Greenwood County

Willow Valley School Reports

Eureka Herald - 1 March 1877

Report of Willow Valley School, District No. 16.
For the month ending February 23, 1877.

Pupils over 75 per cent in attendance:
Allie Brothers, Eddie Troutmen, Ellie Brothers, Joseph Dewey, Sarah Dewey, Elbert Dalton, Eliza Dewey, Frank Rawson, Manda Cooper, Willie Bulion, Lila Cooper, Ephraim Dewey, Willie Holland, Jimmie Dewey.

Pupils over 75 per cent in deportment:
Cassie Foster, May Bulion, Allie Borthers, Maggie Holland, Hattie McIntosh, Manda Cooper, Sadie Beckley, Lila Cooper, Sarah Dewey, Eddie Troutman, Eliza Dewey, Joseph Dewey, Stella Alvord, Jimmie Holland, Eva Alvord, Willie Holland, Mary Hoy, Grant Foster, Stella Hoy, Willie Bulion.

Visits by members of the board:
Mr. Babb, Mr. Brothers, Mr. Rawson, Mr. E. Dewey, Mr. E Foster, Mr. J. Dewey, Mrs. Alvord, Mrs. Rawson, Miss Ida Holland.

Ida L. Rawson, Teacher.

Madison News - 23 December 1886

For the Month Ending December 9, 1886

The following is the grade attained by each pupil in Willow Valley school for the month ending December 9.

Primary Grade
Myrtle McKee, 85; Roscoe Bullion, 90; Frank Wilduner, 90; Allan Kathary, 90; Charley McKean, 90.

Intermediate Grade
Felix McKean, 85; James Criswell, 85; Milo Brothers, 90; Asa Brothers, 81; Charles Wilduner, 95; George Yeager, 95; Malleck Bulion, 90; Edwin Bulion, 95; Edward Brothers, 80; Warren Brothers, 87; Theodore Kathary, 90, Ralph Porter, 82; Edith Yeager, 87; Ella Roberts, 82; Maud Mausey, 86, Effie McKean, 90; Alva Holland, 60.

Advanced Grade
May Bulion, 89; Alice Brothers, 88; Bertha Alvord, 80; E. O. Lawhon, 93; Willis Faught, 90; John Kathary, 89; Wm. Salling, 80; Grant Foster, 92; Maggie Yeager, 92; Ella McKean, 89; Charles Holland, 81; Wilson McKean, 86.

Parents, school district officers and county superintendent respectfully invited to visit the school.

H. D. Porter, Teacher.

Contributed by James Holland

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