Greenwood County

Albert L. FRAZIER Biography

July 15, 1845 - August 30, 1927

Albert L. Frazier was born in Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio, 15 July 1845. His parents were Benjamin and Mary Elizabeth (Hackney) Frazier.

Albert served in the Civil War and enlisted from Muskingum County, Ohio, in May 1862. He served three months, and was mustered into the United States service at Zanesville, Ohio, on June 7, 1862, as a Private of Captain Uriah Gregory's Company "K", 84th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Colonel William Lawrence commanding.

This regiment was organized during a most trying period in the Nation's history. It was mustered into the U.S. service at Camp Chase, Columbus, June 7, 1862. The command was ordered to Cumberland, Maryland on June 11th. From this point detachments moved in various directions on expeditions for the purpose of preventing the transportation of arms and equipment into the rebel lines, of capturing rebel mails and mail carriers, greatly aiding in the suppression of guerrilla bands in that portion of the State.

The command moved to New Creek September 13. The rebel forces under General "Stonewall" Jackson and John D. Imboden were expected to attack New Creek. A portion of the command took position in the fort in the rear of New Creek and the remainder was posted in the village. The enemy retired, however, without making an attack and the 84th was ordered to Camp Chase for muster out, and from there to Camp Delaware, where it was reviewed by Governor Tod, who complimented the officers and men upon their efficiency and the value of the service they had rendered. It was mustered out at Camp Delaware, having served almost a month longer than its term of enlistment called for. Albert L. Frazier was Honorable Discharged at Camp Chase, Ohio, on the 20th day of August 1862 by reason of expiration of term of service.

Albert re-enlisted at Zanesville, Ohio, in September of 1862 to serve three years during the war, and was mustered into the U.S. service as a Private of Captain John W. Ross' Company "K", 122nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Colonel William H. Ball commanding.

The regiment left Camp Zanesville, October 23, 1862 by boat to Parkersburg, West Virginia, thence by rail to Clarksburg, where it was assigned to the 2nd Brigade, Milroy's Division, Army of West Virginia. It Began its first march in a blinding snow storm up the south branch of the Potomac, where it defeated McNeil's Guerrillas; thence moved to Strasburg, thence to Winchester, Virginia, where it arrived January 1, 1863, and constituted for a time the garrison of that place.

The regiment was then assigned to the 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 8th Army Corps, and was sent on scouts and expeditions to Newtown, Front Royal, Summit Point, White Post, Cedar Creek, Millwood, the Blue Ridge and New Market participating in engagements at Union Mills, Winchester Heights and Stevenson's Depot, Virginia.

The regiment then went to Harper's Ferry, Maryland Heights, Washington, D.C. and Frederick, Maryland, where it was assigned to the 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 6th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. The regiment went to New York City and took part in quelling the riots. They returned to the front and participated in the following battles:

Brandy Station Mine Run or Locust GroveWilderness
SpottsylvaniaTotopotomoyCold Harbor
Siege of PetersburgReam's Station, Virginia Monocacy, Maryland
Snicker's FerryCharlestownHalltown
Smithfield Opequan or WinchesterFisher's Hill
Cedar CreekAssault and fall of Petersburg
Sailor's CreekAppomattox or Lee's surrender
a number of minor engagements

Albert L. Frazier was sick in hospital at Grafton, Virginia, for a short time. He was captured at Monocacy, Virginia, July 9, 1864, being cut off while in a charge, and was sent to Danville prison, and from there to Libby Prison, Richmond, Virginia. After an imprisonment of seven months and twelve days he was paroled and sent to Annapolis, Maryland, thence to Camp Chase, Ohio, where he was exchanged February 22, 1865, and returned to City Point, Virginia, rejoining his regiment in front of Petersburg, in time for the first assault. He was constantly with his respective commands, except while prisoner, bore a gallant part in all engagements, except those occurring between Monocacy and the Assault of Petersburg, Virginia, and rendered faithful and meritorious service to his Country. He received an Honorable Discharge at Columbus, Ohio, on the 26th day of June 1865, by reason of close of the war.

After the war Albert settled in Eureka, Greenwood County, Kansas. He first married Nancy Mock in Greenwood County on January 1, 1879. Nancy died eight months later on August 4, 1879. Albert then married Frances Caroline Wilson in Emporia, Lyon County, Kansas, on July 5, 1882.

Albert (or Al as he was known) started a taxi service. Al met the first train that ever came to Eureka on July 4, 1879. The train was a flat car excursion celebrating the completion of the Howard Branch of the Santa Fe line from Emporia as far south as Eureka. He continued to meet all other trains in this city in his capacity of local bus driver for about 50 years.

Sometime in the 1880's he put into service his first 12 passenger horse-drawn omnibus which ""met all trains in all weather". Passengers entered at the rear, paid five cents per head, and jogged through the mud or dust of Eureka streets in comparative comfort behind "old Custer and Jim". Al wore out three additional similar conveyances before his death in 1927.

Quoted from the September 24, 1925 Eureka Herald... "The Frazier Bros. Transfer Co. was in operation even before the establishment of the Metropolitan (Hotel, built 1868) and several years prior to the time the Santa Fe laid its first steel through the town. At one time Al had a herd of forty head of horses which he used in the transfer business."

Quoted from the Centennial issue of the Eureka Herald July 4, 1968... "1912 One of A. Frazier's buses was torn to pieces when the horses pulling it became frightened at the elephant with Lucky Bill's show."

Albert and Frances Caroline had five children. May (married Charles F. Delacour), Arthur William (married Elizabeth Eva Dean Renfroe), Fred (never married), Zelma (died of typhoid fever aged 4 years, 3 months and 6 days) and Gladys L. (married J. Alva Wilson).

In 1900 Al's son Arthur Frazier joined the family enterprise, which included the transportation of freight and baggage. He continued to operate the business until he retired after about 60 years of service to the citizens of Eureka. Albert introduced the motor age that overtook the Frazier taxi service in 1927, when a stylish Hudson replaced the faithful teams. Albert exhausted five automobiles and traveled many thousands of miles in providing a service of extreme importance.

Al's obituary from the Eureka Herald states in part: "It has been said frequently that Mr. Frazier had a larger acquaintance among traveling men than any other man in the state. They all knew "Al" as he was affectionately called, and all respected him for his unfailing reliability and courtesy." The stores in Eureka closed the day that Albert L. Frazier died."

"The Passing of Mr. Frazier Removes Another Old Timer from the Ranks of the Trail Blazers"

Contributed by Gary Burris

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