Augustus C. Townsend
Early pioneer of Decatur County, 1876.

Information and picture were submitted by Diana Hart

Catherine Hoffman Townsend
Wife of Augustus C. Townsend
Early Pioneer, 1876

Information and picture were submitted by Diana Hart


Children of Augustus Townsend children, 1913
L-R: Kathryn Bark, Thomas Bark, Ethel Bark,
       Augusta Townsend Bark, Martha Townsend, Geo. Townsend

Information and picture were submitted by Diana Hart


Charles and Ilona Milborn Townsend
married October 25, 1888, Oberlin, KS
son of Augustus Townsend

Information and picture were submitted by Diana Hart


Townsend Farm
Harlan Twp. 1910
L-R:  Unknown, Charles Townsend, Unknown, Charlie Wiggens, Earl Townsend

Information and picture were submitted by Diana Hart


Charles Townsend Family
Taken 1907
front seat:  Charles and Ilona Townsend, baby Densel
back seat:  Effie, Viva and Henrietta Townsend
behind wagon:  Ilona Sparling Milborn (mother of Ilona Townsend)

Information and picture were submitted by Diana Hart

Walter and Effie Townsend Hale
Wedding October 9, 1907

Information and picture were submitted by Diana Hart


Charles E. Townsend Home
Harlan Twp.1910.
L-R:  Densel Townsend, Henrietta Townsend, Dale Townsend

Information and picture were submitted by Diana Hart

Mildred Townsend
taken about 1925
Saughter of Charles and Ilona Townsend

Submitted by
Diana Hart

Carper Family

Information and picture were submitted by Kris Anne Townsend


Judd Emery Carper 1899-1947 d. Jennings, Decatur Co. KS, spouse Clara May Tacha
Blanche Carper Jennings 1888-1965 , d. Jennings, Decatur Co. KS, spouse Earl Jennings
Angie Townsend Studebaker
Glen Carper
 1894-1960, spouses Mabel Tacha, Christina Randall
Otto Edward Carper 1902-1975 d. Jennings, Decatur Co. KS, spouse Irene Gallatin
Everett William Carper 1886-1955, d. Decatur Co. KS spouse Fannie Bloomer
Mamie Carper Hale, 1896-unknown , spouse Carl Hale
Jessie Carper Haresnape, 1891-1968, spouse Lee Haresnape

Sitting is their Mother - Nancy Belle Townsend Carper 1863-1940 d. Jennings, Decatur Co. KS.  Wife of Charles Edward Carper 1861-1920 d. Jennings, Decatur Co. KS.  He was the son of  William Everton Carper and Rebecca Clay Tiller.