Index to the portraits shown in the 1921 Standard Atlas. 

Taken from 


Standard Atlas of Decatur County Kansas.

Copyrighted 1921 by Geo. A. Ogle & Co.  

If you are researching any of the names listed and would like to have a scanned picture of one of these portraits please email me.

Last Name First Name Location Other Information Given
Amlin J. A. Selden Scene on the farm of
Amlin J. A. Selden Home of
Anderson Amel C. Selden "Pleasant Hill Ranch"  Breeder of Poland China Hogs
Anderson Claus Dresden Home and barn of
Anderson Victor Dresden Home of
Andrews C. C. Norcatur Residence of
Ankenman F. W. Norcatur House and Barn of
Arehart Mr & Mrs B. F. Oberlin Residence of
Asbahr Henry Danbury, NE Home of
Awtry C. D. Cedar Bluffs Estate resident
Barnes L. H. Oberlin Scene on the farm of
Baumgarten Henry Oberlin Home of
Bell O. G. Norcatur Residence and family with his mother a pioneer
Benton Otis L. Oberlin Biography of him
Bliss F. F. Oberlin Scene of the Original homestead
Boor Gerhard Selden Residence of
Boulls Emma Jennings Residence of
Boulls F. A. Jennings Home of
Brainard W. E. Selden Home of
Brown Elfie Oberlin Residence of
Brown Mr & Mrs G. Kanona Photo from Adolph Johnson
Brunk Charles Norcatur Home of
Brunk Henry Norcatur Home of
Bunney John Norcatur Residence of        R. F. D. No. 3
Chambers E. P. Lebanon, NE Home of
Chambers John Norcatur Home of
Chapin Fremont Oberlin Home of
Chilson Roy Oberlin Pioneer Sod House
Christensen Albert Danbury, NE Residence of
Christian S. K Herndon Home of
Cilek L. W. Jennings Residence of
Coleman Mr & Mrs E. J. Jennings Home of
Counter H. D. Oberlin Residence of
Croy M. E. Norcatur Home of
Curley Mrs. Eva Selden "Elm Tree Farm"  R. F. D.
David W. C. Danbury, NE Scene on the farm of
Eckhart B. D. Norcatur Home of at R. F. D. No. 2
Eckhart C. A. Norcatur Residence of
Eckhart S. A. Norcatur Home of at R. F. D No. 2
Ferguson A. R. Oberlin Residence and pioneer sod house on his farm
Fiala John Oberlin Home of
Fiechter Mr & Mrs E. E. Lebanon, NE  
Frickey J. H. Oberlin Home of
Friedemann Otto Oberlin Home and farm of
Gibson A. E. Selden 6 scenes of the "Gibson Homestead" 
Gillispie Chas. D. and Family Oberlin The family home, barn and family
Goodman J. R. Clayton "Fairview Farm"
Guenther John Oberlin Farm of
Hamper L. J. Cedar Bluffs Residence of
Hanchett C. W. Oberlin Home and barn
Hanson H. A. Kanona Residence of
Hanson H. A. Kanona Home of
Harshman Floyd Traer Residence of
Hasness B. F. Norcatur Home of
Hatch Jos. N. Oberlin Home and residence on his farm
Hayward T. L. Oberlin Residence of
Heaton Harry L.   Former County Clerk
Hegree Mr & Mrs A. E. Kanona  
Helmkamp Ed. Oberlin Scene on farm
Hensley I. N. Dresden Scene on the farm of
Herzog John Herndon Home of
Hickert A. N. Jennings Home and barn of
Hockett H. J. Dresden Home of
Houser Wm. Oberlin Residence of
Huff John Lebanon, NE Residence of
Huff Mr & Mrs John Lebanon, NE  
Jeffery Geo. P. Oberlin Home of
Johnson C. E. Kanona Residence of
Johnson Oscar Kanona Residence of
Jolley James D. Oberlin Photo from
Jorn G. A. Norcatur Residence of
Kennedy Robert Cedar Bluffs Photo from Robert Kennedy
Keys Geo. W. Oberlin  
Keys Geo. W. Oberlin Residence of
Kirkendall C. F. Oberlin Residence of at R. F. D. No. 3
Koehler Adam Oberlin Residence of
