Fmo Cowley County Heritage Book, Cowley County, Kansas
Cowley County Heritage Book


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Cowley County Heritage Book Page 241

(continued from page 240) Grandmother taught rural schools prior to her marriage and continued afterward. Grandpa also taught some but became a farmer and stockman after moving to their farm home. They lived there until 1913 when grandpa bought the Furniture and Undertaking business from R.B. Beals in Dexter and they moved into town. They managed this business until their deaths. Grandpa became a licensed mortician and conducted many funerals in that area. Grandmother assisted with the business when needed. Grandpa was Dexter City Clerk and was a member of the School Board many years; served as Sunday School Superintendent of the Baptist Church and made an unsuccessful race for County Clerk at one time.

This couple became the parents of three children; Ralph, Helen and Maud, All three children completed their secondary education at the Dexter High School and later attended Southwestern College for a time, mother receiving a degree in 1929.

Ralph married a classmate, Florence Hale, daughter of the owner of one of the general stores at Dexter. Florence taught a rural Cowley school the first year following their marriage. Ralph became a rural mail carrier at Udall then was transferred to Oxford, He retired after 35 1/2 years service. They first retired to Arizona, later to Boerne, TX. They are both deceased and are buried at Boerne. They were the parents of three children: Dorothy, now residing at San Antonio, TX, Keith, living at Houston, TX and Wayne, at Milpatas, CA.

Helen, my mother, taught rural schools in Cowley County before marrying Chester (Bill) Dowler. They were the parents of three children: Gary L., myself, and Patricia. Mother again taught school for a time after Gary L. and I were in school. She worked as a psychiatric aide at the Winfield State Hospital and Training Center for 14 1/2 years. My father was a farm laborer, working for various farmers in the area. Gary L. and I are living in Arkansas City. Patricia died in 1955.

Maud was a Cowley County rural school teacher when she married Arlie McCord. He was a farm laborer. Arlie farmed for a time then worked in the oil fields in Oklahoma and Illinois. When my grandparents estate was settled, Maud and Arlie moved to southwest Missouri. Arlie worked for a Rural Electric Company and farmed a small acreage. Maud taught after her two children, Wendell and Louise, were of school age and continued her education with summer school until she received her degree. Arlie, Maud, and Wendell are deceased and buried in a cemetery near Cassville, Mo. Their daughter lives on her parents farm acreage.

Submitted by Nancy C Dillon, granddaughter
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 241.

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Rhodes J. & Elizabeth Mead Family

The ancestors of Mr. Mead originally came from England and settled in North Carolina in a very early day. A branch of the family moved to Kentucky where the father of Rhodes J., Benjamin, was born. He later moved to Washington County, Indiana and settled on a homestead and married Sarah Wilson. They became the parents of ten children, Rhodes J. being the fifth child.

On his 18th birthday, Rhodes J. enlisted in Co. B, 66th Ind. Vol. and served until the end of the Civil War.

Rhodes J. and Elizabeth Cadwell were married in 1866. They first engaged in farming, later went into the rnerchantile business, and later again farmed to secure money to come to Kansas.

Mr. and Mrs. Mead and five children came to Cowley County in February 1878 from Washington Count, Indiana. Mr. Mead and the older boys came with other male acquaintances on the train, traveling with the livestock, while the female members of the group and the younger children, came by passenger train to Wichita. It took three days traveling from Wichita to reach their destination near Tisdale, where they joined friends who had come at an earlier date. Mr. Mead farmed the first year, then in the spring of 1879, he took a homestead northeast of Maple City.

The Mead's were the parents of ten children: David, who died as an infant in Indiana, Ward, Rhodes B., Emily, John, and Oliver, all born in Indiana and coming with their parents to Cowley County. John died in 1892 and was buried in the Maple City Cemetery. Sarah, Clyde, Iola (Ola), and Harry were born at Maple City. All these children continued to make Cowley County their home until maturity. Ward, Rhodes B., and Oliver were residents their entire lives. Clyde and Harry moved about but were in this county Most of the time until their later years when they settled in the states of Washington and Oregon. The girls all married Cowley County residents but lived elsewhere during their active years, returning to this county where they were ail residing at the time of their deaths and are buried in this county.

Ward was a rural mail carrier out of Dexter; Rhodes B. did some teaching in the rural schools of the county, farmed, and later was in business as a Funeral Director and sold furniture. He was a city official and a school board member at Dexter for many years. Oliver farmed and raised livestock. He was active in the rescue efforts when Udall was destroyed by tornado in 1955. His home was later destroyed by another tornado and rebuilt by the Red Cross.

At this time there are two granddaughters living in Cowley County along with their descendants: Mrs. Howard (Frances) Higgs, Winfield, and myself. There are third generation descendants living in neighboring Sumner and Sedgwick counties, and a second generation widow lives in Butler County.

Submitted by Helen M. Dowler, granddaughter
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 241.

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William (Bill) Medley began his teaching career in Winfield in 1948 during his senior year at Southwestern College as elementary physical education teacher and high school coach. After graduation and marriage to Maxine Hudspeth in 1949, Bill taught at Winfield High School until 1952 when he served in the Counter-Intelligence Corps. After returning in 1954, Bill was assistant principal and later principal of Winfield High School until resigning in 1965 to become principal of Lawrence High School until 1972 and principal of Concord High School, Wilmington, Delaware, until 1981. Maxine was a legal secretary. In 1981 Bill and Maxine returned to Winfield where he became Superintendent of Schools.

