were married in Washington, D.C. since Kansas law prohibited cousins from marrying.

Jack brought his small dark-eyed bride home to keep his house and it was here she bore their son, Emory Franklin.

Jack participated in the Cherokee Strip run, driving a wagon.

Mollie was a member of the Reform Church but since the Methodists held services in Green Valley school house near by, she and Jack became members and were baptized in a creek from which 12 inch thick ice had been chopped.

Each summer the neighbors built a brush arbor for protracted meetings. The preachers were college students.

At Christmas they built a tree in the school house of cedar wired to branches since evergreens were scarce.

Mollie sold butter and eggs at Wilmot. She kept these and the cream in the cellar until they purchased a refrigerator. They bought a cream separator, Delco light plant and an Overland car when they came on the market. Jack built a room over the kitchen for Emory, a separator room, bathroom and pantry.

Emory attended Richland school. They nicknamed him "Doc" when he played that part in a school play.

For entertainment the young people played musical chairs, winkum, post office, spin the bottle and charades. In summer they played "party games" singing the directions somewhat like square dancing. Home-made ice cream was usually served.

Jack ran a threshing operation and kept his machinery updated. When "Doc" was twelve his dad let him drive a new tractor home from Wichita. A red-letter day for him.

Sometimes the family would drive a spring wagon to Kaw City to spend Christmas with Aunt Ella's. Hot bricks and straw kept them warm for the day long trip.

When Emory was ready for Hi school Mollie persuaded Jack to sell his livestock and machinery and move to town. This they did. They bought a little house but Jack never spent a night there. He restocked his farm and botched while his wife and son kept an apartment in Winfield.

After graduation Emory farmed with his father until he married and moved to town. When Jack was eighty-three he quit farming and came to Winfield also where he died at Ninety-two. Mollie died in 1929. They are buried at Wilmot.

Submitted by Martha Baker
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 120.

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State Coordinators
Tom & Carolyn Ward, Columbus, KS