Information from the Solomon, Dickinson Co. 1915 Census

This Census was transcribed in June of 1997 by Robin DeJarnett. It was transcribed from microfilm K-68 for 1915, borrowed from the Kansas State Historical Society. I have made every attempt to transcribe the information exactly as it appears in the census, including any spelling errors and mis-alignment errors (i.e. military record info). I believe this transcription is complete except for columns 1-5 on pages 3 and 4 of schedule 1 (population). If you have any questions, I would encourage you to view the original microfilm for yourself. I do not have any original information.

I have tried to index every surname to make it easier for you to find your family. I hope that you find this information useful.

Robin DeJarnett,

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Index of Surnames

The 1915 Kansas Census for Solomon, Dickinson County:

Return to the Dickinson County KSGenWeb page

County Clerk's Statement


County of Dickinson,

I, H.W. King, County Clerk for the County of Dickinson, State of Kansas, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original return of the enumeration of inhabitants and all other statistical information taken by J. W. Henderson, the assessor of Solomon city, in said county, for the year 1915, and returned to me, for the use of the Stat Board of Agriculture and that I have carefully examined the said return, and find it to be correct, full and complete, to the best of my knowledge and belief, and in accordance with the requirements of the headings of the foregoing schedules and columns, and that the footings of said columns are correct.

Given under my hand and official seal, this 4th day of May 1915.

H. W. King County Clerk

Instructions to the Assessor

To the Assessor:

The Decennial state census is required by law to be taken this year (1915) as of March 1. It is the duty of the State Board of Agriculture to supervise this, and the careful collection of required data is a part of each assessor's work.

List of schedules in this book, which, under the law, MUST BE FILLED:

  1. Population.
  2. Agriculture.
  3. Creameries, Condesaries, and Cheese Factories.
  4. Schools.
  5. Libraries.
  6. Churches.
  7. Newpapers.
  8. Deaf Mute, Blind, Idiotic, and Insane.
  9. Pauperism and Crime.

In the return of live stock (Schedule 2) include animals of ALL AGES. Those under six months are not taxable, but should be counted in this enumeration.

This report has nothing whatever to do with assessment of property for taxation.

Should information be refused by persons expected to be best posted, the law says you shall bet it elsewhere, "from the most reliable sources." As a last resort, this may mean you.

For digest of laws relating to the collection of these statistics, see inside back cover of this book.

J.C. Mohler, Secretary State Board of Agriculture. February, 1915.

Schedule 1: Population

Column headings include:

  1. Owned or Rented
  2. Free or Mortgaged
  3. Farm or House
  4. Dwelling - house - numbered in order of visitation
  5. Families, in order of visitation
  6. Name of every person whose place of abode on the 1st day of March 1915 was in this family
  7. Age at last birthday; if under 1 year give Months; thus 3M
  8. Sex
  9. Color White (W), Black (B), Mulato (M), Chinese (C), Indian (I)
  10. Place of birth naming state or territory of United States, or country if foreign birth
  11. Where from to Kansas, naming state or territory of United States or country if foreign
  12. Profession, occupation or trade of each person male or female 10 years old or over
  13. No. of months unemployed [none reported]
  14. Attended school within the year [none reported]
  15. Persons 10-15 years of age who cannot read or write [none reported]
  16. Persons 15-21 years of age who cannot read or write [none reported]
  17. Persons 21 years of age and over who cannot read or write [none reported]
  18. No. of volumes in Home Libraries (containing 20 or more volumes, exclusive of school books) [none reported]

Military Records Column Headings:

  1. Honorably Discharged from the volunteer military service of the U.S.
  2. Name of state in which enlisted
  3. Letter of company or command
  4. No. of regiment or other organization to which attached
  5. Arm of service: Infantry (I), Calvary (C), Artillery (A), Navy (N)
  6. Name of prison in which confined as a Prisoner of War, if any

Select the page of the census you would like to view:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Schedule 2: General Statistics relating to Production of Agriculture, etc.