Their children are natives of Winfield and started their education on the Winfield Public Schools. Their daughter, Jennifer Lynn, was born October 10, 1955, and is married to Wayne B. Ely. They live in West Chester, Pennsylvania, with their two daughters, Rebecca Lynn and Amanda Caitlin. Their son, Forrest Allen, was born May 9, 1958, and lives in Columbia, Maryland, with his wife, Elizabeth Ann Hofer-Medley.

Submitted by Maxine H. Medley
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 241.

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Meek/Hanna Families

Samuel Barton Meek was born at Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois, Aprl 25, 1870. He moved to Blue Mound, Kansas and met Gertrude Hanna who was born at Metz, Missouri, June 24, 1873.

They were married at Pleasanton, Kansas when she was fifteen and he was eighteen. Their first child Estella, was born in Maple City, Kansas February 8, 1890. Estella was five when her baby brother, Samuel Wray, was born in Lawson, Oklahoma, November 16, 1894.

Two years later Evalyn was born at Lawson, January 11, 1897. February 28, 1899 Winnie was born in Cushing, Oklahoma.

Gertrude's health failed and the doctor gave her up to die. In an effort to restore her health, they traveled by covered wagon and headed for "No Man's Land," in western Oklahoma.

In 1903 they staked a claim of 160 acres. Samuel donated an acre of his land to build a school house. With the help of neighbors, lumber was hauled by team and wagon from Englewood, Oklahoma thirty-six miles away. After the school was built, Sam was elected to the school board.

Six months after Winnie was born she had Spinal Meningitis and Spotted Fever. Convulsions arched her body until her head touched her feet. The doctor told them to strap the baby to a board to keep her spine straight. They were told she would probably die or be crippled, "Maggie" had faith Winnie would live and tended her for six weeks, day and night. Samuel made the trip to Englewood every day to get fresh medicine. Winnie regained her health without complications.

"Sam" was deputy Sheriff and the law would go to his home to target practice. Many nights the outlaws would pass their house, their Winchesters glistening in the moonlight.

One day a neighbor had to be gone for a day and night. "Sam" was asked to do his chores for him. It was quite a distance and not wanting to travel after dark, he decided to stay the night, He put his horse in the barn and went to bed, with his Colt revolver under his pillow. The head of the bed was near a window. Soon two outlaws rode up and went to the barn. They came up to the house and were arguing. One of the outlaws thought Sam was in the house. He said, "I know that's is horse in the barn." The other outlaw disagreed, "No, I w he wouldn't stay here alone."

Finally convincing the other outlaw, they rode off. In the meantime, Sam had slipped out his gun, raised upon his elbow, and was waiting.

This is one of many experiences that occurred in the lives of the Meek family. They moved to Atlanta, Kansas during the depression and later to Winfield, around 1939.

Samuel died February 20, 1940 and Gertrude May 9, 1943. Burial is at Highland Cemetery, Winfield, Kansas.

Submitted by Betty (Myrick) Bishop, granddaughter.
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 241.

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Jonas Messinger Family
Messinger, Jonas, born in Worchestershire, England 3-23-1828 and came to America when young. Married Elizabeth 8-14-1847. Had children, Mary, Charley H. Messinger born 12-29-1858 and Salina born 1-25-1862. Jonas was 35 years old when he enlisted in the 8th Ill. Company, Served three years and discharged 7-17-1865 at Culpeper, VA. They lived in a dugout on the north side of Timber Creek awhile, until could get a cabin build. Many hardships when in Army, one time led a goat several days before could get time to butcher and cook it for food. In one battle his horse shot out from under him, he grabbed a riderless horse and made it OK. (continued on page 242)

Submitted by Hazel B. Duncan Ward.
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 241.

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Cowley County Heritage Book Page 242

(continued from page 241) They took the crops they could spare to Emporia, KS to sell, and bought supplies and staples needed to last through the winter. He had a good team and had told everyone leaving early in the morning, but saw two rough looking men looking his team over, so left soon as it got good and dark, drove long distance and the thered team in brush and made camp closer to road- heard them coming so he hid in timber, they stayed around his campfire awhile and called him, but he did not answer, then they finally realized they were in spot light and left, did not bother him anymore. Another time, on way home got sick and stopped to rest and got worse and knew he could not make it home, so finally got his dog to go home. When they saw the dog alone, knew something was wrong so neighbor man followed the dog and found him and got him home. Took long time for him to recover. Indians camped on Timber Creek, never bothered though, only to beg food. One day Grandmother had made bread and just took it out of the oven and Indians came and smelled it and kept pointing to the bread, then to baby Salina, so of course they got all the bread. He passed away 3-11-1890.

Submitted by Hazel B. Duncan Ward
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 242.

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Don & Nelda Meyer Family

Donald Godfrey Meyer was born 12-20-27 when his parents, Robert Godfrey and Cora Ann (McDaniel) Meyer, lived in Rock. Shortly after he was born, the family moved to the farm east of Rock, that was owned by Bob's parents, Godfrey and Mary Meyer.

Don had a half-brother, Lamont, and three brothers, Robert Eldon, Walter and lack.

Don attended Richland rural school seven years and Lone Tree for one year and atlanta High School, graduating in 1946.

He is a member of the Prairie View United Methodist Church.

Don and Nelda Lucille Holt were married 5-29-49. She was the daughter of Curtis and Maggie (Billiter) Holt of Atlanta, Kansas. She was born north of Atlanta 12-21-24 and later the family moved into Atlanta. She has a sister and a brother, Freda Mae (Holt) Grade, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Keith Holt, Bartlesville, Oklahoma.

