Decatur County Kansas
Marriage Record
1881-1912 and 1917-1926
All marriage records are on file at the Decatur County Clerk of the District Court. You can write for copies at 120 E Hall, Oberlin, KS 67749.
There are questionable dates and names so be sure to check for alternative spellings.
Thanks to Luanne Henthorn for transcribing these.
Grooms List I-L
A-B | C-F | G-H | I-L | M-O | P-R | S-T | U-Z |
Groom's Last Name | Groom's First Name | Bride's Last Name | Bride's First Name | Marriage Date | Place |
Ingraham | Elias | Rosencranse | Hattie | Nov. 16, 1880 | Decatur Co. |
Ingram | Arthur C. | Cheney | Lilly M. | Feb. 12, 1908 | Oberlin |
Ingram | Howard | Brown | Dora | Dec. 25, 1893 | Oberlin |
Ingram | John D. | Hartman | Etta | Dec. 13, 1888 | Oberlin |
Ingrum | John D. | Hart | Etta | Dec. 13, 1888 | Oberlin |
Ireland | William | Stever | Ella A. | Aug. 9, 1882 | Oberlin |
Ireland | Zachariah | Vernon | Martha Alice | March 17, 1892 | Oberlin |
Irish | Perry S. | Noble | Clara M. | June 28, 1880 | |
Jackson | Burt | Wilson | LaVina | Apr. 1, 1903 | Shibboleth |
Jackson | David C. | Ellis | Rose | Sept. 28, 1898 | Shibboleth |
Jackson | Frank M. | Carlson | Emma Amelia | May 11, 1920 | Lund |
Jackson | George W. | Hunt | Nettie A. | Dec. 29, 1886 | Oberlin |
Jackson | J. E. Elmer | McClain | Eva | Apr. 23, 1902 | Oberlin |
Jackson | Lewis N. | Bechtoldt | Georgetta N. | Mar. 6, 1904 | Oberlin |
Jacobs | Raymond | Ritter | Rose | Oct. 21, 1924 | Leoville |
Jacobs | Robert E. | Van Wormer | Charlotte | Oct. 21, 1923 | Oberlin |
Jaderborg | Manny E. | Baxter | Lettie M. | Aug. 12, 1924 | Oberlin |
Jaderburg | Louis Peter | Vardstrum | Lizzie | Oct. 13, 1885 | Decatur Co. |
James | Wm. A. | Reeder | Elizabeth | Feb. 3, 1890 | |
Janousek | Fred | Rohr | Edyithe | Dec. 23, 1919 | Goodland |
Janousek | Joe | Urban | Annie | June 17, 1908 | Kanona |
Jansson | Frans C. | Foelrichs | Johanah M. | Oct. 26, 1887 | Oberlin |
Jeffers | Ray J. | Hudson | Mildred | Dec. 8, 1921 | Oberlin |
Jeffery | Henry | Sanderson | Ella | Aug. 5, 1903 | Oberlin |
Jeffrey | A. J. | Marcellus | Media | Oct. 1, 1884 | Decatur Co. |
Jellison | Charlie | Storey | Lucy F. | Oct. 10, 1898 | Oberlin |
Jenkins | Daniel J. | Saverel | Elen | Jan. 3, 1888 | Decatur Co. |
Jenkins | Dewey S. | Vaughn | Addie A. | May 2, 1920 | Oberlin |
Jenkins | Russell | McKay | Grace B. | Mar. 17, 1920 | Oberlin |
Jennings | Erle B. | Carper | Blanche B. | Nov. 15, 1906 | Jennings |
Jennings | Grover C. | Foth | Mary A. | Feb. 14, 1905 | Oberlin |
Jennings | I. B. | Butler | Viola M. | Nov. 11, 1880 | Jackson |
