Marvin married Mercy DANN July 4, 1855 Binghamton, New York. Five children were born to this union, George, Delferna, Nancy, Viola (Mrs. William Day LITTON) and Olive ( Mrs. J.J. BURRIS).
Marvin is buried at the Gove County Cemetery.
[submitted by Judy Litton;; Holcomb, KS]
Guidelines for submitting a Gove County, Kansas
obituary or death notice
Do you have an old obituary or short death notice of a Gove County resident tucked away in a scrapbook, trunk or file. Take it out and share it with the rest of us! Type up your obituary and email it to us and we'll post it here. Just observe the following guidelines...
To enter your Gove County obituaries:
1- Email them to me at Put GOVE CO OBITUARY in your subject line.
2- On first line put name of deceased. Use the name in the obit. If you want to rename the individual to clarify who they are add that name in parenthesis after the obit name. Look below for examples of this. Do this to include maiden names or full names for individuals given initials only in the obit.
3-On the second line put the name of the newspaper, newspaper's town, date of issue where obituary is found, page, column, if known. PLEASE.... Gove County residents only... A resident is defined here as an individual who lived in Gove County for part of his/her life.
4-Type out the obituary capitalizing all SURNAMES. Don't put given names or locations all in caps, just the surnames. Now here's the hard part. Limit your obituary to less than 350 words. This may be hard. Some obituaries go on and on. Figure out what to keep... what to drop. If we get something too long we'll have to send it back to you for editing.
5-Put "submitted by [your name and email address]" at the end. If you want to, include your postal address as well.
6- It's ok to edit the obits you submit. If you want to add maiden names, correct/add dates or other information do so. Just put any added information in [brackets]. That lets the reader know that this is something not in the original obituary. Just remember to keep the whole thing under 350 words.
It's as simple as that!
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Please email any suggestions to Lynette Wolf at Include the words, "Gove County" in your email subject line. Thanks.
The obituary page was established by Bill & Diana Sowers on July 18, 1999. Last updated November 12, 2009.