BIRD, John
Hill City New Era, Hill City, Graham County, Kansas -- Thursday, September 3, 1908
We learn just as we go to press that John BIRD died last night. He had been having heart trouble for some time and it is thought that this trouble caused his death. He was at the home of Mr. WORCHESTER, his son-in-law, when the end came. Mr. BRID was one of the old timers of the country, a man who enjoyed the friendship, honor and esteem of all.
Hill City New Era, Hill City, Graham County, Kansas -- Thursday, September 10, 1908
"In Memroriam"... John Bird, born near Millersburg, Ohio, April 9th, 1836, died September 2nd, 1908, of heart failure in his 73rd year. Mr. BIRD resided in Ohio until about the time of his majority when in the year 1858 he moved west to DeKalb County, Missouri. One year later he was united in marriage to Miss Rachel PRITCHARD. To this union came seven children all of whom, save one son, are still living. In 1862 the deceased enlisted in the union cause, becoming a member of the 1st Mo. Cavalry, M. S. M. and saw three years of service, during this time, by reason of the hardships and exposure incidental to a soldiers life, he lost his health and it was never more than partially regained. Mr. BIRD was one of those who did all in their power to protect the ill fated town of Lawrence at the time of the Quantrell raid. In the year 1879 Mr. BIRD came to Graham County and has since resided here. He was a sincere and consistent member of the Christian church.

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