Gove County Kansas

Newspaper Items
Gove County Republican Gazette


Included are news items that pertained to Gove County with the primary area of interest being Jerome Township and the"Jerome Pickups" section of the newspaper.

I've been over the spelling, and I know there are typos, but that is how they were originally printed, so I kept to the original. If the news came from a certain section (like "Jerome Pickups"), I kept those together under the appropriate heading.

Graciously transcribed and contributed by Sheri Stittsworth Huerta in August 2004. THANK YOU Sheri for sharing and taking your time in transcribing so we all can enjoy and benefit from what you have.

Gove County Republican Gazette - Thursday, August 19, 1909
Republican Volume 21, Number 21
Gazette Volume 24, Number 21
Kansas State Historical Society Microfilm Reel # G 744

"Jerome Pickups" by AHME

The dry weather seems to have set in.

Some fields of corn and feed are beginning to fire a little.

Mr. HINCHSLIFF has a fine field of corn.

Mr. ALLEN is running his binder over on Missouri flats again.

We are pleased to see Mrs. Julius NELSON, Miss Verna MILLER and Mr. PHELPS out among us.

Mr. and Mrs. S. F. MADDY in an overland trip to Logan county report crops in fine condition there.

Ragan THOMAS and family have gone to southeast Kansas to visit Mrs. THOMAS� parents.

W. S. FULLMER vaccinated 82 head of young stock for F. L. BENTLEY, C. H. COLE and Ed OTTAWAY to prevent blackleg Monday.

S. F. MADDY pleased the neighbors by butchering a fine yearling heifer.

Mr. STITTSWORTH hauled a load of freight from Shields for the PHELPS Bros.

Mr. and Mrs. SNIPES and daughter, of northern Missouri were visiting Mr. MADDY last week. Mrs. SNIPES is a sister of Mr. MADDY.

Mrs. MADDY and children and Mrs. SNIPES and daughter were pleasant callers at FULLMERS� Friday. Miss SNIPES took some pictures for FULMER and family while they were working in the hay field.

On account of the busy times the S. S. picnic was not as well represented as was anticipated but those present seemed to enjoy the breezes neath the shade trees. The Gove and Shields ball teams failed to appear, and consequently some were disappointed in that particular.

Gove County Republican Gazette - Thursday, September 30, 1909
Republican Volume 21, Number 27
Gazette Volume 24, Number 27
Kansas State Historical Society Microfilm Reel # G 744

Geo. RHINE and Johnny SCHLIEF each took a load to Hoxie in their autos Sunday to witness the Grainfield-Selden ball game.

We received a card from Isaac RHINE, Monday. He says the weather there is cold. He orders the Republican Gazette sent to Sterling, Colo.

Chas. COULTER and family, of Pratt county, arrived last week and are located on the John P. HANSON place, out near Orion, which they have rented.

DIED. � At the home of its parents, Mr. And Mrs. Charles CHENEY, in Larrabee township, Friday, September 24, 1909, Florence CHENEY, aged about five years. Funeral services were held Saturday, by Rev. John A. REED and interment made in the Alanthus cemetery.

Dr. McNAUGHTON removed a tick from the right ear of Leslie BROWN, Tuesday. He also removed one from Leon CRIPPEN�s ear, and a short time ago one was extracted from Bert BAKER�s little girl�s ear. Seems to be the style now a-days, but how to account for so many of them is a mystery.

"Jerome Pickups" by AHME

School begins Monday morning.

We are having beautiful fall weather.

Geo. ORTEN still knows the road to Jerome.

Church is being well attended and the nights are most beautiful.

Miss Eva BENTLEY has returned to Manhattan to take up her studies.

Marion MILLER purchased the John CORDY farm and has moved onto it.

Fred JOHNSON and Earl STRATTON of Shields were in attendance at church Sunday night.

Mrs. Flora JASPER who is working at the Barnes restaurant at Gove City spent Sunday at home.

Miss Bessie GORDON, of Utica, but at present teaching near Shields, was the guest of Miss Grace MADDY Saturday and Sunday.

