Gove County Kansas

Newspaper Items
Gove County Republican Gazette


Included are news items that pertained to Gove County with the primary area of interest being Jerome Township and the"Jerome Pickups" section of the newspaper.

I've been over the spelling, and I know there are typos, but that is how they were originally printed, so I kept to the original. If the news came from a certain section (like "Jerome Pickups"), I kept those together under the appropriate heading.

Graciously transcribed and contributed by Sheri Stittsworth Huerta in August 2004. THANK YOU Sheri for sharing and taking your time in transcribing so we all can enjoy and benefit from what you have.

Gove County Republican Gazette - Thursday, 4 FEB 1904
Republican Vol. 15, No. 45
Gazette Vol. 18, No. 45

General News

Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Shouse, living in Jerome twp, while on their way from Shields, Kans., to Braymer Mo., to attend the funeral of Mrs. Shouse's sister Miss Anna Ross, happened to be on the illfated train that was wrecked near Osage City, on the Mo. Pacific Ry., Sunday morning. Mr. Shouse had his chest crushed and head cut, and it is feared that he is hurt internally. Mrs. Shouse's ankle was broken and her leg was cut. They were taken to St. Joseph hospital, Kansas City. The baggage car and smoker were demolished into kindling wood and only one person killed and twenty injured. W. L. Brown of Des Moines, Iowa, was killed.

Gove County Republican Gazette - October 27, 1904
Republican Gazette Vol. 16, No. 31
Gazette Vol. 19, No. 31
Kansas State Historical Society Microfilm G743

Dalton Valley Gleanings

- We are very thankful for the late rain.

- Clayton HARVEY is recovering from a severe attack of rheumatism.

- L O MAXWELL, Miss Mabel BENTLEY, Mr. SAMPEY and Forest BLACKBURN were welcome visitors at Dalton Valley Sunday school last Sunday.

- Frank STITTSWORTH was binding Kaffir corn for G. E. SHOUSE last week.

- Mabel BENTLEY visited home folks from Friday until Sunday.

- A number of the neighbors stacked Clayton HARVEY's feed for him Monday.

- Most of our wheat is sown around Dalton Valley and doing fine, feed is in the stack and things commence to look like winter is coming.

- Our school is progressing nicely with Miss SHINEY as teacher.

- F. A. MARTIN was buying stock hogs in this neighborhood this week.

- Pete VENOSDEL came up from Rush Center last week. Pete has a homestead in south Gove, and like many others is beginning to realize that land is worth something after all.

- We were shocked to learn of the elopement of a former Dalton Valley boy with a Shields girl.

- P. A. SHINEY and F. STITTSWORTH attended court in Gove City last week.

- Mr. SAMPEY, of Detroit, Mich, is visiting friends here and trying this climate for improvement of his health.

- Lewis GANSEN and family have returned from McPherson county.

- E. P. SHOUSE, wife and son Lloyd have returned from an overland trip through central Kansas. They purchased a farm one mile from Abilene. E. P. Picked some fine apples from his farm, one of them measuring 13� inches in circumference and weighed one pound. He has some fine corn and alfalfa land and is going to raise hogs and corn in Missouri style.

- C. JOHNSON is in his Kaffir corn with a new corn binder.

- G. GARNER is hauling lumber from Shields.


- 'Tis getting somewhat cooler.

- Wheat sowing is about over for the season with our neighbors.

- Martie SIEGRIST is acting as foreman on the FILSON ranch at Tweed, while Mr. FILSON has gone to Kansas City with a car load of cattle.

_ M. SIEGRIST has build an addition to his soddy. He also purchased a bad calf which gave him a very sore finger.

- U. G. SMITH is building another house on his claim. Hope he will be right this time.

- H. FILSON, Messrs MADDEN and NASH are shipping cattle.

- August DONIELSON butchered a beef Monday.

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