Column headings include:

  1. Name of Producer and Owner
  2. Pounds made of Cheese in families for year ending March 1, 1915 [none reported]
  3. Pounds made of Butter in families for year ending March 1, 1915
  4. Value of milk sold during the year to skimming stations, creameries, condensaries or cheese factories (none reported)
  5. Value of milk sold other than to skimming stations, creameries, condensaries or cheese factories
  6. Number of Cream Separators [none reported]
  7. Number of Silos [none reported]
  8. Number of Tractors [none reported]
  9. Pounds of honey produced during year ending March 1, 1915 [none reported]
  10. Pounds of wax produced during year ending March 1, 1915 [none reported]
  11. Value of poultry and eggs sold during the year ending March1, 1915
  12. Value of animals fattened and slaughtered or sold for slaughter during the year ending March 1, 1915 [none reported]
  13. Horses on hand March 1, 1915
  14. Mules on hand March 1, 1915
  15. Milk cows on hand March 1, 1915
  16. Other cattle on hand March 1, 1915
  17. Sheep on hand March 1, 1915 [none reported]
  18. Swine on hand March 1, 1915 [none reported]
  19. Horses that have died of disease during year ending March 1,1915 [none reported]
  20. Mules and asses that have died of disease during year ending March 1,1915 [none reported]
  21. Milk cows that have died of disease during year ending March 1,1915 [none reported]
  22. Other cattle that have died of disease during year ending March 1,1915 [none reported]
  23. Sheep that have died of disease during year ending March 1,1915 [none reported]
  24. Swine that have died of disease during year ending March 1,1915 [none reported]
  25. Number of dogs

Schedule 2

Line 1 3 5 12 14 15 16 17 26
1 John Higgins 10
2 Maggie Dobson
3 A Grogger 25
4 M E Tarbell
5 Fred Homan 1
6 W S Wyandt 10 50 1 1 1
7 John Meagher 25 1
8 Geo Dobson 1 1
9 Jerry Sullivan 1
10 M ? Miller 50 10 10 1 1
11 R N? Scott 1 1
12 John Taridor? 1
13 I Lanka 1
14 J W Walker 500
15 Chas Renherst? 100 8 2
16 A Zunker 200 10 3 1
17 I B Shockey 10 3 1 1
18 Bert Morgen 10 6 2
19 J Griffeth 10 2
20 Frances Griffeth 70 3 2 1
21 Vilma Griffeth 10
22 Herbert Griffeth 10
23 Fred Baker 10
24 E C Comstock 200 20 10
25 Mike Sullivan? 75 10 4
26 J W Henderson 50 10 4 1

Schedule 4: Schoolhouses, Value of School Property and other Statistics relating to Schools

Only one school is listed Solomon.

Column No. Column Name Data about the school
1 No. of District HSSO?
2 No. of Schoolhouses 1
3 Value of Schoolhouses 30000
4 Value of other school property 5000
5 Average salary per month paid to teachers during the year - MALE 135
6 Average salary per month paid to teachers during the year - FEMALE 56.00

Schedule 6: Church Organizations

Line No. 1: Names of organizations and denominations of each 2: Numer of church members 3: Number of church edifices 4: Value of church property
1 First M E Cherch 120 2 7000
2 Presberian 130 2 5000
3 Free M E Cherch 67 2 3000
4 ? Cherch[name erased?] 30 2 2000

Schedule 7: Newspapers

Only one newspaper is listed for Solomon

Column No. Column Name Data about the newspaper
1 Name The Solomon Tribune
2 When established 1897
3 Circulation 700

Schedule 8: Deaf Mute, Blind, Idiotic and Insane

Line No. 1: NAMES 2: Sex 3: Age 4: Color 5: Deaf mute 6: Insane 7: Blind 8: Idiotic 9: Have they attended school? 10: Parent or guardian
1 Geo Dobson M 51 M Blind Yes
2 Bridget Sloam F 62 Deaf mute Yes

Affidavit of Assessor


County of Dickinson,

I, J. W. Henderson, Assessor of the City of Solomon, county of Dickinson, State of Kansas, do solemnly swear that I have performed the service required of me by law and the instructions of the State Board of Agriculture hereto annexed, by personally visiting the dwellings, families, and other places respecting which information is required in the city of Solomon; that I have read and explained to each person of whom I am required by law to make inquiry the headings or topics contained in the foregoing schedules, and have carefully obtained such information from the best and most reliable sources, as required by law, my oath of office and the instructions of the State Board of Agriculture, and that the foregoing statistics contained in scheduled Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, respectively, are the result of such work, and are correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief.

J. W. Henderson Assessor.

Solomon Post Office.

SWORN TO beforem me, this 4 day of May 1915.

H. W. King

Co. Clerk

This Census was copied by Robin DeJarnett