Gove County KansasNewspaper Items
Included are news items that pertained to Gove County with the primary area of interest being Jerome Township and the"Jerome Pickups" section of the newspaper.
I've been over the spelling, and I know there are typos, but that is how they were originally printed, so I kept to the original. If the news came from a certain section (like "Jerome Pickups"), I kept those together under the appropriate heading.
Graciously transcribed and contributed by Sheri Stittsworth Huerta in August 2004. THANK YOU Sheri for sharing and taking your time in transcribing so we all can enjoy and benefit from what you have.
- Mart SPRINGER's folks and Geo. IKENBERRY's Sundayed at Grandma WINE's; Homer PECK's at Chas. McKAIN's in town, and Levi SPRINKLE's at Sam JAMISON's.
- Frank RICE pleased his wife by getting her a Quick Meal Range. The Mrs. accepted it, although she hated to part with the old one which had been so faithful.
- Al KEISER had so much work crowding him that he had to get assistance in getting some of it off his hands. Heber GAILEY assisted him on the Tom JAMISON house.
- Mrs. HEASTON and two grandchildren arrived from Nebraska Monday night. She is at present staying with her daughter, Mrs. Jim FLORA until they can get a house built in town.
- Just before literary Friday evening some boys got into the schoolhouse by way of the coal cellar and indulged in some pranks not enjoyed by the victims such as throwing water out of the windows, etc. Parents should keep their children at home or accompany them to see that they behave.
"Jerome Pickups"
- The weather is most beautiful.
- Tom CORDRY sold his team of horses last week to Charlie ORTEN.
- We can testify that the ground hog didn't see his shadow in this part.
- Ed STRATTON and wife, of Arnold, Kansas, spent a few days last week with F. L. BENTLEY's.
- John HINCHSLIFF came home sick last week from Marion MILLER's at which place he has been working.
- Mrs. S. F. MADDY has purchased a new incubator and they have erected a new chicken house, which appears as though they are going into the business right.
- Mr. DAVIS and Zack PHELPS went to Shields for freight, Monday. They are pretty well stocked up for groceries.
- BORN.- To Mr. and Mrs. T. U. MOHLER, on Wednesday, February 2, 1910, a fine big baby girl. All doing nicely.
- Earle MADDY, of Utica, and Albert CAIN, of Mew Hampton, Mo., came in Monday to visit their uncle, S. F. MADDY.
- Mr. ALLEN sold a mild cow last week to David CARR for $50. Mr. and Mrs. CARR are now located on their homestead.
- Ford BROWN crossed the river all O. K. Friday evening with his steam threshing outfit. He is now at work on Missouri Flats.
- Mrs. N. L. NELSON and Mrs. J. A. MUNSON made a trip to Gove City, Saturday, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MAXWELL.
- Willard CHENEY and Miss Zelia MARTIN were the guests of Miss Grace MADDY, Sunday. They attended preaching services and the afternoon Sunday School.
- The old-fashioned taffy pull given by Miss Fay STITTSWORTH, Saturday evening, was a decided success. Ask the boys how they pulled taffy.
Gove County Republican Gazette - February 24, 1910
Republican Gazette Vol. 21, No. 48
Gazette Vol. 24, No. 48
Kansas State Historical Society Microfilm G744
- Dave HEMBY arrived here from Nebraska to be present at the bedside of his father, B. HEMBY, who is very ill.
- FULLER & WANZER sold out their hardware store to other parties. Thus again an old pioneer firm has given way to new hands according to recent reports.
- L. S. WILES, of Ellis county, is here visiting his son, A. J. He will return home Saturday.
- Mr. BROWN and family have arrived in Sweden and are now located on the S. A. JOHNSON place.
- The Grinnell basket ball team will play the Gove bunch on the latter's grounds next Saturday.
- Mart RHINE, Dick MARTIN, Mrs. E. KLINE and Bill KLINE built on their homesteads in Cheyenne county, Colo., last week.
- The homecoming of Theodore the First and the impending marriage of Theodore the Second will help to perpetuate the strenuous ROOSEVELT legend.
- Revival meetings closed last night. Rev. REED, who conducted the meetings, is a bright young man and a fluent talker. He left, today for his home at Monument.
- Dr. STONER and Messrs. WICKIZER and WIGINGTON of Quinter and A. K. TRIMMER of Gove City were in Grinnell a few minutes Monday in the Doctor's big automobile - Grinnell Record.