Jennings | Warren | Lindsey | M. A. | Oct. 6, 1896 | Jennings |
Jensen | Halvor | Gill | Ena | Feb. 26, 1924 | Oberlin |
Jensen | Henry C. | Richardson | Alice | Nov. 3, 1887 | Kanona |
Jenson | Alfred C. | Sexson | Lucy M. | Jan. 30, 1925 | Oberlin |
Jeppson | Harry Henry | Russ | Lillian Agnes | July 8, 1922 | Oberlin |
Jerram | George Alfred | Scott | Ruth Olive | Oct. 15, 1925 | Oberlin |
Jessup | Oliver H. | Vernon | Emma J. | Feb. 12, 1898 | Oberlin |
Johanson | Lars A. | Wiklund | Elisa B. | Feb. 14, 1888 | Oberlin |
Johnson | Aaron | Nglund | Hannah | April 15, 1888 | Oberlin |
Johnson | Adam M. | Linville | Mabel | Aug. 13, 1899 | Bassettville |
Johnson | Adolph G. | Brown | Lizzie M. | Sept. 5, 1906 | Oberlin |
Johnson | Alvia Eilert | Johnson | Florence Amy | Feb. 26, 1905 | Oberlin |
Johnson | Andrew | Shirley | Leota M. | Sept. 12, 1897 | Norcatur |
Johnson | Carl E. | Jorn | Lydia L. | Jan. 9, 1921 | Norcatur |
Johnson | Charles F. | Daggett | Viva P. | June 21, 1905 | Kanona |
Johnson | Charles H. | Awtry | Sarah E. | May 1, 1894 | Cedar Bluffs |
Johnson | Charles R. | Relph | Anna | Dec. 31, 1894 | Cedar Bluffs |
Johnson | Clyde R. | Cody | Jessie R. | Dec. 25, 1906 | Oberlin |
Johnson | Edward Herman | Redtfeldt | Daisy Maxine | May 5, 1923 | Oberlin |
Johnson | Fearl W. | Rouse | Lavina F. | Dec. 25, 1921 | Oberlin |
Johnson | Frank | McCune | Ida B. | Feb. 28, 1887 | Decatur Co. |
Johnson | Frank | Ketels | Lillie | Dec. 18, 1910 | Oberlin |
Johnson | G. O. | Van Sickle | Jesse B. | Feb. 10, 1892 | Oberlin |
Johnson | George R. | Ford | Ruby A. | Oct. 28, 1895 | Cedar Bluffs |
Johnson | Gilbert H. | Miller | Edna F. | May 29, 1924 | Oberlin |
Johnson | Gustave E. | Johnson | Emma M. | March 25, 1889 | Oberlin |
Johnson | Henry C. | Bechtoldt | Nellie M. | Oct. 15, 1902 | Oberlin |
Johnson | Isaac E. | Jackson | Martha | Aug. 12, 1894 | Oberlin |
Johnson | James | Daniel | Alseen | Nov. 20, 1923 | Oberlin |
Johnson | John A. | McChesney | Bessie C. | Dec. 26, 1923 | Oberlin |
Johnson | John W. | McKigham | Mary | Dec. 28, 1886 | Oberlin |
Johnson | Louis | Fox | Emma | March 3, 1895 | Oberlin |
Johnson | Nils | Carlson | Betsy | Feb. 6, 1889 | Decatur Co. |
Johnson | Oliver | Lundquist | Esther | Feb. 20, 1907 | Lund |
Johnson | Oscar | Landau | Mary D. | Sept. 25, 1904 | Kanona |
Johnson | Peter F. | Bolin | Amy | June 12, 1898 | Oberlin |
Johnson | Robert M. | Morton | Jennie | Feb. 10, 1887 | Oberlin |
Johnson | Simon | Dufford | Wauneta | Oct. 31, 1910 | Oberlin |
Johnson | Wardie E. | Carlson | Nettie A. | Feb. 5, 1908 | Bassettville |
Johnson | Warren F. | Miller | Cora A. | Dec. 25, 1895 | Decatur Co. |
