Ellsworth County

Wilson, Kansas

Old jail in Wilson, KansasLocation

 Wilson, Kansas

Founded: 1873
Population: 834
Elevation: 1689 feet
Latitude: 38° 49' 30" N
Longitude: 98° 28' 30" W
School District: USD 328
ZIP code:  67490 
Area Code: 785


Wilson is located in northern Ellsworth [EW] county just south of I-70. There's a pretty downtown with lots of nice 19th century stone buildings. Signs of local pride in the Czech traditions of the area are everywhere.
  • The old stone city jail's architecture is unique; it's kind of hidden in an alley but worth finding.
  • The stone opera house dates from 1901.
  • There is a fancy turn-of-the-century hotel in the downtown area.
  • The Kansas Originals Market out by the freeway (I-70) is a tourist information center and interesting place to visit. Various handmade items are for sale, and they have craft demonstrations on Sunday afternoons.


In 1865, a Butterfield stagecoach station was built a half mile south of the present site of Wilson. "Attica" and "Bosland" were early names for the town before the U. S. Post Office decided it was "Wilson" in 1873. Large numbers of immigrants from Czechoslovakia in the 1870s gave the area a unique culture.







Government   Emergency - 911


Wilson Chamber of Commerce
(785) 658-2211
2407 Avenue E / P. O. Box 328
Wilson, KS 67490

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This page was last updated 07/10/2024