Ellsworth County

Military Records

1883 Pensioners

WWI Casualties

World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing

Navy Enrolled Residents
BELT, Walter Sidney, Jr., Fireman 1c, USN. Father, Mr. Walter Sidney Belt, Ellsworth.

HOOPER, Lloyd Raymond, Aviation Machinist's Mate 2c, USN. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brad S. Hooper, Ellsworth.

ROOT, Raymond Roy, Seaman 2c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Sophie Root, Ellsworth.

WOOD, Charles Kenneth, Radioman 3c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oscar Wood, Ellsworth.

Contributed 1998 by Kenneth Thomas, transcribed from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) (NWCTM-407-WWIICASARMY-KS)

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This page was last updated 07/10/2024