Johnson | William S. | Shaw | Selula E. | Mar. 12, 1902 | Oberlin |
Johnson | William W. | Riggles | Cora J. | Dec. 25, 1888 | Decatur Co. |
Johnston | George L. | Bystrom | Katrina | Oct. 9, 1904 | Oberlin |
Johnston | J. Fred | Waldo | Mabel M. | June 26, 1918 | Oberlin |
Johnston | William W. | Williams | Julia M. | Apr. 29, 1900 | Norcatur |
Joiner | E. E. | Pelkey | Salina | Jan. 12, 1888 | Decatur Co. |
Jollison | William B. | Fraker | Annie | April 16, 1899 | Decatur Co. |
Jones | Benjamin K. | Lockhart | Wildie | Oct. 17, 1898 | Dresden |
Jones | Cecil Isaac | Jorn | Lydia L. | Oct. 25, 1920 | Oberlin |
Jones | Cedil Isaac | Haden | Frances | Oct. 25, 1920 | Oberlin |
Jones | Charles H. | Logan | Ida | Sept. 18, 1898 | Oberlin |
Jones | Glenn | Walling | Lizzie Josephine | Feb. 3, 1909 | Oberlin |
Jones | Guy | Wiggins | Fanny | Aug. 16, 1899 | Lyle |
Jones | Harry P. | Zwickle | Theresa | Dec. 3, 1902 | Oberlin |
Jones | John K. | Tolle | Nancy | April 7, 1889 | Decatur Co. |
Jones | Leon L. | Bacon | Florence A. | Aug. 20, 1907 | Oberlin |
Jones | N. E. | Archer | Susy | May 22, 1892 | Decatur Co. |
Jones | Robert J. | LsNotr | Frankie C. | Sept. 13, 1903 | Oberlin |
Jones | Ted | Matchell | Blanche | Jan. 3, 1924 | Oberlin |
Jones | Thomas E. | Caldwell | Mattie A. | Feb. 23, 1898 | Jennings |
Jones | William M. | McVoy | Mary A. | Nov. 22, 1892 | Oberlin |
Jones | William M. | McVoy | Mary A. | Nov. 22, 1892 | Oberlin |
Jordan | Charles H. | Reed | Emily | Nov. 27, 1895 | Oberlin |
Jordan | Joy L. | Berry | Flossie V. | Sept. 30, 1903 | Oberlin |
Jordan | Ray I. | Mount | Lena L. | Feb. 14, 1906 | Oberlin |
Jording | Ewald | Hoffbauer | Bertha | Apr. 3, 1921 | Oberlin |
Jording | Frederick H. | Unger | Thrasie | Sept. 3, 1899 | Oberlin |
Jording | George H. V. | May | Anna Dora M. S. | Feb. 25, 1897 | Traer |
Jording | John | Gabbert | Minnie | April 24, 1899 | Oberlin |
Jorn | Chris G. | Douglas | Esther | June 26, 1918 | Oberlin |
Jorn | George | Reager | Mary Olive | Apr. 7, 1909 | Norcatur |
Joslyn | Jay I. | Miller | Ruhama | Sept. 6, 1910 | Oberlin |
Juenemann | Alphens M. | Nauer | Susan | Jan. 10, 1924 | Selden |
Juenemann | Frederick A. | Kaus | Rosie A. | Feb. 13, 1923 | Leoville |
Jurey | Elvin F. | Brown | Goldie Thelma | Sept. 24, 1924 | Norcatur |
Jurling | Milton MS | Waldon | Minnie M. | Feb. 19, 1898 | Oberlin |
Jussel | Joseph B. | Vandervort | Grandola B. | Apr. 9, 1906 | Oberlin |
Kahlor | Leroy A. | Smith | Myrtle Pauline | Nov. 4, 1920 | Oberlin |
Kallark | Joseph F. | Tacha | Wynona R. | June 29, 1904 | Oberlin |
