Walnut Grove School 
District 57
Oberlin Township

Taken in part from

 The History of the School Districts of 
Decatur County, Kansas
compiled and completed
by Katie B. Cornell, July

School District Number 57 was formed November 5, 1885.  This district lies just west of District #1 Oberlin.  The first school house was a one room frame school building built in 1885 with one room being added on since. The school has advanced in the amount of studies taught, and in the mode of teaching, but not in the amount of pupils attending.  As no school was held in the district the past year (1939), but school will be held the coming year, with an enrollment of 3 pupils.  Mostly beginners.  There has been three generations of one of the patrons of the district attending this school.

Picture owned by LaMoine and Gary Guinn

Front row: Ola Muller, Cort Muller, Emma Pollnow, Florence Muller, Otis Muller, Bernice Pollnow, Martha Muller, Otto Pollnow, Everett Pollnow, and Myron Pollnow

Back row: Hattie Pollnow, Gladys Muller, Clarence Muller, Hugo Pollnow, Surelda Bromblette--Teacher, Ina McDowell, Art Schultz, Fred Fowler
