Kansas Genealogy

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Methodist Congregational Information from 1920


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Obtained from:
A History of Methodism in Northwest Kansas
by William Henry Sweet (Salina, Kan. : Kansas Wesleyan University, 1920)



This charge has been in existence since 1906. J. W. Leggott was the first pastor. At the close of the first year he reported 42 members and 7 probationers and a parsonage worth $500, while the charge paid $40 to missions. In 1910 O. M. Freeman was pastor and a church was built costing $1,800, and dedicated free of debt. This year $144 was paid to missions, though the membership was but 40. This year the pastor reported 4 Sunday Schools with an enrollment of 175. In 1913 another church was built at a cost of $3,000.

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Hill City is the county seat of Graham County. It is situated on the Lincoln branch of the U.P. railway, about half way between the sixth principal meridian, which is the eastern boundary of the Conference and Colorado.

It appeared in the list of Conference appointment first in 1890, M. J. Bailey was pastor. In 1890 he reported 41 full members and 4 probationers. After Beiley there were in '91, A. D. Beckhart; '92, R. A. Hoffiman [sic!]; '93, R. B. Beaty; '94, L. A. Dugger; '95, Geo. Nulton; '96-97, C. W. Talmadge; '98-99, W. M. Sedore; 1900, W. E. Green; '01, W. C. Jordan; '02-03, A. C. Northrop; '04-05, S. W. Taylor; '06-07, J. A. Schuler; '08, W. Y. Carter; '09, I. L. McKean; '10, J. B. Gilmore; '11, J. M. Miller, '12, J. A. Green; '13-14, M. R. Starbuck; '15, L. Munro; '16-17, A. L. Carlton.

The first church property was a parsonage worth $800, reported in 1894. The membership at that time was 77 full members and 7 probationers. In 1901 there was a church valued at $3,000. Where they worshipped in the previous years the writer has not been informed.

The first marked increase in membership was during the pastorate of S. W. Taylor, 1904-05, when 123 full members were recorded.

Statistics for the year 1917 show the following: Church, $5,000; parsonage, $2,000; members, 94; expenses, $118; F. M., $23; H. M., $16; Gd total, $495; Pastor, $1,320; D. S., $96; Biships, $15; C. Cs, 40; S. S. Os. & Ts., 16; Enrl., 181; Av., 95; Exp., 100; W. F. M. S., $73; W. H. M. S., $5; Exp. L., Sr., 25; Jr., 30

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Like most other classes in this section of the state, the date of the organization at Morland is not known. It first appears in the list of appointments in 1893. It was left to be supplied and J. A. Stone was sent as the supply. At the next Conference he reported sixty-five members and forty eight probationers. A. T. Mitchell was the next pastor.

In 1896 Morland was connected with Hoxie. They continued so connected till the year 1899, and during those years the charge was served by W. E. Cox. Since that time Morland has been served as follows: In '99, F. G. Griffith; 1900, J. B. Lewis; '01-'02, L. H. Smith; '03-'04, W. M. Garner; '05, B. D. Brooks; '06-'08, W. S. Harper; '09-'10, J. A. Templin; '11-'12, M. R. Starbuck; '13-'14, C. A. Davis; '15-'17, I. L. McKean.

The first property reported was a parsonage valued at $450 in 1901. In 1904 there was a church worth $2,000, and $2,015 was paid that year for building and improving church property. In 1906 $1,000 was added to the value of the church, and in 1907 $400 had been added to the value of the parsonage, bringing it to a valuation of $1,000. In 1916 a second church had been built on the charge, bringing the value of the churches to $5,400.

The largest enrollment in both church and Sunday School was in 1909, under the pastorage of W. S. Harper. There were 198 full members and 29 probationers. Four Sunday Schools were reported, having 40 officers and teachers and 300 scholars. The most contributed for missions was reported by M. R. Starbuck in 1911, $130 for Foreign, and $51 for Home Missions.
Pastor's salary, $1,100; Morland pays $800, Sequin $200, Penoka $100.

Statistics for 1917: Two churches, $6,000; parsonages, $1,000; full members, 154; preparatory, 200; expenses, $200; support pastor, $1,250; D. S., $88; Bishop, $22; C. C.'s, $44; F. M. S., $75; H. M. S., $65. Grand total, $964. Two Sunday Schools: Officers and teachers, 37; enrollment, 267; average, 160; expenses, $120. Epworth League: Senior, 30; Junior, 18.

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The Methodist Congregations page was established by Bill & Diana Sowers on August 30, 2000,
and is dedicated to the blessed memory of Rachel Diana Sowers, 1992-2000.


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