Hello, dear family and friends,

I'm sure you have all heard by now that Mark has stomach cancer...we have tried everything known to modern medicine but it is an extremely aggressive and non-curable type. It has spread too much for surgery to be an option, he has already had one kidney shut down, and we are praying for a miracle. The doctors say he has weeks left with us. It IS unfair and inconceivable that such an awesome man, father and husband should be taken from the most beautiful and happy time of his life with so many who love him wondering "why?". It makes no sense--this disease does not discriminate and although we would all do anything to make it not so, we do not get to choose. Mark says he is not sad for himself, he just hates how sad it is making everyone else. He says the hardest part of it all is not being here as Kelvi, Markie and Callie grow.

I would like to put together a book for him and our kids that holds special moments you have had with him or our family, or a message you would like to give to our children. I know this is an extremely difficult task to ask of you, but it will give him great peace to know our kids have this book of memories and thoughts to look at when they are missing their daddy. It could be a childhood memory, family gathering, golf outing, spring break or Fiesta Bowl trip, moments at the dealership, photos, anything you think he would want our kids to read or see celebrating the moments you have had with their dad or our family. Or you could just write them a note telling them how you feel about them. You have all said "if there is anything we can do...". This is something we can all do.

Mark wants our family to think about what a full and vibrant life he has had and I think it would be so heartwarming for him to know what you have to say while he can enjoy it with his children. Take some time to think about it, just use regular sized plain white paper and I will bind all of this together for Kelvi, Markie and Callie. It would mean the world to me and it may help you smile through the tears. We love you all and thank you for doing this for him. You are all in our thoughts, too. You will have rough days ahead as well, but rejoice in the fact that we are blessed to have him in our lives now.

Love, Malinda / malinda@classicnet.net

Mark Cunningham
111 East 4th Street
Ellsworth, KS 67439

Jeanne Lee, Kent, Brent and Mark CUNNINGHAM - JUL 2004