Cedar Bluffs Memories
Pictures and stories from the Cedar Bluffs area, Beaver Township
Because of the gracious sharing of Kathy Godgluck we are given this wealth of information. Kathy is the great granddaughter of Harry and Fannie Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy was the well known banker of Cedar Bluffs. Kathy is in possession of what we are all envious of; memoir books, photo albums, postcards, handwritten notes, and letters of her great grandmother, Fannie Kennedy. The picture album that she is sharing these pictures from is very extensive (40 pages) and all have be referenced three times. First by her great grandmother, then by her grandmother, and also by her mother. Kathy we can't thank you enough for taking your time to scan, email, and snail all this wonderful information so that ALL of us can share in your treasure chest of gold.
War I Draft Registration from Beaver Township 1917
Scene of Cedar Bluffs taken late 1890's or early 1900's
Bluffs Bank Pictures 1910 and Present
Banker and & Wife Harry and Fannie Kennedy
New Editor And His Bow to the Public (Taken from the
first issue of the Beaver Valley Booster Newspaper..August 17, 1910)
of Harry S. Kennedy (Taken from A Standard History of Kansas
and Kansans, written and compiled by William E. Connelley)
Family Birthday Gathering
Bros Garage 1910-1916 and Prsent
Bluffs Community Men (Wonderful picture of men of the
Not many small towns or their residences have had a book written about them but Cedar Bluffs, Kansas can boost of not one but two. Ralph Moody, author of Little Britches, spent over two years in the community between 1917-1920. Later in 198? he wrote two books, The Dry Divide and Horse of a Different Color, about his years in Beaver Township. These books are a "must" to read for those of you who are researching in this township and county. Moody wrote these books for a story so they can not be called non-fiction but many of the names mentioned are actual, others have been changed to protect the innocent, and then there are others that are just there for the ride. In the books that Kathy has, her great grandmother and grandmother have made notes and comments about the people and events in the books
Below is a handwritten sheet detailing what is written on the back and around the sides in the Photo Album. This album is in the possession of Kathy Godgluck who was so kind to transcribe this information for us.
Then around 1910
As it looked in the Spring of 2001
Bones-The Banker and & Wife
Harry and Fannie in 1940 on their 50th wedding anniversary
Kennedy Family Birthday Gathering
These were owned by Harry S. and wife, Fannie (Sarah Francis Richardson) Kennedy. They also owned the bank, Beaver Valley Booster Newspaper and other properties.
The old twisted cedar was an important part of the social activities surrounding Cedar Bluffs. Lucy Kennedy Witham writes: "still standing with many of our initials cut in the bark." Roberta Witham LeRoy writes: "Best of all were all the picnics up on the bluffs with fried chicken, homemade ice cream and all kinds of food, playing games and exploring the caves under the old twisted cedar."
Pictured are Mamie Witham and Irene R. a teacher at Valley View School
The following picture, an oil painting, done by Stella Richardson Witham,
District 30
Taken in part from On May 17, 1880 school district #30 was formed. The first school was held in the old Fort. This being a sod building built for protection from the Indians. People gathered here in case of Indian raids or scares. The second building was a frame two room structure built in 1885. The third school building is the one you see below. |
This school house burned down in the 1980's.
Date of Picture below unknown.
Certificate for Excellence in Spelling for Ernest Rickets.
Cedar Bluffs
Harry Witham and Shelby Witham owned this garage. The picture was taken sometime between 1910-1916. Later it was Jack McCurdy's store and cafe.
As it looked in the Spring of 2001