Nelda attended the Atlanta Grade School and Atlanta High School, graduating in 1942. She is a member of the Atlanta Christian Church where their family has always attended regularly. She worked in the Atlanta Telephone Office, Ration Board and in the Atlanta Postoffice.

When they were first married, they lived in the house where she was born, north of Atlanta, then the next year they moved west of Atlanta where they still live. They built a new house in 1975. Don helped build houses during the winters several years. He has farmed all of his life.

Don and Nelda are the parents of three daughters and have seven grandchildren: Sharon and her husband, Walter Koontz, III, have three daughters, Sara, Andrea and Allison (twins) live in Sedan, Kansas. Joleen and her husband, John Coupe are the parents of David, Kaulie and Lindsey, and live near Don and Nelda. Glenda and her husband, Forrest "Scooter" Goodwin, Jr., live in Silverdale, Kansas, east of Arkansas City, and he has a son, Chad.

Submitted by Nelda L. Holt Meyer
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 242.

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Godfrey and Mary Meyer Family

Godfrey and "Mary" (Waser) Meyer's families both came to America from Zurich, Canton, Switzerland. Godfrey when two years old and "Mary" when 20. Godfrey's parents Godfrey and Ursula (Glandfelder) Meyer, homesteaded a farm near Huron, Kansas. Godfrey was born 11-21-1862 and had a brother, Albert and sister Salina.

The Waser family: John and Dorothea (Glandfelder) Waser, George Jacob "Jake", Johann Rudolph "Rudy", Anna Maria "Mary", Johann Jacob "John" and Bertha, migrated to America 1-4-1884. They lived near the Meyer family near Huron. Their oldest daughter, Anna, stayed in Switzerland and later moved to Italy. "Mary" was born 4-17-1862.

Godfrey and Maria "Mary" (Waser) Meyer were married 3-11-1885 in St. Joseph, Missouri, and lived near Huron for awhile then moved near Washington, Kansas after their first child, Lillie, was born. Their other children were: Matthilda "Tillie", Robert "Rob", Rosa, Walter, Attar and Bertha.

They bought a farm in Cowley County, east of Rock, and moved there March 1908. Lillie had married, so stayed in Washington. The Meyer family were faithful members of the Prairie View Methodist Church, which met in the school house until a church building was built. The ministers were supplied by Southwestern College, Winfield. The ministers would travel by train, to and from Wilmot, on Saturday and Monday, and often stayed in the Meyer home. He also was the minister for a community west of Prairie View. One of the ministers, Ben Griffith, later married Rosa Meyer. They and Matthflda Meyer and Frank Kunish were married in the Meyer home in a double wedding 10-14-14.

The Meyer's had a big barn (80' X 90'). The boys in the community played basketball in the hayloft, and enjoyed it so much through the years. The boys that lived there liked that much better than their regular job of cleaning out the cow and horse stalls!

The barn was damaged by wind 4-22 and was restored, On 6-21-73 it was again damaged by wind but beyond repair and was replaced with a metal building.

Due to Godfrey's failing health, they moved to Wichita 3-1919. After his health improved he built several houses in Wichita. Robert's son, Lamont, lived with his grandparents and Attar after the death of his mother, Lillie (Sandstrum) Meyer 10-7-19. After his father, Robert and Cora (McDaniel) were married (1-9-24) Lamont went to live with them.

Atlar Meyer and Roy Smith were married 12-3-1937 in the home she and her parents lived in Godfrey died in 1935 and Mary died in 1941 after being an invalid eight years. Attar and Roy lived there. Roy died in 1963 and Attar died in 1988. They all are buried in White Chapel Memorial Gardens, Wichita.

Bob, Cora, Lamont, Eldon and Don moved to the Meyer farm in 1928. Walter and Jack were born there later. They built a new house in 1973. Bob died 10-15-79 and Cora died 2-25-90 They are buried in the Wilmot Cemetery. Their son, Eldon and wife, Maureta live there now.

Submitted By Nelda L. Holt Meyer
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 242.

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Robert & Cora Meyer Family

Robert Godfrey Meyer was born 3-14-1890 in Washington County, near Washington, Kansas. He was the son of Godfrey and Maria "Mary" (Waser) Meyer. His parents were both from Zurich, Canton, Switzerland and had come to America and settled near Huron, Kansas. Robert had five sisters and one brother: Lillie, Mathilda "Tillie," Rosa, Walter, Atlar and Bertha. In 1908 Godfrey Meyer moved his family to a farm in Cowley County, in the Prairie View Community, east of Rock. They lived there until his health began to fail and moved to Wichita in 1919.

Robert and Lillie Sandstrum, daughter of Alex and Ellen Sandstrum, were married 12-18-12. Their son, Lamont, was born 6-20-16 at their home south of the Meyer farm.

Walter Meyer and his wife, Anna (Smalley) homesteaded a farm in Colorado and Bob, Lillie and Lamont moved to a farm near them. While there, Bob's wife gave birth to a baby girl and both she and the baby died (10-16-19). Bob brought Lamont back to live with his parents and Atlar in Wichita and Bob worked in oil fields.

Bob and Cora (McDaniel) were married 1-9-24. Cora was the daughter of Elton and "Lottie" (Banks) McDaniel. Cora had two sisters and five brothers: Elsie, Harry, Floyd, Herbert, Mary, Lyle and Raye.

