Traer Memories

Pictures and stories from the Traer area, Finley Township

 Names and birth dates of friends and neighbors of Elizabeth Schreiber 1910

 Rebecka Lodge Hall  1926

 The Bramer Family

 Traer Schools

 Traer Ladies Group

 Early Days of Traer

Traer Plat Map

German Lutheran Church

Traer Community taken circa 1945



Names and birth dates of friends and neighbors of Elizabeth Schreiber in Traer around 1910.  This information was shared by Jean Kershaw.  Jean is a granddaughter of Elizabeth Schreiber and has her grandmother's memory book from which this information was taken.  Elizabeth was born in 1891 in Traer.  Jean writes,  "The pages on the inside that are printed are in German and says �printed in Germany� on the frontispiece, no date so it must�ve been before the copy write laws.  I hope somebody finds this of interest.  It is a treasure to me, along with her old handwritten recipe notebook, which she called her �receipt book�."

Thank you Jean for sharing. 

Louisa Wesch January 1895 Eva Maisel February 1891
Herman Antholz February 1881 Virginia Schreiber February 1905
Bertha Jording February August Wesch February 1864
John Oster February 1889 Walter Maisel March
Lulu Steinhauer March 1893 John Aikman March 1893
Emma Smith March 1893 Leonard Phinney April 1902
George Wesch April 1907 Carl Unger April 1902
Arnold Wesch April 1902 Susie Lightner May 1892
Annie Wesch May 1871 Loretta Parrish May 1879
Nettie Koryta June 1893 Elizabeth Wurm July 1890
Peter Wesch August 1898 Nellie Shortridge August 1897
Mrs. Lawrence Leitner    August Lurleen Davis August 1901
August Schreiber August 1865 Elma Cochran September 1876
Effie McCartney September 1893 Lavina Weathers September 1863
John Leitner September 1890 Lizzie Unger September 1871
Lydia Unger September 1898 James Koryta September 1897
Maggie Walker October 1892 Paul Nitsch October 1884
Bertha Wesch November 1904 John Maisel November 1875
Etta Wesch November 1892 John Maisel November 1883
Matthew Unger November 1869 Louisia Amelia Schreiber  December 1909
John Leitner December 1890 George Cochran December 1875
Bertha Carlson December 1909


On the Back of the Picture it reads

Rebecka Lodge Hall


Blanch Bushnell, Verna Walton, Mrs. Mame McCartney, Mrs. Harshman, Viola Porterfield, Virinda Porterfield, Elizabeth Wurm, Hazel Harshman, Verna Hinze, Susie Demmer, Doris McCartney, Clara Carlisle.



The Bramer Family

If you have information about this family or can put names to them please email the County Coordinator! I know that they lived just south of Traer.


Courage  Unselfishness  Faith  Modesty  Endurance

Verna Walton--Elizabeth Wurm--Virinda Porterfield

Gladys McCartney--Elsie Humes


Traer Plat Map



German Lutheran Church

This was the earliest church in Traer and was built in 1904 and used until 1917.  The first board consisted of Daniel Stimbert, John Meixner Sr., Lorenz Leitner, Paul Haas, and August Wesch.

Early members in the congregation included the families of John Meixner Sr., Andreas Wurm, Daniel Stimbert, Julius Kathka, August Wesch, Jake Wesch, George Thir, Paul Haas Sr., Lorenz Leitner, Paul Leitner Sr., and John Herzog.

The building sat near the north end of the main street and was torn down in 1918 by John Kronberger.  


Traer Community taken circa 1945