Kanies | August Bernard | O'Malley | Mary | May 25, 1921 | Leoville |
Karls | August J. | Robben | Josephine | Aug. 31, 1921 | Leoville |
Karls | John | Shageman | Anna | March 1, 1892 | Oberlin |
Karls | Michael J. | Zodrow | Theresa H. | May 2, 1922 | Leoville |
Karnes | C. L. | Decker | Minnie | Nov. 20, 1892 | Decatur Co. |
Karrer | Emil | Heiden | Almen M. | Nov. 19, 1886 | Oberlin |
Kasper | Charles | Fiala | Lillie | Apr. 3, 1911 | Oberlin |
Kasper | Charley | Rusica | Ida E. | Dec. 29, 1917 | Oberlin |
Kasper | Joseph | Mascheck | Mary A. | July 18, 1900 | Oberlin |
Kasper | Matt | Heilman | Minnie | Oct. 16, 1910 | Jennings |
Kathka | Gustave | Barrett | Lizzie B. | Sept. 11, 1907 | Traer |
Kathka | Julion A. | Barrett | Cora May | Oct. 27, 1909 | Traer |
Kathka | Paul Ben | Wielhelm | Mrs. Ethel | Apr. 5, 1922 | Oberlin |
Katzemeyer | M. | Thornell | Lydia | Sept. 19, 1889 | |
Kaufman | Lewis A. | Barnett | Sonia | Nov. 19, 1902 | Jennings |
Kaus | Frank | Meitel | Katie | Nov. 8, 1904 | Dresden |
Kaus | John | Moheing | Katie | Nov. 26, 1901 | Dresden |
Kaylor | Wesley L. | Teeter | Clara E. | March 1, 1893 | Oberlin |
Keenan | Roy | Ledvinka | Albina | Jan. 29, 1908 | Kanona |
Keenan | William | Henry | Emma | March 17, 1882 | Decatur Co. |
Keener | Hiram H. | Koehn | Elvira | May 16, 1893 | Jennings |
Keifer | Judson E. | Barr | Josie D. | Nov. 9, 1902 | Brides Res. |
Keiser | W. E. | Miller | Alli | Dec. 1, 1889 | Decatur Co. |
Keith | Edwin A. | Mallory | Alta E. | May 2, 1918 | Oberlin |
Keller | C. F. Jr. | Gaston | Gladys | Feb. 18, 1894 | Norcatur |
Keller | Charles F. Jr. | Mendenhall | Allie M. | Sept. 8, 1890 | Decatur Co. |
Keller | Charles F. Jr. | Menderhall | Allie M. | Sept. 3, 1890 | Decatur Co. |
Kelley | John A. | Keitman | Cecilia S. | June 10, 1907 | Oberlin |
Kelley | Vincent P. | Quinby | Maggie E. | May 10, 1902 | Oberlin |
Kellogg | William L. | Shan | Chlora | March 21, 1894 | Oberlin |
Kelly | Frank R. | Palmer | Vera | Apr. 4, 1924 | Oberlin |
Kelly | Prentice | Awtry | Gertrude E. | Aug. 5, 1925 | Oberlin |
Kendall | James A. | Harding | Nellie | Sept. 5, 1885 | Oberlin |
Kendrick | Edwin K. | Beardsley | Elizabeth R. | Dec. 26, 1905 | Oberlin |
Kennedy | Edgar F. | Colwell | Mabel | Apr. 2, 1924 | Oberlin |
Kennedy | Ernest A. | Johnson | Emily Isabella | Dec. 1, 1901 | Allison Twp. |
Kennedy | Francis G. | Nelson | Lydia C. | June 29, 1921 | Norcatur |
Kennedy | J. M. | Hickey | Anna M. | March 22, 1888 | Oberlin |
Kennedy | S. H. | Richardson | Fannie J. | May 4, 1890 | Decatur Co. |
Kennedy | Thomas | Bacon | Mattie | Sept. 17, 1887 | Decatur Co. |
