Belle Moser
Oberlin Herald 21Apr1932 Page 1

"Mrs. D. C. Moser Dies In Kansas City
"Succumbed To Throat Infection Following Attack of Pneumonia
"Oberlin people were grieved to hear Friday morning of the death of Mrs. D.
C. Moser the evening before at St. Mary's Hospital in Kansas City.  She was
apparently on the road to recovery from an attack of pneumonia as the Herald
stated in last week's issue when an infection of the throat developed and in
her weakened condition she could not withstand the attack.
"Belle Moser, the oldest of a family of nine children, was born in New
Market, Iowa, October 12, 1854, where she grew to womanhood.
"She married D. C. Moser in 1879 and moved to Kansas the same year.  They
brought with them to Oberlin a small stock of groceries and the first issue
of the Oberlin Herald dated June 19,1879 carries this significant paragraph
in its write up of the business men of Oberlin:  'Messrs. D. C. Moser & Co.
have recently opened a new stock of Family Groceries, and keep in connection
therewith a restaurant, where a square meal may always be had by paying for
it.'  This restaurant really came into being because of Mrs. Moser's ability
as a bread baker.  For a time after their arrival in Oberlin their covered
wagon located on the present location of the United Telephone building was
both store and home.
"Later Mr. Moser and his brother were in the hardware business erecting the
two story brick building now occupied by Haves & Son.
"Mr. Moser was also interested in the breeding of purebred livestock and was
one of the first to introduce Hereford cattle to Decatur county.
"Mrs. Moser knew the joy of sacrificial service.  She lost herself in the
lives of her children.  After the death of Mr. Moser and the children were
married and moved away she lived in her home alone.  She loved her modest
little home where she had years ago set out the trees and had given the
personal touch to everything about the place.  Only occasionally could her
children coax her away from her home for a visit with them.  It was on one
of these infrequent visits she contracted her last sickness.
"She was active until the last.  Someone has said that her greatest
characteristic was her gameness.  She had faith in herself and always
believed that things would be alright.  Her cheerfulness under any and all
conditions was also proverbial, and she loved to meet and talk with people.
"Mrs. Moser became a member of the Presbyterian church many years ago. 
Those left to mourn are her children and their companions; Mr. and Mrs. A.
W. Stickle, Dallas Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moser, Kansas City and Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Heren, Kansas City; five grandchildren; three sisters in
Washington; one brother in Iowa and a brother in Florida besides many
friends in the vicinity of Oberlin.
"Funeral services were conducted at the Oberlin Presbyterian church Sunday
afternoon.  In the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. D. Bowles of the Federated
church preached the sermon.  Burial in the Moser lot in the Oberlin
"She will be truly missed by many Oberlin people."

Submitted by: Jane Mason