Bob worked in oil fields and they moved often. In March 1928, they moved to his parents farm and bought it in 1932 and spent the rest of their lives there. They were parents of Lamont, Robert Eldon, Donald, Walter and Jack.

Lamont served four years in the army in Guadacanal, Burma with Merrill's Mciurauders, Fiji Islands, and guarded prisoners in Pryor, Oklahoma. He married Harriet Frowitter in Illinois in 1946. They had eight children: Robert, Thomas, John, Cindy, Rebecca, Michael, Joseph and William. They divorced in 1972. Lamont passed away 8-6-78 in Springfield, Illinois.

Eldon served two years in the navy. He married Maurita (Dezell) and farmed for awhile then enlisted in the Air Force and served 20 years. They spent their overseas duty in Puerto Rico and Alaska. They have two daughters, Terry and Toni, three grandsons and one granddaughter. Eldon retired from the service then worked for Total Petroleum Company and retired in 1989.

Don and his wife Nelda (Holt) have three daughters: Sharon, Joleen and Glenda, five granddaughters and two grandsons. Don has always farmed and helped build some houses.

Walt and his wife, Gay (Daniels) have a daughter, Janet and a son, Roger, two granddaughters and one grandson. They farm.

Jack enlisted in the army after graduation and served two years, part of it in Germany. He and his wife Catherine (Howard) have two sons and two daughters, Howard, Carman, (continued on page 243)

Submitted by Nelda L. Holt Meyer
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 242.

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Cowley County Heritage Book Page 243

(continued from page 242) Cora Anna and Rodney, four granddaughters and two grandsons. They work at Boeing.

Bob and Cora were members of the Eock United Methodist Church and attended regularly. Cora taught an adult Sunday School class at Prairie View for 25 years, was Bible School superintendent nine years, a member of U.M.W. at both Atlanta and Rock. She was a charter member of the Richland E.H.U. and was community leader of the Polo 4H Club for three years.

They celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary in 1974 and had 57 happy years together before Bob passed away 10-15-79. Cora passed away 2-25-90. They are buried in the Wilmot Cemetery.

Submitted By Nelda L Holt Meyer
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 243.

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Ethel V. Miller

Ethel V. (Ruggles) Miller is the sixth of eight children born to James Elza Ruggles and Edith Genevia Bowser. Ethel was born August 26, 1902 on a farm in Liberty Township. She remembers the hogs her father raised being sold for 2 1/2 cents a pound, and a 200 pound hog brought $5. Ethel, called "Babe" by her family and friends, sang duets with her sister, Elizabeth Ione (Doll), at the literaries held during their younger years. (A literary was a program held at school or a community gathering.) One of the songs they often sang was "Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie." She attended one-room schools at Red Valley, Liberty and Victory Point. The country schools at that time went through ninth grade and Babe completed all nine grades.

Babe liked to attend the local dances and her older brother, James Walter, escorted her and her sisters to dances held in the barns and granaries of neighbors. She lived most of her life on farms in Liberty and Tisdale Townships. On October 15, 1935 Ethel married Glenn Franklin Miller (born October 6, 1906) at Tisdale Methodist Church. Charlie Brown, a student from Southwestern College was the minister at that time. Glenn's brother and sister, Wayne and Opal, stood with them at the wedding.

Babe and Glenn purchased a farm in 1949 in Tisdale Township and in 1951, tore down the old two-story farm house and built a one-story home. They lived there until Glenn's health failed in 1986 when they moved to Winfield. Glenn died February 23, 1987.

Ethel and Glenn had two children, Curtis LeRoy Miller born October 6, 1936 and Marlene Ellen Miller, born January 27, 1938. Curtis married Barbara Ann Barkman on July 30, 1960. Curtis and Barbara had three children, Ty, Rick and David. Marlene married Ronald Shoup on June 9, 1956. Marlene and Ronald had three children, Gail, Kathy, and Steven. Curtis taught math at the Winfield High School for many years. Curtis died July 21, 1979 at the age of 42. Marlene died September 5, 1976. Glenn and Curtis are buried at Tisdale Cemetery. Marlene is interred at Carrollton, Texas.

Submitted by Pearl Ruggles
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 243.

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Paul C. Miller Family

I arrived in Winfield, Kansas on March 25, 1907 at the age of 18 months with my parents, Leslie M. and Amanda M. Miller and grandparents, Frank and Jane Miller. Our family was originally from Iowa and moved to Cowley County in hopes that a better climate would be good for the health of my grandmother, Jane. Interestingly, the day we arrived the temperature was at an all time high in the 90's, a fact that my mother, Amanda, always enjoyed remembering.

Our family settled and worked on a farm on Route 3, just to the south of Winfield, and became active in the First Christian Church. As a small boy, I remember going with my grandfather, Frank, and brother, Ray, to church to wind the clocks early on Sunday morning. My grandfather, Frank, died in January of 1920 and my grandmother, Jane, died in November of 1911.

Mv father, Leslie Miller, was a farmer, a dairyman, who served many Winfield homes, and the treasurer-assessor for Pleasant Valley Township for about 16 years. He died in November of 1953. My mother, Amanda, loved people, loved to bake and cook, was active in the First Christian Church and was a prolific correspondent, by card and letter. She died in September of 1986 in her 100th year.