Koehler Don A. Oberlin Residence of
Leist Lewis Danbury, NE Home of
Leitner Paul Jr. Traer Residence of
Lieberknecht W. Jennings  
Love J. E. Oberlin Pioneer having settled in County in 1873
Maggard B. F. Oberlin Home of
Marks R. A. Oberlin Register of Deeds
Marks R. A. Oberlin Residence of Register of Deeds
Mavity Mrs E. Norcatur Farm home of
May E. H. Oberlin Residence of
May Mr & Mrs Herman Oberlin Home of
McKay Thos. E. Oberlin Home of
McLaughlin Clyde Jennings Home of
McLeod Mr & Mrs. A. D. Jennings Pioneers of the County in 1880
Meek L. L. Norcatur House on the farm erected in 1900
Miller Carl. E. and Sister Norcatur R. F. D. No. 2
Miller H. H. Norcatur Home of
Mizer R. M. Jennings Home of
Moler Philip P. Norcatur Home of
Morrison Dr. H. J. Oberlin Residence of
Morse W. D. Dresden Photo from
Morton D. W. Oberlin Home of
Morton D. W. and Family Oberlin R. F. D. No 2
Nauer M. E. Jennings Home of
New Grove Norcatur Home of
Norris A. O. Clayton View of the farm
Orr C. W. and Dean Kanona Home of
Orr C. W. and Family Kanona  
Osburn Children of Fred Danbury, NE  
Pachner Frank Oberlin Home of
Petracek Jos. Jennings  
Petracek Jos. Jennings Residence of
Railsback J. W. Oberlin Representative 102nd District
Randall A. A. Jennings Prize winning stock on the farm of
Rees Sol Jennings Pioneer Sod House and Log House( erected prior to 1877)
Richardson A. W. Kanona Residence of
Riley R. Ross Oberlin Photographer
Robertson Jess Oberlin Home of
Roe V. A. Cedar Bluffs Residence of
Rogers C. A. Norcatur Home of at R. F. D. No. 2
Rohan Charles Jennings Residence of
Rouse J.P. Jennings  
Ruzicka Frank J. Oberlin Residence of
Ruzicka Jos.  Sr. Oberlin  
Scott B. C. Jennings Home of
Scott Clarence B. Jennings "Elmwood Stock Ranch"
Seavey E. I. Oberlin  
Sedustine F. D. Selden View on the ranch containing 1,450 acres
Seigenthaler Fred Oberlin Home of at R. F. D. No. 6
Shaw H. S. Lebanon, NE Home of
Shirley J. A. Norcatur Original Sod House on the Homestead
Smallberger A. Marion, NE Home of
Smith Harry W. Clayton Home of
Smith R. L. Dresden Photo from
Spiers R. W. Oberlin Home of at R. F. D. No. 3
Stackhouse E. S. Selden "The Lazy S Ranch"
Steffen Henry Jennings Home of
Stinson J. A. Kanona Residence of
Tacha E. W.   Sod House built by E. W. Ford in 1881
Tacha John Jennings "Slab City Farm" barn
Taylor J. L. Norcatur Home of
Thielbar J. F. Oberlin R.F.D. No. 1
Thielbar J. F. Oberlin "Prairie View Farm"
Thiesen Claus Jennings View of the farm
Top Anne E. Oberlin Former Superintendent of Schools
Townsend Mrs.Lona Lebanon, NE Residence of
Tuttle G. H. Cedar Bluffs Residence of
Uehlin C. C. Oberlin Scene of Farm of
Uehlin C. C. and Family Oberlin  
Ufford W. E. Oberlin Homestead Near Oberlin
Van Gundy E. E. Norcatur Farm home of
Van Vleet C. Emery Danbury, NE Residence of
Van Vleet W. E. and Family Danbury, NE  
Vernon A. C Norcatur Home of
Vernon George A. Kanona Home of
Vovroch H. C. Oberlin Scenes on the Farm of
Wagy A. H. Marion, NE Home of
Walker E. L. Dresden Home of
Wasson Ira Selden Home of
Wentz Lewis Norcatur Home of at R. F. D. No. 3
Wiggins Mr & Mrs Wise Lebanon, NE Them and their home
Wilbur C. A. Oberlin Home of
Willcoxon J. E. Oberlin Residence on the Willcoxon Estate
Williams J.M. Jennings Home of
Young E. E. Dresden "Pleasant Hill Farm"