CLUBB, Mrs. Nancy
[Morland Monitor?], Morland, Graham County, Kansas, Thursday, December 27, 1928
Nancy ADAMS was born at Franklinton, Henry county, Kentucky, December 19th, 1856, and departed this life December 16, 1928, aged 72 years, 11 months and 27 days. At the age of fourteen she united with the Baptist church at Franklinton, Kentucky where she has retained her membership all through the years.
She was married to Hiram S. CLUBB on December 2, 1872. To this union was born 7 children, Henry, William Flury, Sophronia, Lamar, Oakie, Elzy and Merril [Merrell]. In February 1879 Mr. and Mrs. CLUBB came to Graham county, Kansas, and settled in Hill City. In May of that
year William Flury died, his being the first body placed in the Hill City cemetery.
During their residence in Hill City they ran a store, later selling out, and moving to Gettysburg, where they again engaged in the merchantile business. Mrs. CLUBB saw the lively times incident to the founding of the county seat at Hill City. She went through all the hardships of Graham
county pioneer life.
In 1899 death again entered this family, taking Henry, Elzy, and Merrell. In 1907 Mr. CLUBB departed this life, leaving this mother and three children to carry on the farming 5 1/2 mile northeast of Morland. In the fall of 1913 she moved to Morland where she has lived ever
since. In 1922 she took sick with influenza which left her in bad health, later becoming an invalid, confined to her home and chair for six years. Though suffering more than anyone knew, she never complained and everything was for the best with her. She was a woman of sterling
qualities and a true Christian character.
She leaves to mourn her departure, two daughters, Mrs. Sophronia LIBHART of Formoso, Kansas, Mrs. Okie BROOKS, of Morland, Kansas and one some, Lamar CLUBB of Penokee, Kansas, one sister and brother of Bethlehem, Kentucky, five grandchildren, William, LaVerne, Clair and
Vivian LIBHART, and Mildred CLUBB.
submitted by Linda L. Tremblay

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