I married Alberta Linville in July of 1927. We made our life and home on the family farm that I affectionately called "Poverty Ridge." During the depression days, I supplemented our income by working the dikes along the Walnut River for $1.00 a day, including my team. Through the years I worked our farm, I also ran sheep and traded used farm machinery all over the midwest.

Alberta and I raised three children: Janet, Lorice Ann and Corky. Janet and her husband, Scott Ewing, live in Michigan and only recently both retired from teaching school in Battle Creek, Michigan. Lorice Ann and her husband, Martin Woner of the Rock area in Northern Cowley County, lived most of their adult lives in Hutchinson, Kansas, where Martin worked for Cessna Fluid Power and Lorire taught a pre-school. When Cessna sold to the Eaton Corporation, Lorice Ann and Martin moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota in late 1988. Corky lives in Tryon, Oklahoma with his wife, Rhonda, and is in the transportation industry. Alberta and I moved off the farm in 1977 and I lost her in April of 1987. Today, I am living in the Mennonite Friendship Manor in South Hutchinson.

I have been a lucky man, given parents who taught me the importance of friends and congeniality, for a wife who worked sided by side with me in my business, and given children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren all of whom fill me with great pride. I guess my greatest accomplishment besides family is the joy I got out of helping young men get started in farming by finding the right used equipment for them.

My grandchildren and great-grandchildren include: Janet's children: David Ewing, an accountant, and his wife, Cindy of Lansing, Michigan who have three children, Franklin, Samuel and Shiloh; Paul Ewing, in construction, and his wife, Danette of Lansing, Michigan who have a daughter, Jessica; Phil Ewing, who works in the nuclear engineering field and his wife, Patty, who live in New England with their children, David and Rebekah; and, Ann Ewing Roller and her husband, Kenneth, a dairyman, of Virginia, who have a son, Paul Kenneth. Lorice Ann's children: Bruce Woner, a lawyer, and his wife Pat, also a lawyer, of Topeka, Kansas have a son, Ben; and, Kent Woner, an oil field operations supervisor for the Western Company, and his wife, Julie, of Edmond, Oklahoma, and their children, Charles and Em2y. Corky's children: Les Miller, a football player with the NFL's San Diego Chargers, of San Diego, California; Charles, who works for Case International in Winfield, of Arkansas City; and Tiffany, who lives with Corky at his home in Tyron, Oklahoma.

Submitted by Paul C. Miller
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 243.

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Phillip & Emma Miller Family

Phillip and Emma Miller came from Rector, Arkansas to Kansas in 1894. Phillip had worked in lumber mills and brought lumber from Arkansas to build their home. They bought 80 acres of land on Timber Creek, two miles south and 1/2 mile west of Wilmot. Phillip built the house and some furniture, he dug a well furnished with spring water, and a cave where we kept milk, butter, etc. Five children made our family tree: Agnes, Irvin, Lawrence, J.P. and Selena.

We all attended school in Wilmot. H.T. Parsons was one of our early teachers. Wilmot had a post office with Rosa Nicely as post mistress; Uncle John Miller had a hardware store, which later was run as a grocery store by Uncle John Watt. The main grocery was run by R. C. Jones and daughter, Alma. Our close neighbors were: Harry Smiths, Walter Lewis, Jack Stephens, Sam and Mike Elliott, and their kids walked to school with us.

We called our place "Possum Holler" since many possums came to get out chickens. They weren't successful as our hound dog, Rattler, treed them and mother and I poked them out with a board from the quilt frames, then the dogs finished them off.

Dr. L.P. Ravenscroft was our family doctor and lived in FloTal. He took care of my father until his death in 1909 He was there for my birth on February 3, 1901, and I was named Selena after a good neighbor. My mother was a mid-wife and helped with the birth of most of the children born near us.

We went to Sunday School at Wilmot, but attended church at Floral when they had a minister. After I finished 8th grade, mother and I moved to Winfield so I could attend High School.

I graduated in 1919 and went to work at the First National Bank as a bookkeeper. For this I received $50.00 a month. After working there six years, I worked for the City of Winfield. We made all bills by hand until billing machines came in. I worked there for twenty-one years.

Carl Prater and I were married after a courtship of five years, built our home at 1202 Stewart, Winfield, where we lived for 57 years. We had our 63rd wedding anniversary in July before Carl died in September 1987.

After mother died in 1941 we sold the farm to Carl and Faye Whitson as a retreat. They gave us the privilege of fishing or pic;nicing there whenever we wanted, and we had many wonderful times there. In 1967 the house burned as a result of a prairie fire. In 1987 I moved into the Good Samaritan Apartments in Winfield.

Submitted by Selena Miller Prater
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 243.

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Reuben H. & Mabel Coulter Miller

Reuben Hagar Miller was born May 30, 1885 in McClean County, Bloomington, Illinois. He was the youngest child of William Francis and Zady Katherine Sackett Miller. He had five brothers; Walter, Perry, Ben, Jim, and Carl; and three sisters; Mary, Teresa, and Florence, who passed away at age eleven in Illinois.

In 1888, the family moved to Tisdale Township, Cowley County, Kansas, where they built a house, farmed and raised cattle. Each of the eight children was given 160 acres, all within four miles of each other.

Submitted by D. Pauline Miller & Emma June Martin.
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 243.

