Crawford County Genealogy Library
308 North Walnut
Pittsburg, Kansas. 66762
PH: 620-230-5558
Operating Hours:
Monday: 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday thru Friday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Crawford County Genealogical Society was founded in 1971 and now houses over 4000 volumes of research material from all 50 states. Of course it specializes in Crawford County genealogy. They have a quarterly publication called "The Seeker". For membership information and research information you may write them at 308 N. Walnut, Pittsburg KS 66762.
REMEMBER: If asking for research or a reply to your request, please send a SASE.
Below is an index of Crawford County Subjects they hold.
- BIRTH & DEATH RECORDS: 1867-1911
- Coronors Records 1925-1965
- Highland Park Cemetery, Pittsburg
- Location Maps
- Mt. Olive Cemetery, Pittsburg
- Tombstone Transcriptions of All Known Crawford County
- Cemeteries 1860's-1876
- Walnut Cemetery, 1860's-1990's
- Federal 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1900 (Pittsburg)
- Kansas 1860-1885, 1885, 1925
- COAL Mining Accidents 1886-1950
- COURT: Adoption Records 1886-1920
- District Court 1867-1889
- District Court 1887-1893
- Divorce Recors 1867-1990's
- Probate Records 1867-1950
- Probate Records 1886
- Probate Records 1964-1965
- Wills 1867-1904
- Workman's Compensation Records
- DOCTOR'S & NURSES: 1867-1963
- Bedene Funeral Home, Arma Area
- Brenner Mortuary, Pittsburg
- Friskel Funeral Home, Frontenac
- Naylor Quinn Funeral Home, Weir
- Smith Funeral Home, Girard
- Teeple Funeral Home, Walnut
- County Wide Maps
- Crawford County Place Names
- Original Entry
- Plat Map, 1906
- MARRIAGE: Marriage Records 1867-1937
- Civil War Records, 1883
- G.A.R. Records
- World War I, Draft Records
- World War I, Honor Roll & Index
- World War II, Draft Records
- NATURALIZATIONS: Index 1869-1950's
- NEWSPAPERS: Walnut Newspaper, 1894-1895
- OBITUARIES: Have a lot of obituries cut out of local newspapers, mostly
of people born before 1900
- OBITUARIES: Index to Pittsburg Morning Sun Obituaries, 1975-2004
- Crawford County High School, 1904-1960
- Pittsburg Rural, 1908-1912
- THE SEEKER, Quarterly, 1971-1996
- Anniversaries, 1992-1993
- Announcements, 1993
- Weddings & Anniversaries, old
- Weddings, 1990-1992, 1994
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