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Gove County, Kansas

Marriage Index

Kansas Map

The following is an index of the marriage records of Gove County, Kansas, covering the years 1886 through 1929, and they are indexed by both the groom and the bride. These records are found at the Gove County Courthouse located in Gove, KS 67736. For marriage records contact the Clerk of the District Court, 420 Broad St. Suite 202, Gove, KS, 67736. Telephone 1-785-938-2310

Marriage Records for Gove County

The first recorded marriage in Gove County took place on Nov. 2, 1886, between Abram B. Miller and Ella E. McCutchon.

Be sure to check for alternative spellings.

Groom Index 1886-1899 | Bride Index 1886-1899 |

Groom Index 1900-1909 | Bride Index 1900-1909 |

Groom Index 1910-1919 | Bride Index 1910-1919 |

Groom Index 1920-1929 | Bride Index 1920-1929 |

Return to Gove County Main Page

Last updated  12/12/2005

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