Kennedy | Thomas J. | Larson | Anna E. | Apr. 12, 1903 | Pastor |
Kent | Ruffus A. | Maris | Mollie D. | June 10, 1887 | Oberlin |
Keogh | William J. | Hill | Nellie G. | July 4, 1924 | Oberlin |
Keplinger | John | Grefel | Rosie C. | Oct. 16, 1900 | Oberlin |
Keplinger | William E. | Hafner | Anna M. | Nov. 30, 1920 | Oberlin |
Kern Jr. | Adam | Brown | Lulu B. | Aug. 30. 1925 | Oberlin |
Kershner | Daniel M. | Charles | Lula C. | May 19, 1903 | Oberlin |
Kershner | George W. | Kane | Lola M. | Nov. 24, 1909 | Kanona |
Keys | Edward F. | Top | Mary Jane | Dec. 20, 1919 | Oberlin |
Kidwell | James | Coulter | Hattie May | Nov. 15, 1887 | |
Kiefer | James I. | Hawkins | Ethel | Sept. 3, 1924 | Oberlin |
Kightneier | Lewis A. | Clark | Letta G. | Dec. 25, 1902 | Clark's |
Kincaid | Charley E. | Mangold | Dora A. | Sept. 7, 1900 | Oberlin |
Kindig | L. E. | Taylor | Flora M. | June 20, 1888 | Decatur Co. |
King | Geo. R. | Bain | Dessa S. | Dec. 7, 1902 | Oberlin |
King | Jephthah Pitman | Kous | Edna Ethel | Feb. 22, 1905 | Norcatur |
King | John B. | Amen | Mabelle | Feb. 13, 1924 | Oberlin |
King | Otto W. | Graham | Sadie E. | March 1, 1887 | Lyle |
King | William H. | Thomas | Alise | June 30, 1910 | Oberlin |
Kingham | Arthur H. | Wolf | Mildred L. | Mar. 2, 1908 | Jennings |
Kingley | C. E. | Wayman | Mary E. | Oct. 23, 1901 | Oberlin |
Kinney | Harold B. | Milsted | Dorothy Pearl | June 30, 1925 | Oberlin |
Kintig | Joseph | Kiefer | Jennie | March 13, 1892 | |
Kious | Howard M. | Vernon | Delphia J. | Oct. 12, 1910 | Norcatur |
Kious | Silas A. | Brooks | Carrie E. | Sept. 18, 1898 | Norcatur |
Kious | William | Daugherty | Dora M. | Apr. 30. 1902 | Oberlin |
Kirk | Floyd D. | Spargun | Mary A. | Sept. 16, 1908 | Oberlin |
Kitzer | Frank | Ernst | Regina F. | Oct. 25, 1886 | |
Klein | Benjamin | Hinz | Olga | Oct. 3, 1925 | Oberlin |
Klein | Louis J. | Hayworth | Nona M. | Nov. 5, 1924 | Oberlin |
Kline | Samuel W. | Scott | Elsei M. | June 29, 1900 | Allison Twp. |
Knapp | Douglas M. | Brown | June Ettie | June 11, 1889 | Decatur Co. |
Knitig | Joseph Daniel | Dawson | Frances Elizabeth | Apr. 17, 1921 | Summit Twp. |
Knox | Walter Eugene | Frewen | Lucy | Jan. 12, 1910 | Norcatur |
Koehler | Don A. | Bobbitt | Ovanda R. | Sept. 7, 1910 | Oberlin |
Koehler | Johan P. | Conquest | Ina | March 30, 1898 | |
Koehler | John F. | Hartman | A. Katie | Oct. 30, 1887 | |
Koehn | Herman | Sowrey | Josephine F. | May 10, 1903 | Garfield Twp. |
Koehn | Rudolph C. | Keenam | Fannie M. | Mar. 22, 1905 | Oberlin |
Koeppe | Arthur S. | Davis | Pansy Jane | May 28, 1925 | Oberlin |