Bob ECORDS, an old-time friend of Mr. MADDY, and Lim SNIGES a nephew of Mr. MADDY, both of New Hampton, Mo., are here for a visit to Mr. MADDY and family.

Gove County Republican Gazette - November 11, 1909
Republican Gazette Vol. 21, No. 33
Gazette Vol. 24, No. 33
Kansas State Historical Society Microfilm G744

"Jerome Pickups"

- The weather still continues fine.

- Farmers are busy threshing and sowing wheat and gathering corn.

- The township board met in special session Monday at the home of trustee J. G. WEEKLEY.

- J. G. WEEKLEY and wife, Lewis ALLEN and wife and F. L. BENTLEY and wife attended the Harper sale, Friday.

- Rev. RAGAR and Luther WEEKLEY and wives have returned to their respective homes at Atlanta and New Orleans, Neb.

- Mrs. Flora JASPER returned to the Barnes restaurant at Gove, Monday. She went up with the mail carrier, Mrs. DOWNING.

- Mr. HUMBLE, of Ellis county, was out recently and stopped a few days with F. L. BENTLEY. He was looking after his corn crop and viewing the country.

- Lewis JOHNSON, of Atlanta, Neb, is here looking after his land interests. He was the guest of W. C. FULLMER and family over Sunday. They were old time friends.

- BORN. - To Mr. and Mrs. Elie DAVIS on November 2, 1909, a fine baby boy. (Mrs. DAVIS was, formerly, Miss Lottie ATKINSON.) Mother and child are getting along nicely.

- Mr. and Mrs. Rufus POWERS, of McPherson county, Kansas, visited their son-in-law, Frank STITTSWORTH and family, the forepart of the week. They have sold their possessions in said county and will leave for Texas in about three weeks, where they expect to locate.

Gove County Republican Gazette - December 9, 1909
Republican Gazette Vol. 21, No. 37
Gazette Vol. 24, No. 37
Kansas State Historical Society Microfilm G744

"Jerome Pickups"

- A certain young gentleman of our vicinity, whose name I shall not mention for fear of molesting his health, thought to himself that he would go on a courting expedition but to his surprise the dog was told to meet him. He became so frightened that he took a lively pace for home and when he came to the river instead of turning a little to the right and crossing the bridge he dashed right through the river. Now you want to get on the good side of the old folks before making the attempt again. And we are satisfied your mother would rather SHE would have given you a mitten or a pair of them, if necessary, rather than to have the old folks resort to the faithful old dog.

Gove County Republican Gazette - December 16, 1909
Republican Gazette Vol. 21, No. 38
Gazette Vol. 24, No. 38
Kansas State Historical Society Microfilm G744

"Jerome Pickups"

- The snow will soon be gone.

- The river furnished good skating for the boys.

- We had a spell of winter about like this in November, 1895, and a very little more winter weather during that season.

- Robert TOPLIFT, living on the Ed. SHOUSE place, took a carload of cattle to Kansas City last week.

- Mrs. Flora JASPER visited home folks over Sunday and returned to Gove with the mail hack Tuesday.

- Mrs. ROWAN and son returned to their home in Finney county the first of the week.

- That certain young man we made mention of last week says he cannot attend Sunday School on account of the dog getting the best of his Sunday breeches.

- J. L. OSBORN and family, who have been visiting with Howard SWOFFORD for three weeks, returned home one day last week.

- Mr. LEEDS was a county seat visitor Saturday. He went up with Mr. DOWNING, who is now hauling the mail.

- Mrs. DOWNING returned home from Hastings, Neb., Friday, at which place she was called on account of the death of her mother. She got there just in time to attend the funeral. Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved.

- Don't forget the Christmas entertainment to be held at the schoolhouse in the evening of December 24. We will all appreciate a rallying of sociability, so come out and let's make the evening an old time one. Peace on earth, good will to man. The writer wishes all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

- Frank STITTSWORTH was called to Gove Thursday as a juror, but as court was postponed he came home Saturday.

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