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(continued from page 243) Reuben attended Victor Point School. He had a fine tenor voice. Although he could not read a note of music, once he heard the tune, he could sing it. He was a member of the Victor Point Quartet consisting of Carl Cook, Carl Miller, Sanford Atkinson, and himself. Florence Atkinson Buffum was pianist. They sang at many functions. Reuben, as a young man, liked to travel. One winter he spent in Florida, camping and fishing. He attended the World's Fair in St. Louis in 1904. He was a great storyteller with a hearty laugh. Reuben knew all kinds of birds, bird calls, and wild flowers and trees. His love of nature was passed on to his children.

Reuben married Mabel Charlotte Coulter at her parents' farm home near Meno, Oklahoma, September 10, 1924. Mabel Coulter was born December 16, 1891 near Hastings, Nebraska to Milton Jay and Emma Josephine Davidson Coulter (born in Sweden). In 1894 the Coulter family moved to land purchased after the Cherokee Strip, located in Concord community in Major County, Oklahoma. Milton Coulter and brother, Fred, came early in 1894 by covered wagon with livestock and supplies and built a frame house. Later Emma Josephine Coulter came by train with four children, Esther, age four, Mabel, age three and twin boys Jerry and Joe, six months, also Milton's parents James Wiley (totally blind) and Margaret Sophia Coulter. Over a period of ten years, five more children were born; Miles, Ed, Pauline, Herbert, and Phillip. Times were hard. Mabel attended Oak Glade School and Helena High School. Later she worked as an apprentice seamstress in Enid. After her mother's health failed, Mabel stayed home to care for her until her marriage.

After the wedding, Mabel and Reuben drove from Oklahoma to their farm home with Mabel's sewing machine and a small vanity in a borrowed Hudson without a top. They encountered a big rain storm and had to pull into a barn along the way and wait until it passed. Of course, the roads were extremely poor.

The couple spent all their life on the farm located one fourth mile west of Tisdale and one and one-half miles north.

Mabel was active in church activities and farm extension work. She was well-known for her culinary arts and sewing. The pieces of fabrics left from her sewing projects were used in making quilts, which are prized possessions of her family.

During the depression years, food was raised on the farm. Eggs were sold to buy staples. Clothes were created or made over and worn with pride.

Three children were born to the couple, Emma June, Dorothy Pauline, and Samuel Lewis. All three attended Tisdale School and Winfield High School. Emma June obtained B.S. Degree from Northwestern State College at Alva, Oklahoma She had a year's internship at University Hospital in Oklahoma City. She married Victor H. Martin, Jr. June 5, 1955. They have lived in Winfield since their wedding.

Dorothy Pauline attended Northwestern State College at Alva, Oklahoma for one year. She began her teaching in Cowley County Schools in 1946 and has taught ever since. By attending summer school and night classes she has a B.S. degree and M.S. degree from Emporia University. She lives on the home place.

Sam farms. He married Ruth Becker at Moundridge, Kansas on July 28, 1979. He built a new house just south of the family home.

Reuben passed away November 30, 1955, and Mabel July 3, 1984 and are buried in the Tisdale Cemetery.

Submitted by D. Pauline Miller & Emma June Martin
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 244.

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Leanord Aubrey Millspaugh studied law in Iowa and was admitted to practice law in that state. After his move to Winfield, he owned and operated a shoe store, sold shoes from a traveling wagon, and was active in local politics. The shoe Store in Winfield that he owned and operated was located at the approximate location of the present day Shoe Mart. "Aub" married Betty Bruington and they had one daughter, Ona M. Millspaugh, born in 1887.

Thomas D. Herlocker
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 244.

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Dr. D.J. Moore Family

Dr. David John Moore was the last doctor to practice medicine in Dexter, Kansas. He closed his office in 1941. Dr Moore was the son of Doctor W,D. Moore. He was born in Columbus junction, Iowa, November 3, 1861. He came to Kansas with his parents in 1879. The family settled in Clay County. He graduated from the University Medical School, Kansas City, Missouri 1893. He started his first practice at Richmond, Kansas. He was an early pioneer doctor, who went to the homes and continued this practice until retirement.

He married 1894 Martha lane McCrea They made their home at Richmond for three years, before moving to Clay County, where he continued his profession. There were four children@ David Earl, Ethel, Emmeline, Eimci. In 1925, the family moved to Cowley County, where the children could be closer to the college of their choice, and to be closer to the Doctor's sister, Mrs. Thomas Stone. She lived at Winfield. The Stones had four children: Harry, Virgfl, Lovina, and Florence. Florence was a teacher in Winfield High School for many years.

The Moore children, David Earl was a postal worker. He married Emily Koster. They had a daughter, Mary Mcirgaret. She lives in California. David Earl is deceased. He is buried in Highland Cemetery. Ethel married Howard Clark. They had three daughters: Jenene, Joan, and Jane. Howard is deceased, Ethel lives in Albuquerque. Elma married Carl A. (Dick) Radley, of Winfield. He was the son of Conrad Radley. They operated the Hadley Ice Cream factory in Winfield. Conrad served as County Sheriff. Elma and Dick had three sons: Dickie, David, and Donald. Elma and Dick live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Emmeline married Virgfl Johnson. He worked for Texaco. He is deceased. Emmeline was a registered nurse. She was Public Health Nurse of Cowley County for many years. She lives in Winfield.