Koetter | Arthur E. | Lipper | Mary | Aug. 28, 1924 | Oberlin |
Koll | Mathus K. | Baker | Mary N. | Jan. 1, 1889 | Decatur Co. |
Kolsky | Ernest | Beneda | Bessie | Oct. 24, 1905 | Jennings |
Kolsky | Frank | Hudson | Hattie L. | June 5, 1899 | Oberlin |
Kolsky | George | Hegree | Emma I. | Feb. 8, 1920 | Oberlin |
Kolsky | Joseph | Spires | Grace | May 25, 1919 | Center Twp. |
Korb | Earl M. | Dubarllo | Mary A. | Aug. 29, 1904 | Oberlin |
Krack | Lennis | McCune | Sattie | Feb. 22, 1893 | |
Kreighbaum | O. A. | Atkinson | Elmira | May 4, 1887 | Decatur Co. |
Krider | Joseph H. | Anthony | Anna | Dec. 16, 1886 | Oberlin |
Krien | Louie | Schoup | Annie | Sept. 23, 1924 | Oberlin |
Krizek | Frank | Beeiver | Josa | Feb. 24, 1887 | Decatur Co. |
Krizek | Victor M. | Beneda | Pauline R. | Jan. 10, 1921 | Oberlin |
Krizek | William | Heilman | Olga M. | Nov. 14, 1923 | Oberlin |
Krizek Jr. | Frank | Fiala | Anna | Apr. 9, 1919 | Oberlin |
Kruse | Ben G. | Geisinger | Barbara C. | Oct. 14, 1919 | Leoville |
Kruse | James | Bresener | Louise | Nov. 15, 1885 | Decatur Co. |
Kubrichek | Frank C. | Burgess | Bernice | May 26, 1908 | Oberlin |
Kuhlman | Rudolph H. | Young | Eva F. | Nov. 17, 1909 | Oberlin |
Kump | Charles | Bumgarten | Celia | Feb. 5, 1902 | Oberlin |
Kump | George H. | Boynton | Ruth Esther | Dec. 23, 1919 | Oberlin |
Kump | George W. | Gabrielson | Mary | Aug. 29, 1899 | Oberlin |
Kump | John | Farris | Barbara | Dec. 28, 1892 | Oberlin |
Kump | Lee R. | Bobbitt | Hazel J. | Feb. 21, 1925 | Oberlin |
Lacey | M. L. | Bailey | Colista | May 20, 1886 | Colby |
Lain | Michaiel | Wangart | Catharen | Oct. 17, 1881 | Decatur Co. |
Lake | A. R. | Simpson | Sara | July 15, 1890 | Kanona |
Lake | Bert B. | Jordon | Nina | Mar. 22, 1905 | Oberlin |
Lake | Hoyt | Fraker | Eva Cq. | July 26, 1906 | Oberlin |
Lamb | Allen T. | Brown | Mollie S. | March 22, 1887 | |
Lamb | Richard P. | Rowley | Eliza | March 5, 1895 | Oberlin |
Lamhead | K. L. | Robinson | Lola B. | Dec. 10, 1893 | Oberlin |
Lancaster | Frank C. | Bivans | Eva M. | Aug. 7, 1899 | |
Lancy | Wm. H. | Caldwell | Sue E. | Nov. 10. 1886 | Oberlin |
Landau | Rell F. | Bobbitt | Ila A. | Feb. 20, 1920 | Oberlin |
Lane | Martin | Sharcross | Minnie K. | May 28, 1907 | Oberlin |
Lang | Henry | Fendenagel | Christina | Sept. 21, 1891 | Oberlin |
Lang | F. M. | Radcliffe | Callie | Apr. 17, 1901 | Oberlin |
Lang | Samuel C. | Hale | Gertrude | Feb. 25, 1900 | Norcatur |
Lang | William H. | Meek | Mary L. | Feb. 18, 1900 | Norcatur |
Lange | Arthur E. | Curley | Gertrude H. | Feb. 23, 1910 | Selden |
Langmade | William S. | Jolly | Maggie | Oct. 29, 1893 | Oberlin |