- The blacksmiths wear a broad smile these days, because they don't have to batch any more. Mrs. D. E. Linn and two little boys came up from Healy, yesterday. Mrs. Linn is keeping house for them.
"Jerome Pickups"
- We are still having snow and cold weather.
- Charley WEEKLY worked a few days last week with SCOTT Bros. corn sheller.
- Ed. STRATTON and wife have moved back among us again. Ed. will farm a portion of land on shares with F. L. BENTLEY.
- Geo. ORTEN in engineering SMITH's threshing machine.
- W. H. DANIELS is building a new granary on his place.
- Mr. WEISS, of Campus, is threshing in our locality.
- Alvie MADDY and WEEKLY's young folks, including Geo. ORTEN, spent Sunday evening at FULLMER's.
- Mrs. HINCHSLIFF received word that her aged father whose home is in Missouri had passed away from this life. He had been in poor health for a number of years. Paralysis was the immediate cause of death.
Gove County Republican Gazette - March 17, 1910
Republican Vol 21, No. 51
Gazette Vol 24, No. 51
Kansas State Historical Society Microfilm G 744
"Jerome Pickups"
- The beautiful weather still continues.
- Henry SCOTT returned to Oberlin Wednesday.
- There is plenty of lagrippe throughout the country.
- Born. - To Wm. LAMBERTS and wife, a baby girl March 5.
- Henry WIERK took dinner with W. C. FULLMER Wednesday.
- Geo. MADDY made a flying trip to the county seat Saturday.
- Mrs. STAPLES and children were the guests of HINCHSLIFF's Sunday.
- Trustee J. G. WEEKLEY started Tuesday on his tour of the township.
- Geo. ORTEN and Miss Eva WEEKLY took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. SCOTT Sunday.
- Mr. JOHNSTON and son went to Dighton, Monday, for the balance of their household goods.
- Gilbert COLE and family and J. G. WEEKLY and wife were visiting Tom CORDRY's Sunday.
- August JOHNSON threshed for Marion MILLER, Wm. DANIELS and Mr. ARCHER Tuesday and Wednesday.
- Frank BOWMAN and family are going to try Gove county a while longer. They have rented Frank's father's farm.
- Bert OTTAWAY and family are moving to Smith county this week. Sorry to see them leave. Ed. will take a load for them.
- Fred OTTAWAY has gone to Smith county to spend the summer. Mrs. OTTAWAY will remain with Ed. and family for awhile.
- Frank STITTSWORTH has a gasoline engine erected on his farm. He uses it to aid in conveying water from the well up the hill to his house.
- We are informed by letter that John and Maud COURTNEY are the proud possessors of a fine baby boy. They will return home in the near future.
- The Grafe sale was well represented from Jerome. A large crowd was in attendance and most everything sold well. Horses sold all the way from $15 to $185.
- BORN. - To Mr. and Mrs. Tom CORDRY, Friday, March 11, a fine baby girl. All parties are doing fine, including Tom. Its parents gave it the name of Amy Ellen in honor of Mrs. FULLMER and Mrs. HINCHSLIFF.
"Hackberry Happenings"
- J. M. TUTTLE went to Quinter, Saturday.
- Frank HOLT and family have moved back to the place which they vacated last fall.
- A. F. MATHEWS and J. S. GROOM with their families, took Sunday dinner with J. T. BLACKWILL.
- Joe JONES, from near Utica, bored a well last week for Ed FLANDERS. He got water at 28 feet.
- The FLANDERS threshing machine was at work at Ben FLANDERS Friday, and at Ed FLANDERS Saturday.
- Dr. STONER, of Quinter, was called to the home of L. M. CREACH, Saturday evening, to attend Mrs. A. E. BUSH.
- Albert BOESCH, who went with his parents to Arkansas, has returned and will work for James BLACKWILL this summer.
- Mrs. REEVES, who has been stopping at Mr. LLEWELLYN's, went to Quinter Monday where she has obtained a position in BLACKWILL's restaurant.
- J. M. TUTTLE lost a horse last week.
- Stephen ILIFF and family returned to their farm this week from eastern Kansas after an absence of over a year.
- A prairie fire got started near the ROGERs place east of Castle Rock, Friday p. m., and burned to the river taking in the east side of Gove county. Some feed was destroyed, also two calves belonging to John WOODS.
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