Both Dr. Moore and Martha Jane are deceased. They are buried in Highland Cemetery. Dr Moore served in the U.S. Army Medical Department during World War I. He had the rank of Captain. He was a member of the American Medical Association. From the time he started practice, until his retirement, he called in the homes regardless of the weather and either night or day. Many times he knew that the patient did not have the money or insurance to pay the bill. Often he would take chickens, eggs, milk, vegetables, fruit, fresh meat, or labor for payment. His way of travel was the horse and buggy, later the old Model T. He delivered babies, pulled teeth, set broken bones, stitched the cuts, soothed the aches of the elderly, and eased the babies colic. He always carried his medications and instruments in a leather case; this case soon became known as the doctor's pill bag. He was a man dedicated to his profession and his family. He lived a long and useful life aiding his fellowman.

Submitted By Emily Kaster Moore
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 244.

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Joseph E. & Sippie M. (Carter) Moore

Joseph Ewen Moore an Sippie Myrum Carter Moore came to Kansas from Osceola, Iowa in 1903. They settled on a farm west of Caney, KS in Montgomery County. They had eleven children but three died as infants. They had six children living when they came to Kansas Two were born in Kansas. They moved to the suburbs of Caney in 1906 where the children went to school.

They moved to Arkansas City in Cowley County in 1921 where Mr. Moore worked at the Shell Refinery until he got his leg broke in 1928, then they moved back to Caney.

Their children were Martha Elizabeth Moore Taylor, Walter Glenn Moore, Jennie Floria Moore Shepard, Violet May Moore Muret, Allene Ina Moore Swank, Geneva Victoria Moore Brown Marsh, Bennie Alford Moore and Emma Evelyn Moore Wilson.

Submitted by Geneva V. Marsh
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 244.

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Lloyd & Frances Moore

I was born Frances leaneue Keith, in the year 1909 on the 6th day of July, to Lillie Mae Keith and Edmond Dodds Keith.

I came to Oxford, Kansas. with my parents and family on election day in Nov. of 1918. Started School in the old combination (continued on page 245)

Submitted by Frances J. Moore
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 244.

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Cowley County Heritage Book Page 245

(continued from page 244) High and Grade School in the fifth grade, where I graduated in 1927. The new High School was built the next year.

On July 16th, 1927 I was married to Charles Edward Brown, in Newkirk, Okla. by S. H. Maxwell, a former Oxford minister. Mr. Brown was employed at the gasoline plant in the Udall oil field, north of Oxford.

In 1928, the year the had hit so hard in Winfield, we moved here so Mr. Brown could work for Ed Hepler, in the Hepler Roofing Company. In 1929 he went into roofing on his own with a Mr. Ward as partner.

He was a veteran of World War II and when he received his pension we purchased a two acre tract in Mandalay Meadow, south of Winfield on Highway 77, adjacent to his parents, John W. Brown and Etta Brown. His father helped him with roofing, Mr. Ward had moved away and Mr. Brown stayed in business on his own with his father to help him. Later we put in a filling station and lunch counter. Sold sandwiches, pop & light beer. Later we added a dance club, we called the ArkWyn as it was mid-way between Ark City and Winfield. When Highway 77 was being widened between Winfield and Arkansas City the traffic was detoured to the Country Club Road. This cut our business down somewhat so we sold out to Whitey Deal and moved to Arkansas. We were staying with the tenants on a farm owned by some Winfield friends when there was a tornado in Louisiana. So we loaded up our trader and went to the disaster area to find work. They were only hiring local labor so we went on to Texas where he found work on a tool pushing gang in oil fields on the King Ranch. At a little settlement near Electra called Rocky Point. Here he was injured and had to find lighter work.

We heard about some government land near Mena, Arkansas on which veteranc could file claim and get a grant to help them to improve it, so we went back to Arkansas in 1931, and filed a claim. Mr. Brown contracted tick fever so we moved into Mena where, when he was able, he went to work as a pipe fitter threading reinforcing rods for the foundation of a Grecian type school house, which had a double wall foundation with the plumbing all between the two walls. There was always water seepage in the wall, therefore, there was a mosquito problem. He contracted malaria and almost lost his file. He was in the Veterans' Hospital at Fayetteville, Ark. for a couple of months.

We had had enough of Arkansas by that time, so we came back to Winfield in 1939. He found work at Strother Field, which was a U.S. Airport at that time, in the fire department. After the government turned it over to Arkansas City and Winfield, Mr. Brown stciyed on in the fire department until his death on April 4, 1952.

On July 16, 1953 I married Lloyd D. Moore in Pawhuska, Okla. We went on to Hot Springs, Arkansas on our honeymoon, where we took treatments at the spa for arthritis.

When we came back we settled on his farm south of Winfield. He died suddenly of a heart attack on Jan. 30, 1959 after six happy years.

That spring I went to Green Lake, Wisconsin to work on the summer staff of the American Baptist Assembly. On my return I purchased a four apartment dwelling, rented out three apartments and lived in one myself.

I went to work at the Wm. Newton Memorial Hospital in 1961 as a housekeeper and worked ten years, retired in 1971.

In 1965 I sold my apartment building called Moore's Apartments on 14th and Torrance. I purchased a house trailer and moved to Glenview Estates on East 12th, my lot was in Circle B. I heard about Walnut Towers retirement compound being built so I signed on for an apartment, sold my trailer and moved into Walnut Towers in February of 1979. I am still at 1201 Menor, Apt, 503.

Submitted By Frances J. Moore
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 245.

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Loel & Alice Moore Family

Loel Franklin and Alice (Rush) Moore of RI Box 173A, Burden have lived in the Eaton community since August 1954, except for four years at Bella Vista Village, Ark.

Loel, one of ten children, was born Jan 15, 1918, one and a half miles east of Grenola, Elk County, to Allen and Katherine (Kate Kyser) Moore. Three of the children are still living. He attended the Elementary Independence School.

