OLSON, Carl Johannes
Lenora News -- June 1937
Carl Johannes OLSON was born in Palmers Falls, Michigan, on April 30,
1874, and passed away at his Graham Co. home, six miles south of Lenora
on June 16, 1937 at the age of 63 years, 1 month and 16 days.
In 1875 he was brought to Kansas by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans J.
OLSON, who settled near Leona in Doniphan Co. He attended the common
schools at Leona. In 1888 he came with his parents to Graham Co. where
they settled on the property now owned and farmed by him and his brother,
Carl completed his elementary school training at South Star. He at-
tended the Fort Hays State Teachers College and The Kansas State Teach-
ers College of Emporia. He taught several terms of district school in
Graham Co. and later taught in Hill City, Hoxie and Quinter. In 1917
he left the teaching profession to enter The First National Bank, Quinter,
as cashier. He remained in this position until 1919 when he returned to
the farm south of Lenora where he resided until the time of his death.
On June 14, 1899 he was united in marriage to Sylvia SHANE and to this
union two children were born. The infant son, Elvin, preceeded him in
death in 1903. Besides the widow he is survived by his daughter, Mrs.
Adin F. LEHMAN (Lela OLSON); a grandson, Carl Adin LEHMAN; and a brother,
George W. OLSON.
Funeral services were conducted from the Congregational Church of Lenora,
Friday, June 18, at 2:00 PM. Rev. WALTERS, pastor of the M.E. Church was
in charge, assisted by Rev. WAGONER, pastor of the Congregational Church.
Six nephews served as pallbearers: Ernest OLSON of Norton; DeLane OLSON,
Harry HISEY, and George VOLKEL of Lenora; John MOORE of Hutchinson, and
Alva EDGINGTON of Hoxie. Interment was in the family lot in the Lenora
South Cemetery, the Masonic Order being in charge of the services at the
Submitted by: Carl A. LEHMAN, D.D.S.
3707 Summer Lane
Hays, KS 67601-1504

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