Langmade | William S. | Langmade | Maggie L. | Apr. 25, 1906 | Oberlin |
Lantz | Levi H. | Snyder | Emma | Jan. 26, 1910 | Oberlin |
Larrick | Isaiah E. | Espz | Adah A. | Oct. 2, 1899 | Oberlin |
Larsen | Henry | Cantrall | Delia | Jan. 3, 1924 | Oberlin |
Larson | J. O. | Josephene | Matilda | April 1, 1894 | Thornton |
Larson | John L. | Pearson | Anna M. | Sept. 12, 1885 | |
Larson | Lewis Alfonso | Grannell | Opal Lenora | Aug. 20, 1925 | Oberlin |
Larson | Otto Julius | Carlson | Tillie Sophia | June 15, 1892 | Oberlin |
Laskins | Calleb F. | Tofflemoyer | Clara B. | May 02, 1900 | Oberlin |
Latham | Charles | Huddle | Lucy M. | Apr. 22, 1908 | Oberlin |
Latimer | Dick | Oeoback | Maud E. | Sept. 6, 1903 | Grant Twp. |
Law | C. H. | Johnson | Martha | Jan. 12, 1897 | Oberlin |
Law | Charles H. | Taylor | Lillie L. | Nov. 2, 1895 | Oberlin |
Lawhead | Josephus | Myers | Mary E. | Feb. 14, 1894 | Oberlin |
Lawrence | A. W. | Pecket | Martha C. | Oct. 20, 1886 | Decatur Co. |
Lawrence | Frank L. | Crannell | Nellie | Aug. 22, 1894 | Oberlin |
Lawrence | Harry | Castor | Maud | March 26, 1894 | Norcatur |
Lawrence | William H. | Johnson | Ethel | Apr. 5, 1924 | Oberlin |
Lawrence | Wm. A. | Frazier | Martha E. | Oct. 9, 1895 | Oberlin |
Lawson | Ed | Duncan | Ida | May 04, 1904 | Norcatur |
Lawver | Samuel E. | Koon | Beulah M. | Apr. 30, 1923 | Oberlin |
Layton | Charles | Hickman | Lillie H. | Sept. 29, 1892 | Norcatur |
Leake | Robert | Crichton | Nettie | Feb. 14, 1893 | Oberlin |
Lee | Joseph A. | Lee | Mary E. | Aug. 23, 1905 | Oberlin |
Lee | Odie C. | McCrae | Mary J. | Dec. 28, 1898 | Oberlin |
Lehman | Glenn J. | Diehl | Jennie May | July 31, 1922 | Oberlin |
Leibbrandt | Gustav A. | Kautz | Lydia | Feb. 11, 1925 | Oberlin |
Leiberknecht | Willhelm | Sieloff | Augusta | April 1, 1888 | Allison |
Leichliter | John | Noris | Thrusey | March 27, 1888 | Oberlin |
Leihterwalter | Harry A. | Thim | Denna | Sept. 16, 1903 | Oberlin |
Leinter | Math | Wudtke | Hattie | Oct. 14, 1908 | Herndon |
Leitner | George | Dakan | Blanche | Jan. 3, 1923 | Decatur Co. |
Lemon | George F. | Courtright | Rosa | Oct. 10, 1892 | Oberlin |
Lenon | Clinton D. | Diehl | Myrtle B. | Mar. 28, 1906 | Oberlin |
Lent | Marion A. | Harrison | Ollie E. | July 10, 1920 | Oberlin |
Leonard | James F. | Tompkins | Emma F. | Sept. 7, 1887 | Decatur Co. |
Leonard | Thomas E. | Cronn | Mildred E. | July 15, 1924 | Oberlin |
Leslie | Abijah | Harvey | Edith | Dec. 28, 1893 | Oberlin |
Lindlar | Wm. | Hansen | Alice | Feb. 17, 1890 | Oberlin |
Linn | Aaron | Marcuson | Hilda M. | Aug. 3, 1910 | Dresden |
