Harper County

History of Joppa

The following history was taken from "The Harper County Story" by Gwendoline & Paul Sanders Copyright 1968, Library of Congress call number 68-54660, The Mennonite Press, Newton, KS


This post office bears the name of  "Old Site Joppa" in the 1886 Atlas of Harper County. Its location appears to be northwest one-fourth of Section 4, township 31 south, range 8 west, on Land owned by Peter Squires. The post office was established June 30, 1879 and was discontinued October 14, 1884. The first postmaster was John A. Squires.

From "The Harper Graphic," July 4, 1884

Ten miles west of Harper the new town of Joppa was recently platted. There they have several stores, blacksmith, stage stand, etc., and there is good opportunity for building up a nice town, situated in Bluff Creek valley.

Click Here for the Town Plat Maps Page



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This page was last updated 07/10/2024