D.C. Moser
Oberlin Herald 13Mar1913 Page 5
"D. C. Moser Dead
"It is with profound regret that we announce this week the death of our
friend and popular citizen, D. C. Moser, who died at his home in Oberlin on
Monday morning at 11 a.m. of acute inflammation of the stomach and heart
"Deceased was born in Lucas county, Iowa, Nov. 15, 1855.  Was 57 years, 3
months and 25 days old at the time of his death.  He was married to Belle
Mason on February 27, 1879, and they at once started for Kansas arriving
here March 23 of the same year, settling in Oberlin and he has been one of
the most active and prosperous business men that was ever in the city.
"He has been in several different kinds of business but of late years was
principally engaged in farming and raising stock.  He for years has been one
of the heaviest feeders that operated in this part of the state.  He was a
good judge of all kinds of stock and kept the best.
"He had been frequently honored by his neighbors with positions of trust and
had ever fulfilled these duties with fidelity and satisfaction to all.
"For a number of years he had been troubled with stomach trouble and this at
last sapped his strength and caused his death.
"The funeral was held at the home on Tuesday where a large concourse of
friends assembled to pay their last token of respect to one they had known
so long and loved so well.  Rev. J. T. Clark pronouncing a most touching and
appropriate eulogy upon his life and character.
"He leaves a wife, one son, Floyd of Kansas City, two daughters, Mrs. Ruby
Stickle of Oklahoma City and Miss Iva, who is still at home, one brother,
Grant Moser, living at Seattle , Wash., one at Kansas City, Ed Moser, and E.
E. Moser of Omaha Nebr., and one sister, Mrs. J. H. Humphreys of Bedford,
Iowa, all being present at the funeral except the one from Seattle.
"D. C. Moser was one of Oberlin's most respected business men and his loss
will be deeply felt by the entire city.  His place will be hard to fill.  He
was still a young man and should have lived many years yet.  He was needed
by his family and entire community."

Submitted by: Jane Mason