James Thomas LAWLIS
The Reville-New Era - Hill City, Graham County, Kansas May 5, 1927
James Thomas LAWLIS was born in Buchanan County, Missouri, December 27, 1860, and died in his home in Hill City, Kansas, May 1, 1927, aged 66 years, 4 months and days. He came to this country with his father in [April] 1879, who homesteaded north east of Hill City on the land now owned by the deceased. The LAWLIS family was one of the very earliest pioneers, each member doing their bit without complaint or hindering in any way to make Graham county a better place to live.
He was married to Ida M. [corr: Ida Eoline] GARNETT in 1886, to this union was born 10 children, two departing in infancy.
He leaves to mourn his death his wife , Ida M. LAWLIS, [of Hill City, Kansas], [daughters;] Mrs. Goldie [John] WOOTEN, Salina, Kansas, Dora Bailey [corr:Dewey DAILY], Salina , Kansas, Albert LAWLIS, of Butte Montana, Ivan LAWLIS, Garden City, Kansas, Robert, Loren, [corr:Lauren] Donald, and Opal of Hill City and Mrs. Ethel FOLLETTE, of Gentry, Arkansas, by a former marriage, [There was also a son by this marriage, Reuben Alvin LAWLIS], and John LAWLIS, a brother of Holdredge. Nebr., and six sisters; Mrs. Agnes GAUTHIER, Hill City, Mrs Kate SMITH, Burlington, Colo., Mrs. Minnie STINMETZ, Hill City, Kansas, Mrs. Betta HUSSEY and Mrs. Liddie Eberhard of South Dakota, Mrs. Tillie BROOKS of Oklahoma and a host of friends and neighbors.
Services were conducted at the home by Rev DRAPER. Interment made in Hill City Cemetery.
submitted by Mary Lawlis Schott (granddaughter)

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