Sheldon Hamilton McCLAURY
Oberlin Eye Jan 16, 1908


  Sheldon Hamilton McClaury was born in Delaware County, New York, October 14, 1828, and died at his home in Oberlin Tuesday, January 14, 1908, aged 79 years and 3 months.

  He came west early in life, and enlisted in an Illinois infantry regiment April 14, 1861, being one of  the first to respond to his country�s call. He re-enlisted in Cogswell�s Battery, 2nd Illinois light artillery, where he received a lieutenant�s commission and  was not mustered out of the service until August, 1865, serving 4 years and 4 months.

  Shortly after his return he was married in Illinois, in October, 1865, to Miss Jennie Payne. Ten children, seven daughters and three sons, were born to them, who are now living.

  The family moved to Kansas in 1876, first settling in Smith county. They then came to Decatur county in 1881 where they have since resided. The older children, Mmes. J.H. Rice, Fred Pratt, and A. R. Quintard, of Kensington, Mmes. Henry Wood and E.M. Turner of Norton, Misses Mattie and Minnie McClaury of Smith Center and Harry McClaury of  Cheyenne county arrived in Oberlin some days before their father�s death, and with the two younger children, Roy and Eugene, who are living here were with him in his last hours. Dr. Turner, and Messrs. Pratt, Quintard, Rice and Wood were present at the funeral.

  Mr. McClaury was on of the good men of Decatur county, was at one time county commissioner and held the respect and esteem of all who knew him. He was a faithful husband, a loving father and a kind a generous neighbor.

  The funeral was held at the Christian church Wednesday afternoon at two o�clock, Rev. F.C. Everitt conducting the service. The church was filled by old friends and neighbors of the deceased.

 Submitted by Walt Jones