Lipsey | Edward A. | Rothmoyer | Tracy E. | June 26, 1912 | Oberlin |
Lipskey | Albert H. | Alexander | Leona | Sept. 16, 1924 | Norcatur |
Lister | James W. Jr. | Williams | Mary E. | June 19, 1899 | Oberlin |
Litton | Ira D. | Harmon | Viola L. | June 06, 1900 | Nr. Kanona |
Littrel | Robert M. | Wehrman | Minnie | Oct. 27, 1887 | Oberlin |
Litwiller | Joseph B. | Birky | Barbara | Oct. 9, 1888 | Decatur Co. |
Livingston | F. | Stiner | Belle | Dec. 20, 1891 | Oberlin |
Livingston | Hoarce | Dayton | Margaret | Aug. 17, 1903 | Oberlin |
Lock | Benjamin T. | Hoppes | Clara C. | Aug. 9, 1894 | Dresden |
Lockhart | E. E. | Bolin | May | March 20, 1892 | Decatur Co. |
Lodge | James D. | Druillinger | Lillie M. | Dec. 13, 1894 | Oberlin |
Lofton | Burton W. | Guinn | Gladys Ona | May 1, 1920 | Oberlin |
Lofton | Robert L. | Simmons | Myrtle | Nov. 25, 1908 | Oberlin |
Logan | Clyde | Maggard | Anna C. | Apr. 12, 1905 | Oberlin |
Logan | D. S. | Dochow | Minnie E. | Jan. 1, 1900 | Oberlin |
Logan | James | Hendricks | Mary M. | April 14, 1897 | Harlan Twp. |
Lohoefener | Oscar F. | Jorgensen | Sina F. | Nov. 24, 1910 | Oberlin |
Lone | John E. | Hayward | Jennie T. | Dec. 6, 1885 | Decatur Co. |
Long | Wilbur E. | Holler | Lillie May | Feb. 12, 1899 | |
Lorvey | Alonzo | Welch | Mary E. | April 21, 1896 | Oberlin |
Losh | Icy E. | Gordon | Cora M. | July 26, 1899 | Decatur Co. |
Loub | Frank | Mazanek | Eva | Apr. 10, 1900 | Jennings |
Louden | John F. | Wallace | Elizabeth | Sept. 5, 1898 | Oberlin |
Love | William G. | Welton | Hattie A. | Aug. 27, 1911 | Oberlin |
Love | Wm. R. | Park | Amanda E. | Feb. 7, 1886 | Decatur Co. |
Lowry | Clarence A. | Foster | Dolpha J. | May 20, 1900 | Dresden |
Lowry | John H. | Baldwin | Emma S. | June 04, 1903 | Dresden |
Loy | Ackey V. | Hull | Hattie M. | Dec. 24, 1898 | Oberlin |
Loyd | Alonzo B. | Scott | Sarah E. | Nov. 12, 1905 | Clayton |
Lundlberg | Alfred | Kavack | Ettie | March 27, 1890 | Logan Twp. |
Lundquist | John | Rydquist | Ruth | Aug. 16, 1909 | Oberlin |
Lunkenheimer | Lawrence | Brant | Ida | Nov. 4, 1888 | Decatur Co. |
Luttrell | J. W. | Bradley | Hattie | Jan. 4, 1881 | Oberlin |
Lynd | James G. | Omera | Nellie | June 26, 1888 | |
Lyon | Harry B. | Davidson | Estella C. | Jan. 22, 1897 | Oberlin |
Lyons | Alfred J. | Vanpelt | Geraldine M. | Dec. 25, 1895 | |
Lytle | Albert | Allen | Pearl | Mar. 17, 1924 | Oberlin |
Lytle | Frank H. | Shaw | Mira A. | April 5, 1899 | Oberlin |
Lytle | Talbot V. | Campbell | Blanch L. | Dec. 13, 1924 | Oberlin |
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