Harper County

History of Crystal Springs

The following history was taken from "The Harper County Story" by Gwendoline & Paul Sanders Copyright 1968, Library of Congress call number 68-54660, The Mennonite Press, Newton, KS

Crystal Springs

From the "Kansas Cyclopedia 1912"

Crystal Springs, a little village in Lake Township, Harper County, is a station on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad about half was between Harper and Attica. It has a post office, an express office, telephone connections, and in 1910 reported a population of 38.

The Crisfield post office was established January 16, 1885, with Mrs. Naomi L. Bukins as postmaster.

Present Day Crystal Springs (1963)

The present population is 25. Crystal Springs is in the Attica unified school district. The post office is located in the residence of the postmaster, Mrs. Miller.

The present-day business establishments are: one grocery store, a slaughter and meat processing plant with a locker service, enjoys an especially fine reputation, a service station and bulk oil plant, a machine shop and a grain elevator.

The legal description of Crystal Springs is northeast one-fourth, section 13, township 32, south, range 8 west.

When the Amish Mennonite settlers arrived in Harper County, Crystal Springs consisted of a depot, a post office, a blacksmith shop, stockyards and two grain elevators; in addition there were four dwelling houses. Probable date 1890.

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