The Allen Moores moved from Grenola to rural Burden where Loel helped his father do custom farming to make a living. Loel grew to manhood in Cowley County. He met Alice Anna Rush in front of William Newton Memorial Hospital where she was enrolled in nursing. Although she retired from nursing May 6, 1970, she keeps her nurse's license current through continuing education seminars.

Alice Anna Rush was born to Daniel and Ida Ellen (Myers) Rush, one mile east of Maple City, September 7, 1921. She was the eight child in a family of ten. Alice received her education in Winfield, except the Pediatrics, Children's Hospital, Denver, Colorado.

Uncle Sam intervened before Loel and Alice were married. Loel was drafted on February 19, 1941. Basic training was at Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock, AR., where he was assigned to Co. K, 137th Infantry, 35th Army Division. Then Pearl Harbor. The 35th Army Division was sent to the west coast to guard the area against enemy invasion.

In the meantime, Alice received her nurse's diploma September 10, 1942 and was ready to become a bride. Since Loel was unable to get back to Kansas, Alice made arrangements to go to California. They were married December 16, 1942 at Orange, Orange County, CA. It was performed by a Methodist clergyman, H.H. Stranberg, and witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Welton D. Hogue.

While on active duty in France, Loel received a near fatal head injury in August, 1944 which affected his right arm and leg. Forty-six years have gone by since Loel's injury. With the love and patience of family and his determination to be independent, Loel and Alice have learned to live with their health problems.

The family includes daughter Mary Jane, born October 15, 1944. Mary Jane and Richard Hopper were married June 12, 1963 and a son, Richard Allen Hopper was born June 9, 1965. A son, William Allen Moore, married (Betty) Jane Rasmusson, July 10, 1966 and were blest with a daughter, Gretchen Suzanne, January 20, 1969, and son Chad Allen, October 27, 1972.

Loel's paternal grandfather, John Frank Moore, was born May 22, 1861 in Ballard, Bates, Co., MO and died May 24, 1936 in Grenola, Elk Co., KS. His paternal grandmother, Mary Ellen Stark, was born July 20, 1865, in Nebo, Pike Co., IL and died January 20, 1943 also at Grenola.

Maternal grandfather, Lynus Walker Kyser, born September 27, 1835, died January 10, 1908. Grandmother Agnes Weaver Kyser, born May 4, 1842, died May 23, 1912. Loel's great-grandfather William Thomas Moore, died in 1874. Great-grandmother Martha Pamela Davidson, born December 14, 1841, died December 17, 1915, Appleton City, St. Clair, Co., MO. She was from Wilson Co., Tennessee. Eleven children in the family.

Information from family Bible, and great-aunt Lydia Moore Carter, verbally. Inspected Government census records, also the John Frank family Bible.

Submitted by Alice R. Moore
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 245.

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Cecil Morgan Family

Two families named Morgan, no relation, moved to Cowley County in the Udall area in 1910. Both families were farmers.

The son of one family, Cecil and the daughter of the other, Thelma married and became the parents of three daughters. I'm the oldest of one of those daughters.

My parents Cecil and Thelma Morgan had a grocery store in Udall for several years. There was a fire and it burned. Cecil started an ice route that became three routes through Cowley County. He quit in 1950 when electric refrigerators became widely used.

Thelma worked in the Post Office and went back to teaching during World War II. She received her degree from Southwestern College in 1952, obtaining it through summer school and correspondent courses. She taught in Udall, HaysviHe, Wichita, and Milford, Ks. She was school librarian in Junction City when she retired in 1970. She moved back to Udall at this time and started the Udall City Library. She was the city librarian until 1981. She died in 1986.

Cecil did custom combining, sprayed weeds and cattle for farmers. He worked at Beech Aircraft during World War II. For several years he drove a school bus for the Udall School System. He picked up the kids in the Bushnell area. He worked for construction company that built Highway 40 out of Topeka, Ks. and the Milford Dam at Junction City, Ks. He died in 1970.

At the time of the Udall Tornado, Cecil was on the city council. They both worked hard in helping rebuild their town.

My middle sister, Jessie, married Jess Hatfied from Belie Plaine, Ks. They live in Kent, Washington. She has six children, one girl and five boys.

My youngest sister Beth Evans is the Postmaster in Udall, Ks. She has three children, one girl and two boys. She is married to Clifford Evans from Wichita, Ks.

I, Gaila Walker married a farmer and rural mail carrier, Don Walker. We have four children, two girls and two boys.

My sisters, my mother and myself all graduated from Udall High School. My four children and Beth's three children also graduated from Udall High School. As a bonus and something that would please our parents, I have two grandchildren who also graduated from Udall High School. That makes four generation graduating from Udall High School.

I followed in my mother's footsteps and went back to school and graduated from Southwestern College in 1971. I was a social worker for sixteen years in the S.R.S. Office.

Even though we are all scattered we have the bond and values which we hopefully will pass on to future generations.

Submitted by Gaila Walker
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 245.

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The Morgan Family

Samuel and Jessie (Guy) Morgan, migrated to Udall, KS from Ohio. They farmed east of Udall until their three children married and moved on to their own lives. The elder Morgans then moved into Udall. (continued on page 246)

Submitted by Karen Floyd
Scanned out of the Cowley County Heritage book, Page 245.

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State Coordinators
Tom & Carolyn Ward, Columbus, KS