Clarence Arthur McCARTY
Newspaper unknown - 1911   
Passed Away at Home of Mother in Lebanon, Nebraska
Was Well Known and Highly Respected by All. Cancer of the Liver Cause of Untimely Death

Clarence Arthur McCarty
died Tuesday (Aug.) of this week at the home of his mother in Lebanon, Nebraska after a sickness which was not thought serious until a few weeks ago. Since the fatal disease has been known those who knew him best could see that he had been failing in general health since his return from Colorado Springs about two years ago. When the sudden change came he was advised by local physicians to go to a hospital or sanitarium. This he attempted to do and was taken to Lebanon, Nebraska, by David Coulter in his auto about two weeks ago from where he expected to go to Holdrege where special treatment could be had in hopes of permanent relief. Here he was taken suddenly worse and was unable to get farther. He was confined to his bed the day he reached his mother's home, from which time he failed rapidly until the end come. During the last week of his sickness he was fully cognizant of the fact that the end was near and made arrangements, in detail, for the closing up of his business matters and for his funeral service and burial. Being a member of the M. E. church of this city his special request that Rev. W. E. Scott preach the funeral service, and that the Methodist choir of this city furnish the music for the service which marked the last tribute of respect to his remains and that his true and trusted friends with whom he had worked and associated while here serve as pall bearers; were followed out as far as could be done. Complying with this wish three auto loads driven by David Coulter, S. A. Fish and Mr. Carter of Cedar Bluffs, left Oberlin Wednesday noon and reached Lebanon in time to attend and conduct the funeral service at 2 p. m. Rev. Scott preached a splendid sermon appealing to the living to have the life so plainly marked out in the Holy Writ, and which would prepare them to meet the test on the great final day; the conditions of which had been so nobly met by this departed brother.
The music was furnished by a quartet composed of Misses Angie McMullen and Sylvia Vernon, Frank Smith and L. M. Parker, Miss Bertha Steele, accompanist. Forest Redman, Jay Paddock, George McMullen, Frank Smith, S. A. Fish and L. M. Parker acting as pall bearers.
The deceased was born in Jackson county, Iowa July 18th, 1878 and came with his parents to Decatur county Kansas in October 1879. He grew to manhood in Decatur county and developed manhood and character, the result of elevating environments and splendid parentage. On the 23rd day of October 1898 he was married to Bessie Pearl Vernon and to them two children were born. Fern aged 12 and Kenneth 1 year of age. They moved to Oberlin in 1905 where they have resided since. The same year he was converted and united with the M. E. church of this city and clung to the faith until the message "Well done thou good and faithful servant" was heard.
The esteem in which he was held by those who knew him was best demonstrated by the many friends who crowded the M. E. church of that city to show their appreciation of the departed for the splendid life he had lived.
A true and trusted friend; a kind and tender father; a loving and affectionate husband has passed away. We are again reminded of the uncertainty of life. The grave awaits us all, and every step we take in life leads toward the rivers brink. Life, at best, is but a span and the end, of all that is mortal, is near at hand. When sorrow comes and all seems dark, what joy to look beyond the gloom and see a light where souls live on and on through endless day. There is no death. What we call death is but an epoch in our spiritual lives, to measure character, to separate the good and bad, a natural and fitting climax to the mortal man. What consolation to the bereaved wife and loved ones to know that Clarence was able to meet the test, and that in a few more years they will meet again and know as they were known.
Luanne L. Henthorn