Kansas Genealogy

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Taken from newspapers and other sources


Yesterday afternoon at
4:30 at the home of the bride's parents, C. H. BOYD and Miss Osie CHILCOAT were united in the bonds of wedlock. The groom is a well known young business man of this city being the junior partner in the WELTY-BOYD firm. The bride is the daughter of Mr. CHILCOATE, head engineer at the mill and a sister of Roy CHILCOAT, the head miller. Both are well known and popular among the young folks of the city.... Rev. W. T. CARTER officiated and the wedding was attended by the relatives of the contracting parties.(Hill City New Era, Thursday, September 13, 1908)

West Belleview local news section]... We have been informed that one of our popular young ladies, Miss Rosa WOODS, was joined in the holy bonds of matrimony, to Kirt CLARY, at Norton, Sept. 10th. We wish this couple health, wealth and prosperity, and hope that adversity may never blow their craft out of the smooth sea of domestic bliss. (Hill City New Era, Thursday, September 17, 1908)

Mt. Olive local news section]... Last Thursday September 10, Mr. Fred CLELLAND and Miss Mernia JOHNSON, two worthy and popular young people of this neighborhood, went to Norton and there were joined as husband and wife. The groom is the son of Wem. CLELLAND and the bride is the daughter of Henry JOHNSON. The happy young couple will commence their married life on the groom's uncle's place in this neighborhood. We join with a host of friends in extending congratulations and best wishes. (Hill City New Era, Thursday, September 17, 1908)

Miss Ella BEUNER, of
924 Fremont St, Manhattan, Kansas, and Dr. W. R. DILLINGHAM of Morland, Kansas, were united in marriage September 3rd at the home of the bride's parents. (Hill City New Era, Thursday, September 10, 1908)

On Monday Joseph DREILING, of St Peter, came to town and procured license to marry Miss Julia WAGGONER of Buffalo Park(Hill City New Era, Thursday, September 10, 1908)

Dec 25, 1888 at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Chas HOOT and Miss Sadie DOUD, by R. M. SNYDER, J.P., all of Graham County. (The Bogue Signal, Thursday, December 27, 1888)

On Tuesday Probate Judge Martin issued marriage license to Geo. W. MESSICK and Hazel F. KESLER, both of Monument,
Kansas. (Hill City New Era, Thurs, September 10, 1908)

Married, at Hill City, Saturday, December 8, 1888, Mr. W. H. MULLANEY and Miss Dora RUDMAN, both of Bogue, Rev N. R. George officiating. (The Bogue Signal, Thursday, December 27, 1888)

Married. Edward E. MULLANEY to Miss Ida M. CHESS, both of Bogue Kansas, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Probate Judge D. H. BUDD, in the parlor of the City Hotel, this city [i.e. Stockton, Kansas], Monday, December 10th, at 2pm. (The Bogue Signal, Thursday, December 27, 1888 -- This announcement in the Bogue paper had been reprinted from the Stockton Democrat)

A noteworthy event was the marriage of Mr. J. E. PORTER of this place to Miss Mattie A. MEYER of
Chicago, at the home of the bride's parents, on Dec. 26, 1888. (The Bogue Signal, Thursday, Jan 3, 1889)

Married, on Tuesday, September 8th, at the Pomeroy Hotel by Probate Judge Martin, Harry PRATT to Miss Stella DAVIS, both of Studley, Kansas. (Hill City New Era, Thurs, September 10, 1908)

Married, by the probate judge in his office on September 9th, Harry C. RUSH to Miss Sarah Alice McCOY. These young people are the children of two of the old settlers of the county and hove grown up here. We extend our best wishes to them. (Hill City New Era, Thurs, September 10, 1908)

Married... Jas. THOMPSON of Edmond and Madge MASDIN of Densmore were united in the holy bonds of matrimony
Thursday, March 10, 1892 by S. D. GREER, J.P. (Hill City Republican, Wednesday, March 16, 1892)

Charley MORGAN and Miss Maggie LYNMAN were married Wednesday of last week at Hoxie, by the minister. They will make their home for the present at Guy, as Mr. MORGAN has employment there.
Hill City New Era,
Thursday, September 24, 1908 (Studley locals section)

Last week S. P. LANGELY came down from Morland and procured license to wed Miss Katheryn CHANCE, a former teacher in our city schools. They were married at
Kansas City, Kansas, yesterday and will return to their future home near Morland tomorrow. The New Era extends its very best wishes to the young couple and while marriage is said to be a lottery we do not believe that our friend Sydney has made any mistake in taking a Chance in that kind of a lottery and we believe that he knew in taking the Chance he took he was perfectly sure in getting a prize.Hill City New Era, Thursday, September 24, 1908

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The marriages page was established by Bill & Diana Sowers on August 30, 2000,
and is dedicated to the blessed memory of Rachel Diana Sowers, 1992-2000.



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The USGenWeb Logo was designed by Linda Cole.




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