District No. 9 Hooker

Taken in part from 
The History of the School Districts of 
Decatur County, Kansas
compiled and completed
by Katie B. Cornell, July

School District 9 was formed December 17, 1879 with the first school district meeting held January 8, 1880.  The school was given the name of Hooker derived from a post office located there by that name.

The first school building was a one room sod building with a willow roof and dirt floor.  The seats were long benches without back rests.  The next building was built about 1894 and was a one room frame building with a coal house.   This building was still being used in 1940.


Teacher: Jenne Barnard

We have two of these cards and would be glad to share one with someone if you have family listed on the card.


March 6, 1907


Teacher:  Jessie R. Miller