William Charles McGonigal
Oberlin Herald Feb 7, 1901


W.C. McGonigal of Logan township died on Wednesday morning, aged 72 years. Mr. McGonigal  has been a resident of Decatur county for nearly twenty years. We first met him some fifteen years ago, when he was deputy county surveyor; the same fall he was a candidate for surveyor, but was defeated by a Mr. Jameson, who lived in the southeast corner of the county. Mr. Jameson never did any work and resigned the next spring, and Mr. McGonigal was appointed by the Governor. About this same time he was attacked with the rheumatism and he sent for us an (sic) appointed us his deputy, and we did the work for him while his time lasted. The next fall he went before the Republican convention and secured our nomination for the place; at this time he was deputy clerk of the district court, under J.E. Babcock. He was a native of Indiana; (edit note, he was born in Butler County OH) had been an old soldier and was Adjutant of the 12th Ind. Cavalry and seen active service for over four years. While in the army, stationed at Murfersboro, Tennessee, he edited and published a newspaper that had quite a circulation in the army and was racy and interesting to both soldiers and civilians. About four years ago, Mr. McGonigal was taken sick and had not been able to be around since that time; for the last two years he has been confined to his bed all the time. We visited him at intervals and he always appeared glad to see us but could talk but little. In his younger  days, he was a successful businessman and was always a pleasant companion and had many friends. He was buried in the Oberlin cemetery on Thursday by the Masonic Lodge of Oberlin, of which he had been a member  almost since its organization. It is hoped that he has gone to that beautiful country where wars and sickness, pain and death never come.


Oberlin Eye Feb 14, 1901

  The death of W.C. McGonigal last week, while not unexpected, brought sadness to many hearts. Mr. McGonigal was an old settler of Decatur county and was a man of more than usual mental requirements.

He was at one time a printer and all around newspaper man, and was an employee in a number of offices at various times. He was, in �84, one of the office force of this paper. He was about seventy two years old and was an old soldier. The Masons, of which order he had long been a member, took charge of the burial. The death occurred on Wednesday, the 6th inst., and the funeral service was held at the home, Rev. Banta preaching the sermon.


Oberlin Eye Feb, 14, 1901

J.B. McGonigal came to Oberlin last week called hither by the death of his brother, W.C.

 Submitted by Walt Jones   waltrjones@omnicast.net